Chapter 53: ? Uchiha Fuyake

Is Uchiha Fugaku back?

Following Uchiha Jun all the way to Uchiha Fuyue's residence, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but secretly thought that if he remembered correctly, this 'Ten Thousand Years Voldemort' went to the front line, and he took his son there.

Now that he is back, it also shows one thing from the side, that is, Iwanin's offensive is no longer enough, and the things that should be discussed in the next few months or even just a few weeks will be finished.

After all, this time, there were hundreds of Iwa Shinobi who became lonely ghosts, including possibly the son of the three generations of Tsuchikage, Loess - but Uchiha Kei felt that this guy should have retreated.

But it doesn't matter, the five-tailed man Zhuri is still in the hands of Minato Namikaze. With the five-tailed man Zhuri as a bargaining chip, Konoha is also unafraid, and the third generation of such a strategic weapon will never give up.

It can be said that this is the highlight moment of Minato Minato, and it is also a good opportunity for him to accumulate political chips. In Konoha for half a month, Kai Uchiha has been able to faintly hear some voices.

No matter how dedicated Uchiha Kei is, no matter how well Konoha conceals, but public opinion needs to be guided rather than concealed blindly.

I'm afraid no one wants to believe what happened to Orochimaru, let's not say whether he is real or not, but from the stupid trick Konoha made this time, it can be seen that they are really anxious.

It may be due to the difference in the way of thinking, and Uchiha Kai, who came from a technologically advanced world, saw it more thoroughly.

If nothing else, Uchiha's investment has been fruitful, and it takes patience to really get a return. After all, Namikaze Minato is still only the monitor of the ninja class, not Hokage.

Hokage is a special position. Even if it is a Hokage who has no right to speak, his image and his symbolism are definitely much higher than that of a squad leader who goes to the ninja class.

With these things in mind, Kei Uchiha turned his head and glanced at the woman Jun Uchiha. He suddenly discovered something very interesting.

Because Uchiha Kei initially thought that this woman was a subordinate of a certain clan elder in the family, but now it seems that the situation is different, because the object of her allegiance seems to be Uchiha Fugaku.

Kai Uchiha couldn't help but sneer in his heart. The small Konoha Village is interesting enough, but I didn't expect a smaller Uchiha family to be so interesting.

The elders of the family and the patriarch of the family are not of the same mind to a certain extent. In addition to the opposition between the doves and the hawks, and the top members of the family are brainwashed, it is no wonder that such a family will be exterminated.

"We're here, Qi-kun." It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Uchiha Fuyake's residence, and Uchiha Jun said with a smile: "Then I'll leave first, the patriarch hopes to meet Qi-kun alone."

"Trouble." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly and politely, and then walked towards Uchiha Fuyake's room alone.

Uchiha Fugaku's house is very large, it can be said to be the largest residence of the Uchiha clan, but considering his status as the patriarch, everything is reasonable.

As the face of Uchiha, no matter what aspect he is, it is impossible for him to humiliate the name Uchiha.

Following the servants hired by the family, Uchiha Kai walked through the corridor to a small pond. The water in the small pond was very clear, and many fish could be seen wandering in it.

The small bamboo tube made of green bamboo is constantly being filled with water. The peaceful sound of running water and the crisp sound of tapping the stones when the bamboo is full are very pleasant.

Such a quiet atmosphere makes people feel calm in their hearts, and in the pavilion next to this small pond, there is a middle-aged man sitting alone drinking tea, that is Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fuyue raised his head and saw Uchiha Kai, and then beckoned him to come over, Uchiha Kai walked over without being polite.

Since we want to meet, let's meet well, and the environment here is also good for Uchiha Kei, which makes him feel very comfortable.

"Patriarch." After walking in front of Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Ki bowed very honestly to him. Uchiha Ki might not care about this guy's identity, but his eyes Uchiha Ki didn't dare to be careless.

"Ki-kun, sit down, don't be so polite." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, then motioned Uchiha to sit down: "This is our first time meeting, right? It's my first time seeing you."

"Yes, Patriarch." Uchiha Kai nodded respectfully, although Uchiha Fugaku said you're welcome, but Uchiha Kai wouldn't do it.

"I have heard your performance on the battlefield, and I have also heard about you after I came back." Uchiha Fuyue took a sip of tea, and then slowly said: "I have to say that you really amazed me, and you The appearance also alarmed many people in the clan."

Uchiha Kei didn't speak, but quietly listened to Uchiha Fuyake's narration. In fact, why didn't Uchiha Kei know about these things?

The people he disturbed were not only the Uchiha clan, but also the senior officials of Konoha!

However, Uchiha Fuyue did not elaborate, and Uchiha Kai naturally would not be so 'smart'.

In terms of forbearance, Uchiha Fuyue is definitely number one, in indecision, Uchiha Fuyue is definitely number one, and this guy with neuropathy is probably number one, right?

"Sangouyu's writing wheel eye is interesting and incredible." Uchiha Fuyue put down the teacup in his hand, and he suddenly said after listening to the crisp sound of the bamboo tube hitting the stone: "You actually have already opened the writing wheel eye, right? ?"

Uchiha Kai frowned, but he didn't answer the question. He was silent and looked at Uchiha Fuyue with a puzzled face At the same time, he was also thinking about where he was. After going out, after thinking about it, it seems that Uchiha Kai found that he didn't seem to have any flaws. Everyone who had seen him write a round eye before was dead, whether it was the enemy or his teammates.

Those who are still alive are the reasons why Uchiha Kai didn't want to hide it anymore after he opened the kaleidoscope, or he couldn't hide it.

"Opening your eyes is a three-gou jade. This kind of thing does not appear in the family records." Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about Uchiha's silence, he continued: "And you seem to have mastered it very quickly after you opened the writing wheel. , It doesn't seem like the first time to use the wheel eye, and you even killed the Shishui Hiiragi team, it's really interesting."

It turned out to be so!

Uchiha Kai probably understood what was going on. Maybe outsiders didn't know what the Shakers were, so they couldn't see anything, but as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, who also had a kaleidoscope Shaker, certainly knew.

You want to use Sharinyan perfectly, but it takes a long time to control and study, and Uchiha Kai is Sangouyu when he opens his eyes, and relying on these eyes to kill the ninja team with a big reputation, no matter how you look at it Incredible!

"They were careless, Patriarch." But it didn't matter to Uchiha Kai, he still said calmly: "Besides, if I already had a wheel eye, why didn't I use it directly?"

"Yeah, maybe they were careless, and you really have no reason to refuse such an honor." Uchiha Fuyue smiled along with Uchiha Kai's words: "No matter what the reason is, you will be a member of the annals of history. ."

In the history books?

Kai Uchiha sneered inwardly, this is probably a death list, right?