Chapter 48: ?I remember you two

Uchiha Kei and Naikaze Minato have been chatting for a long time, Uchiha Ki can see that Naikaze Minato is still friendly to him.

This makes Uchiha Kai quite happy in his heart. Although it is said that Namikaze Minato died in less than a year in power, but in the period before he died, maybe Uchiha Kai can still get some What about the benefits.

Uchiha Kei is also thinking about what to do in the future. After all, whoever came to this world and became a member of this family, Uchiha Kei can't even think about it.

Danzo, these three generations are not good birds, both of them are full of insidious and virtuous.

The only difference is that Danzo completely put his insidiousness outside for everyone to see, and then said sanely, "Everything is for Konoha."

The three generations of Hokage are completely sanctimonious to show their 'tolerance and kindness' as Hokage, but behind the scenes, I am afraid that the most clear is the big ninja family of Konoha.

The existence of these two people does not deny that they have managed Konoha very well, but as they grow older, Konoha, a bright tree, inevitably begins to rot from the inside.

Power is the best catalyst. The two of them may not be completely opposite to each other, but they are definitely a bit different, but even so, the two have absolutely the same views on certain things.

Turning the fourth Hokage into his own puppet is the masterpiece of the third generation. If he does not miss this aspect, he will not be able to sit on his own without re-opening the Hokage election after the death of the fourth generation.

In his eyes, he is probably the best Hokage, right?

Although it is said that some Danzo may interfere with it, don't forget that there is also the column of Joinin's vote of confidence. Danzo's highest achievement so far is acting as Hokage.

Speaking of Danzo, this guy is also a guy with a lot of interests. His penetration of Anbu and his control over the roots, it is not difficult to see what his purpose is.

Anbu is the most complicated unit in the Konoha ninja organization. They are mysterious and powerful. They are proficient in assassination and protection. This unit can only be controlled by Hokage.

"Take a good rest, you can go back soon, and your team will also go back. It is because of you that the form of the war has basically become clear."

Namikaze Minato didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, he smiled at Uchiha Kai and stood up to leave.

Turning around, Uchiha Kai shook his head and was too lazy to think about these things. Looking at Minato Naikaze who turned and left, Uchiha Kai could only wish him good luck.

There is no doubt about the strength of Namifeng Minato. Uchiha Kei still remembers what he saw after taking out the four Iwanin.

The huge spiral pills that filled the sky with a terrifying aura fell one by one. With the violent explosion and the screams of the five tails, this battle was truly over.

Uchiha Kai couldn't forget that he was stunned at the time, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have a life from him and was lucky to come back.

No wonder Uchiha Obito was beaten by him when he ran to attack Konoha. Although Obito lost an eye, he had control over the Shaker and the Kaleidoscope Shaker, but it wasn't because of Uchiha Qineng now. Than.

However, Uchiha Kei felt that if he had the level of Obito, he might have a big chance of winning against Namikaze Minato.

"You use your Flying Thunder God, and I will use 'Stay of Time' the moment you come out, and then just twist your neck."

Kei Uchiha thought to himself that he was not sure what would happen to his eyes after he finished using it, but at least Kei Uchiha did have a way to defeat Namikaze Minato.

Going to the stone bed, Uchiha started to let go of his spirit. At this moment, he suddenly remembered a problem, that is, he seemed to underestimate Imai Kenta.

Although Uchiha Kei has always put Imai Kenta in a very strong position, but now he finds that he still seems to underestimate him.

As Iwa Shinobi, who is also guarding the bridge, how could it be a simple thing?

But when Uchiha Kai met Imai Kenta yesterday, he found that although this guy had some scratches on his body and his chakra consumption was relatively large, this guy completed the task and came back alive.

This can only show one thing, this guy defeated the Iwa Shinobi hiding under the bridge, and even killed that guy and completed the task, this guy is really not easy.

"In comparison, Aya Hyuga is a little worse."

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and suddenly he was stunned for a moment: "Wait, this woman must have done it on purpose, right? Kakashi was seriously injured at that time, whether it was as Kakashi's teammate or the severity of the injury to determine, Nohara Rin will give priority to Kakashi, then Hyuga Aya..."

Kai Uchiha used to be envious of Aya Hyuga's injury before, which would make it possible for Kai Uchiha to find out that Aya Hyuga really did it on purpose!

As a woman who has lived on the battlefield for so long, she is really not likely to be defeated so easily by a Junin Iwanin, especially since she is a member of the Hinata clan.

Aya Hyuga hates herself very much, and Kai Uchiha knows it very well This is not only a problem with the family's pupil technique, nor is it just the extent of the performance of the Xueji limit, but also because they are the same people.

Aya Hyuga was unhappy with herself, but Kei Uchiha didn't take it to heart, because she would be unhappy if she was a leader who had no strength in her eyes.

In addition to some incompatibility between the Uchiha Kai clan and the Hinata clan, this kind of unhappiness will naturally continue to grow.

Even if Uchiha Kai could rely on sneak attacks to solve some Iwanin, but it was only limited to sneak attacks and the opponent's lack of preparation, Hyuga Aya must think that she could easily handle Uchiha Kai by relying on Hyuga's defensive power.

But after Uchiha Kai 'opened the Sharinyan', everything changed, and Hyuga Aya in the case of 'offending' Uchiha Kai, and the task is very dangerous, the possibility of her deliberately hurting herself is really Infinite increase!

"This woman..." Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that he really wanted to kill her in Konoha's position?

Or kill your teammates inside Konoha?

Kei Uchiha won't do this, and although this woman hates him, Kei Uchiha isn't ready to put a bar on his forehead.

As for the mission?

Kei Uchiha may not be able to strike, because the value of this woman's ability to block ninjutsu and enemies is much more effective than dying in her own hands.

Now this woman is on her way back to Konoha Village. She went back with Kakashi. I'm afraid she didn't expect that she and Imai Kenta would also go back now, right?

"I'm really looking forward to seeing this woman in my eyes again."

Kai Uchiha thought maliciously: "I really underestimate you, not only you, but also Kenta Imai, but I can remember the two of you."