Chapter 55: ? 1 more way

Leaving from Uchiha Fuyue's house, Uchiha Kai returned directly to his home.

In Uchiha's eyes, Fuyue's temptation is really a bit of a pediatrician. Not to mention the education level of Uchiha's previous life, he can see a lot of right and wrong. Uchiha, who only knows the plot, knows the mind of the patriarch.

On the one hand, he is indeed fed up with Konoha's actions. The Uchiha family, as a family of Konoha Creation Village, is now being severely suppressed, and anyone else can't stand it.

But on the other hand, Uchiha Fugaku is really worthy of being Uchiha Itachi's father, and in his thinking there is also a sincere wish for peace in the village. In this point, he is really similar to Uchiha Itachi.

But the difference is that as the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, he has to take some responsibilities. With such contradictory emotions and Konoha's outbreak of the Nine-Tails Incident, the long-term distrust and suspicion finally became a fact, and he decided to go The road to a coup.

"Unfortunately, this person has strength and ambition, but he is not a hero." Uchiha Kai thought silently while lying on his bed.

The son he cultivated became the last straw that broke him, Uchiha Qi could understand him but couldn't understand him either.

The understanding is because the essence of family affection is in it, and if it is Uchiha Kai, he may be more inclined towards family affection rather than anything else.

But I couldn't understand him, because he actually made the most ridiculous decision Uchiha Kai thought!

He actually used his own life, including the entire family, to make Uchiha Itachi make a decision. Uchiha Kai would never agree to such a thing.

But fortunately, it's still early, Uchiha Itachi is still a kid and Uchiha Shisui hasn't fully grown up yet.

Although Kai Uchiha is still not strong enough, he still has enough room to grow with the kaleidoscope as his background, and now Kai Uchiha has more room for choice.

Uchiha Kai now has three choices, but three choices seem to be many but none of them are good choices.

The first choice is the simplest and most convenient - to take refuge in Konoha. This kind of thing has been seen by Uchiha in many novels, but Uchiha didn't want or want to do it.

Uchiha Qi knows what kind of high-level Konoha is. I am afraid it is not only him but also Uchiha Fuyue. Bright.

Uchiha Qi would not trust them, if he could, he would even be more willing to kill them directly!

The second option is to help the Uchiha clan to complete the coup d'état, and then let the Uchiha clan sit in the position they dream of, but Uchiha Kai thinks this plan is more nonsense than taking refuge in Konoha.

The Uchiha clan may be insane except for themselves!

The person who opened the Sharinyan is insane. Does the person without Sharinyan have enough strength? How can such a person become a Hokage?

Do you want Kai Uchiha to play in person?

He has neither the status nor the qualifications!

As for the last one, just before the Uchiha clan was exterminated, accumulate strength and defect from the village!

But this decision Uchiha Kaita refused in his heart. Thinking about the future trend, he knew that following Uchiha Madara is definitely a dead end!

Even Uchiha Kai took advantage of Naruto Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha to kill them both before they grew up, and then tried to find a way to tell Madara Uchiha that it was all a scam when he came back to life.

But Uchiha Kai also felt that the chance of success in this kind of thing was no easier than helping the Uchiha family to seize power.

A guy like Madara Uchiha who is so self-confident and conceited will not believe Uchiha Kai, and another Obito Uchiha Kai is not so easy to deal with.

What's more, don't forget that the old fellow of Six Paths Immortal is still there. He has been observing the world in the form of chakra. God knows whether Uchiha Kai will encounter Tianda when he kills Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. trouble.

As for Voldemort's Uchiha Kai, he is unwilling, and the ghost knows whether Akatsuki and Konoha will find him at that time?

Will those bounty hunters think about killing themselves for money?

All in all, the road of rebellion and forbearance is really difficult without an organization to protect it!

"Hey, it seems that no matter how you look at it, there is a dead end." Uchiha Qi rubbed his eyebrows, he felt that it was really difficult for him to choose.

This matter is really difficult for Uchiha Kai, but he knows that he must make a decision later.

If the ruler of Konoha can be kind to Uchiha....

Suddenly Uchiha was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have some ideas. Although his ideas and his plans were hampered, once they were successful, everything would be different!

It's just that there are also some difficulties that Uchiha needs to overcome, such as how to gain the trust of Uchiha Fuyue, and at the same time get higher and more rights within the Uchiha clan!

"Fortunately, I know the psychological changes of Uchiha Fuyue and his true thoughts through the original book." Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Just one 'anchor point', a small 'anchor point' can be solved. These questions, as for later..."

As for the future, that's not something Uchiha will think about Maybe this time what Uchiha thinks and tries will become his fourth choice.

But it's still too early, Uchiha Qi can only deal with all this slowly, not to mention his current strength is not enough.

He needs to improve his strength, so that he can better and more powerfully display the power of the kaleidoscope. In this world, lack of strength is equivalent to courting death.

"As for who is the fish in the pool, and who is the one who sits by the pool and watches the fish show themselves, it's really hard to say..."

Uchiha Fuyue is quite reliable. The next day, at the door of Uchiha Kai's house, several ninjas from Uchiha's family came. They were responsible for taking Uchiha Kai to the library.

The Uchiha clan has naturally stored a lot of materials and documents over the years, including various ninjutsu, taijutsu and other things, and even some seniors' practice experience. These things are very important, so you must have certain qualifications to enter the library.

Obviously, in the Uchiha family, this qualification is to write round eyes, but this is not enough.

Because these materials are extremely important, if you want to read them, you must obtain the approval of the patriarch or elder.

Uchiha Qi now has a writing wheel eye and is still a three-gou jade. He already has the preliminary qualifications, and he also has the approval of Uchiha Fuyue. Naturally, he can also enter.

The sudden appearance of these ninjas surprised Keisuke Uchiha and Ryoko Uchiha, but they were also extremely proud when they learned of the purpose of these ninjas.

After all, it is not ordinary people who can enter the library, and now their children have done it!

Although the child doesn't seem to recognize them very much...