Chapter 52: ?0 bird

After returning to Konoha for a good rest for a few days, Uchiha Kai began to run to the forest where he had been training for the reason of training.

Ryoko Uchiha still has a lot of opinions on this. Uchiha Kai is a very quiet and well-behaved child, but the relationship between this child and himself and Keisuke does not look like a parent and child.

Ryoko and Keisuke both felt uncomfortable at first, but after so many years they have become accustomed to it.

They don't care about Uchiha's fame on the battlefield this time. Although they are also very happy that Uchiha has turned on the Sharinyan and is still a three-god jade, they are more concerned about Uchiha's physical condition.

However, as a father, Keisuke Uchiha is much calmer than Ryoko Uchiha. Kei Uchiha has been on the battlefield for six years. Obviously, Keisuke feels that Kei Uchiha has his own judgment.

After all, no matter how powerful a ninja is, his body must be healthy enough. Is he a good example?

Uchiha Kei walked towards the forest where he often trains. He is not sure if he is being watched. After all, Uchiha Kei is really hard to be regarded as a 'marginal figure' now.

And Uchiha Kei does not have the detective ability of Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya, so Uchiha Ke can only temporarily give up going to the place where he keeps his records, so as to train and fiddle with some other things.

For example, Chidori, which Kakashi entrusted to Namifeng Minato to him, contains ninjutsu and some of Kakashi's own experience scrolls, which Uchiha has not studied well until now.

Uchiha Qi is naturally good at possessing fire attribute chakra, which can be regarded as a normal Uchiha performance, while thunder attribute Uchiha Qi is not so sure.

However, the chakra attributes that a ninja is born with does not determine that he will only have these in the future. Other chakra attributes can be learned and refined by himself.

Kei Uchiha doesn't remember whether Sasuke Uchiha's thunder attribute is acquired or innate, but Kei Uchiha remembers that he has done a lot of things by relying on the thunder attribute Chidori.

Chidori's ninjutsu isn't really a simple thing, because this ninjutsu has both chakra nature changes and morphological changes, so it can be said to be a relatively comprehensive ninjutsu.

And the most interesting thing about this ninjutsu is that it is more like a prototype. Sasuke Uchiha developed a lot of things based on this ninjutsu.

Like Chidori-ryu, Chidori Blade, Chidori Spear, Chidori Chibon, Kirin, etc., it can be said that this ninjutsu can be compared to Spiral Maru to some extent.

"As expected of a master and apprentice, even the ninjutsu he has come up with is similar." Uchiha Kai couldn't help thinking after reading Kakashi's information.

The Spiral Maru can really only be regarded as a prototype ninjutsu. Even if its power itself is large enough, its plasticity is very high, and it is definitely higher than Chidori in more than one category.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the path chosen by Naruto Uzumaki, but the starting point of these two spells has already determined their future continuity.

Spiral pill is a ninjutsu without chakra attributes, which means that it is like a blank sheet of paper, and it can create different effects according to different chakra attributes, but Chidori has been qualitative.

"But compared to Spiral Maru, Chidori's ninjutsu is more suitable for Uchiha."

Uchiha Kei is not greedy, what suits him is the best. Obviously, Chidori is not only suitable for him but also his own Shaker.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply started training this ninjutsu.

In fact, this ninjutsu is not so difficult for Uchiha Kai, because Uchiha Kai has already recorded the operation of Kakashi and Chakra with the writing wheel when doing the task together.

Uchiha Kei is not a kind person. He can open his eyes and tell lies after copying Imai Kenta's sword, so how could he miss Kakashi's ninjutsu?

Especially when Kai Uchiha lacks this kind of "decisive" ninjutsu, he will never miss it so easily.

It's just that Uchiha Kai's copy is a copy, but it's really embarrassing to find that it doesn't work. There are too many things involved, and he doesn't have time to solve it on the battlefield.

Otherwise, after obtaining this scroll, Uchiha Kai can practice hard, and he won't wait until now to take it slow. This can be regarded as Uchiha Kai's helplessness.

Learning and practicing ninjutsu is very time-consuming, and the place where Uchiha Kai spends the most time is still obtaining the thunder attribute chakra, and the change in the nature of the thunder attribute chakra.

In the original book, it took Sasuke more than ten days to achieve this step. Uchiha Qi thought that his talent might not be comparable to this unborn kid, so he was not too anxious.

If there is any serious difficulty, it would be better if Uchiha Qi went to Konoha Hospital, anyway, Kakashi is still laying there to recover.

Time passed day by day, and good news continued to come from the front line, which was also expected by Kai Uchiha.

The Shenwubi Bridge was blown up by himself, then the supply and backup lines were cut off, and at the same time, his own country had to face a group of lunatics, and Yan Shinobu in the country of grass was already a lonely ghost.

It just makes Uchiha Kei feel strange that since the last time Uchiha Jun and the others found him, they haven't bothered him anymore, as if Uchiha Kei didn't exist.

But that's fine. Kei Uchiha didn't like them in the first place. If they didn't come looking for him, Kei Uchiha wouldn't go to them at all. At least now Kei Uchiha wouldn't take the initiative to look for them.

What Uchiha Kei has to do now is to master the ninjutsu of Chidori, so that Uchiha Kei can be regarded as having a ninjutsu that can decide the outcome at a critical moment.

Although Uchiha Ryoko was very dissatisfied with Uchiha's training, she didn't say much, but every night she would apply medicine to Uchiha's right hand to help Uchiha recover better~www.novelhall .com ~ Chidori! "

After half a month of training and practice, Uchiha Kai has gradually solved the problem of thunder attribute chakra and its qualitative change, and I have to thank Kakashi for the information that Uchiha Kai has achieved such a speed.

With the seal of Uchiha Kai, his right hand was soon covered with arcs that kept wandering, and the arcs gathered more and more. Uchiha Kai frowned a little, these arcs were not easy to control at all.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't take it too seriously. As Uchiha Kai's eyes became scarlet, his body coordination and control suddenly became stronger.

And these arcs, which were not obedient at all, were also honest at this moment. As Kai Uchiha continued to control the large group of thunder-type chakras on his right hand, there was a sound similar to that of a bird.

This kind of sound brought a smile to Uchiha Kai's face, and soon there were more and more bird calls, and the voices became louder and clearer, one, two... ten, twenty... ...a hundred, two hundred... It's like thousands of birds chirping at the same time, and the sound spreads more and more widely.

"You'd better come out now, otherwise I can't guarantee whether this technique will fall on you." But at this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly turned his voice slightly indifferent and said coldly.

The hidden person Uchiha Kai may not be able to find it, but the undisguised person Uchiha Kai will not pretend to be invisible.

"As expected of a ninja who came down from the battlefield, he is very sharp, Kai-kun." Uchiha's voice just fell, Uchiha Jun slowly walked out from behind the tree and complimented: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not stealing. Watching you practice ninjutsu, but I have a message to tell you."


"The patriarch is back, and the others want to see you."