Chapter 50: ?Back to the village

After a few days, Uchiha finally returned to Konoha with the wounded. Looking at the familiar Konoha gate and the three statues standing on Hokage Rock, Uchiha was filled with emotion.

Finally came back, finally came back alive.

It's not just Uchiha Kei who has this kind of emotion, but the Konoha wounded people who traveled with him are also very emotional.

The idea of ​​'wanting to live' is not just Uchiha Kai, but almost everyone who goes to the battlefield.

Although it is said that it is not suitable to fight on the battlefield with such distracting thoughts, this is the deepest desire hidden in everyone's heart, and once it is safe, such desire will come out again.

Maybe it's because they weren't considered the winning troops, so no one came to greet them, and Uchiha Kei didn't care that much.

It's just when he and Masato Yamanaka said goodbye and were about to head towards Uchiha's clan, he suddenly found several ninjas in Uchiha costumes walking towards him.

Several of these people are known to Uchiha, but Uchiha has no connection with them, because they are not the same.

Within the family, these guys belong to the type of people who are 'worthy of training' or 'don't need to go to the battlefield'. They serve the elders of the family, or they are members of the Konoha guard force.

To put it simply, they are the most typical 'Uchiha' clansmen. Under normal circumstances, they don't look down on 'marginal figures' like Uchiha Kai, because Uchiha Kai doesn't even have a writing wheel.

But at this moment it is different. The information from the front line, Uchiha Kai, the 'marginal figure', is different. He has a writing wheel eye and is still a writing wheel eye of Sangouyu!

"It looks like you have been approved by the family." Masato Yamanaka also saw those Uchiha clansmen, he smiled and said to Uchiha Qi: "Then I won't bother you, I'm going back, thank you. get me out."

"You've said it many times along the way, Masato." Uchiha Qi smiled: "Go back early, your injury is much heavier than mine."

"Well, next time we meet, maybe I'll ask you to stop Kaisho Shinobu." Masato Yamanaka teased, then waved his hand and turned to leave.

Kai Uchiha looked at Masato Yamanaka with a smile, but the smile on his face slowly disappeared after he slowly walked away.

Masato Yamanaka is a member of the Yamanaka family. Although he doesn't know his relationship with Kaiichi Yamanaka, no matter how he looks at it, he is a qualified ninja of a famous family.

It's good to have a good relationship with such a ninja no matter how you look at it, but since the other party has left, there is no need for Uchiha Kei to maintain that kind of smile. He is not Imai Kenta.

What's more, the annoying guys have also come. Uchiha Kai really looks down on these Uchiha members, or the Uchiha members who serve the clan elders.

Every clan is complicated, even the Hyuga clan, which has a clear clan and division, has a lot of internal struggles.

At the beginning, the issue of Hyuga Hizu's daily errand in Hyuga was also embarrassed by the clan elders of the family. Of course, his biggest embarrassment came from the three generations of Hokage.

There are also different factions within Uchiha, the clan elder and the clan chief are not necessarily the same, otherwise it is impossible for the clan chief to go to the battlefield and these people not to join.

Of course, it is also possible that Uchiha Fugaku wanted to train Itachi, but there might be some ways to do it, such as the control of the Konoha guard force.

Although this right is the origin of accelerating the deterioration of the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha residents, but this thing can corrupt people's hearts.

"Uchiha Kai, welcome back." A female Uchiha member said with a formulaic smile in the team that came to greet Uchiha Kai.

Kei Uchiha knows her. Her name is Jun Uchiha. She is very beautiful and has a lot of skills. She is a very popular woman in the family.

"Ah, hello." Uchiha Ki nodded, his face was calm, and his tone was neither cold nor enthusiastic.

Uchiha Chun didn't care about Uchiha Kai's attitude at all, she still said with a smile: "Welcome back, and congratulations on the honor you have won on the front line. But you know, we have received information that you have turned on the wheel. , so we wanted to verify that."

"Yeah." Uchiha Ki nodded, but his mind was full of sneer.

Sure enough, these guys came here to write round eyes, but this family regarded these eyes as more important than anything else, because having these eyes means having power.

And even if they don't say what they think in their hearts, I am afraid that some powerful members of the Uchiha clan can feel it more or less, so I think members like Uchiha Kai who are still young and have opened the wheel eye are all is worth wooing.

But before that, one thing must be determined, and that is the level of the pair of writing wheels.

According to the information, Uchiha Kai opened the writing wheel eye is Sangou jade, this kind of thing has never happened in the history of the Uchiha family.

Kai Uchiha knows very well that his eyes are not that mysterious at all, and he is not a 'chosen son' like Uchiha Obito who goes astray.

If possible, Uchiha Qi would also like to show only two or even one of his swollen gouyu but the actual situation is that he can't do it, otherwise he would have turned on the writing wheel and scurried.

But it's different now. If they want to see it, show it to them, because all they can see is the 'truth' that was covered up by Kai Uchiha.

His eyes were tightly closed, and when Uchiha opened it the next second, his eyes had become scarlet, and three pitch-black gouyu slowly rotated around his pupils.

Sangou jade writing wheel eye, this is already the extreme of ordinary writing wheel eye, these guys who came to pick up Uchiha Kai saw these eyes and their expressions changed a bit, whether it was envy or jealousy. Have.

No matter how well they controlled, they were all revealed in Uchiha's eyes, which made Uchiha's inner sneer even worse.

I'm afraid that few of these guys have evolved their eyes to this stage, right?

What's more, this is not the limit of Uchiha Kai, but even this step is completely enough. Uchiha Kai clearly saw Uchiha's expression becoming a little dignified, but soon she showed a brighter smile.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai closed his own shackles and looked at these guys silently.

"Qijun really deserves to be a genius of the Uchiha clan." Uchiha Chun said with a bright smile: "I think whether it is the patriarch or the elders, they will be very happy to see a genius of your age who comes to revitalize the Uchiha clan. The future."

"A genius?" Uchiha Kai's face was still calm: "I am a genius, I have a clear mind, and I am tired now and don't want to talk nonsense with you. If you have anything to say, hurry up."

"Pride of genius? Qijun can take care of it, we are here to welcome you home."