Chapter 51: ?Father and mother

"Have you come back?"

In Hokage's office, the third Hokage put down the piece in his hand, took a strong puff of his pipe, closed his eyes and thought for a while before opening his eyes, and at the same time he slowly exhaled smoke.

In all fairness, the three generations of Hokage were very shocked. He never thought that a Uchiha kid who looked very ordinary would be so dazzling.

If it wasn't for Konoha's mission assessment and intelligence system, and if it wasn't for the third Hokage who handed in this material, he would have thought the information was fake.

Hatake Kakashi is undoubtedly a genius with infinite surprises, but now compared to this Uchiha kid, he seems a lot more ordinary.

The most important thing is that this kid just opened his eyes and is Sangoyu's writing wheel. Not to mention that the Uchiha family may have never heard of such a situation, even he, who has almost witnessed the development of Konoha, has never heard of it.

As for how far this kid can go in the end, the three generations of Hokage don't know, he still has other things to worry about, that is Kakashi this kid.

The people of the Uchiha family are really insane. Apart from Uchiha's eyes, there is another kid who also opened his eyes, and that is Kakashi's teammate Uchiha Obito.

This little devil died after opening his eyes. This kind of thing is a 'good thing' for the three generations of Hokage.

Although such a dangerous idea cannot appear during the war, every ninja is an important force in defending Konoha, but there are some hidden things in it.

But you die when you die, why did you give Kakashi your eyes?

As Kakashi as a gift from Joinin?

So can every Konoha ninja who becomes Jōnin and your Uchiha clan get one?

Naikaze Minato, a disciple of Jiraiya, actually acquiesced in this matter, which gave the three generations of Hokage a headache. Although he also felt that it was a good way to handle it, the Uchiha group of guys might not be willing to let it go.

The combination of these headaches really made the three generations of Hokage irritable, otherwise he would not have quickly arranged Jiraiya to the Iwanin battlefield in the country of grass. This idiot-like disciple has grown to a sufficient height now. .

"I hope that the Uchiha group will not make any trouble now." Sandai Hokage bit his pipe and pressed his hat down: "But now the war is almost over, Jiraiya and Namifeng Minato are in charge of Heyan. It shouldn't be a big problem to negotiate, but Orochimaru..."

Originally, his mood was only a normal three-generation Hokage. When he thought of his other disciple, he felt even more irritable, and even the good news of the grass country battlefield made him a little lack of interest.

Orochimaru has not been safe recently, especially now that some things are constantly being pushed out to make the three generations of Hokage feel the pressure, and it seems that his disciple has really changed.

He became a little bit incomprehensible, and the three generations of Hokage himself need to be careful. This has to be said to be a tragedy.

"Is it Danzo? Or something else? I hope it doesn't cause any trouble sooner..."

Just when the three generations of Hokage had the most headaches, Uchiha Kai had returned to the Uchiha family. Along the way, Uchiha Chun kept talking to Uchiha Kai, and Uchiha Kai also talked to them as much as possible.

After all, Kei Uchiha knows his position, and to be honest, Kei Uchiha really needs the resources of the Uchiha family. Although he looks down on these people around him, he still talks a lot with patience.

After they returned to Uchiha's clan, the guys who received them also bid farewell. Obviously, they wanted to go back to report the situation.

"Are you here to test my attitude?" Uchiha Kei waited until these people left, then shook his head and didn't bother to pay attention to these guys.

The questions they asked were actually quite unnutritious, but Uchiha Kei almost guessed their thoughts through these questions. It was nothing more than hinting at something within his family and promising some relative benefits.

These things, Uchiha Kei also just looked and nodded to show that he understood, but he didn't mean to make any statement, because it was an inevitable thing.

Kei Uchiha had to show some of his 'resentment' and 'proud' to reassure them. It doesn't matter who he joins in the end.

After all, I just got off the battlefield and participated in such a dangerous mission and completed it. It is impossible to have no 'resentment'.

What's more, at a young age, he has reached the level of three-gou jade writing round eyes. If he is not so arrogant, I am afraid it will be very abnormal.

Kei Uchiha hates the way of communication that pretends to be a snake, but without thinking about how to go in the future, Kei Uchiha can only do this.

The family is another battlefield, which is not much safer than the battlefield. There are countless people who have made outstanding achievements on the battlefield, but in the end, are there less people who fall into the infighting of the family and the country?

Walking alone on a familiar road, Uchiha Kai walked back to his home according to his memory.

Uchiha's home is neither big nor small. It is a house for three people. When he opened the door, Uchiha just saw his parents in this life.

Kai Uchiha came to this world and did not honorably become one of the members of "Parents Sacrifice Heaven, Boundless Mana", but the relationship between him and his parents in this life was very dull, and he was completely unable to cultivate suitable feelings.

"Ki-kun, are you back?" Uchiha's mother, Ryoko Uchiha, saw him come in and immediately stood up with a smile Ah, back. "Uchiha Kei nodded, his eyes swept across the excited woman, and the man who was sitting in the living room with a calm expression but the corners of his eyes couldn't contain his excitement.

Uchiha Kei's father, Uchiha Keisuke, was once a Chunin, but he was injured during the Second Ninja World War and almost cut off his career as a ninja.

Therefore, the current Uchiha Keisuke is not strictly a ninja anymore. He relies more on the resources and relationships within the clan to do some business to maintain his family.

He is a family-friendly person, but he speaks very little and is very silent, probably because of the imbalance in his heart after his ninja was ruined.

However, he is still good to Uchiha Kai. He built the foundation of Uchiha Kai. Although he is only limited by the strength and vision of a Chunin, Uchiha Kai is also very grateful to him.

At least a lot of his experience has benefited Uchiha a lot, and it was also the basis for Uchiha to survive when he first went to the battlefield.

And Uchiha's mother is a civilian in the Konoha Guard Force, and her strength is about Shimonin. She records some small things every day. She belongs to the kind of marginal person who has no room for improvement.

"It's still so cold, your temper is really bad." Uchiha Ryoko has long been accustomed to Uchiha's cold temperament, she said indifferently: "I heard that you are injured? Are you okay? Do you want to go? hospital?"

"I'm fine, I just need a good rest." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, I'm afraid they are the people in the Uchiha family who don't care about their own writing wheel eyes but care about their physical condition.

However, it was really difficult for Uchiha Kai to adapt to their identities, from birth to the present...