Chapter 56: ?The Summoning of the 3rd Generation

Kai Uchiha is having a pretty good life now, probably because he doesn't need to go to the battlefield anymore, so he put all his energy on improving his own strength.

There is indeed a lot of information about the Uchiha family, and these materials are indeed helpful enough to Uchiha Kai.

In addition to the supplements of ninjutsu, Uchiha Qi put his attention more on some notes, and these notes are all information on the use of shackles.

Kai Uchiha's writing wheel was opened early, used less, and the level is still high. Although Kai Uchiha can say that he has a good grasp of it, he feels that his foundation is still a bit poor.

However, with the addition and improvement of these materials, Uchiha Qi believes that only with the accumulation of time and the constant use of Sharonan to fight, his understanding and improvement of Sharonan will reach a new height.

With Kaleidoscope Shaker Uchiha, you can really slow down a little and polish the foundation. In the past, Uchiha had no worries about the foundation in order to survive and protect the future.

He almost forced himself to raise his writing wheel to a limit. With such a foundation, he relied on the manslaughter of Namikaze Minato to open a kaleidoscope between life and death.

Uchiha Kai can still use the power of the kaleidoscope, and it is still very strong, but the problem is that Uchiha Kai will be punished for using this power indiscriminately before he finds a way to the Eternal Eye.

This is almost doomed to Uchiha Kai in the future. He must use Sangou Yu as his main combat power, instead of learning from Uchiha Sasuke, the guy who pretends to escape but can't kill him no matter what.

After all, it is the reincarnation of the old man's son in Liudao. He may be born with an immortal buff, just like Naruto Uzumaki.

In addition to learning some ninjutsu and those materials about Sharinyan, Kei Uchiha also took a good look at some materials about swordsmanship.

The Uchiha clan's physical skills are not weak or even strong, especially with the aid of the Sharinyan, their battles can become simpler and more convenient.

In order to better utilize the convenience of Sharinyan and better resolve the battle, Uchiha Kai decided to continue to use the ninja sword as he did on the battlefield of the Country of Grass.

"So I need to get a knife."

After reading these messy but unusual materials, the first thought that popped into Kai Uchiha's mind was this.

There is not much about ninjutsu that he should continue to pay attention to and learn. Fire escape is the main escape technique of Uchiha Kai, so after adding some necessary fire escape, it is enough.

And Lei Dun Chakra Uchiha has just mastered it, and Chidori is enough for Uchiha to use. He does not need to learn other things, but only needs to continue to be proficient, perfect and develop Chidori. .

"It's just...why are you becoming more and more like that junior."

Kei Uchiha found that he did seem to be a little like Sasuke Uchiha, an unborn kid, but after thinking about it, Kei Uchiha thought it might be better.

After all, Uchiha Sasuke's successful experience is there, it is impossible for Uchiha Kai not to learn and imitate it, but Uchiha Kai is not completely imitating this guy.

Fire escape Uchiha Sasuke Miku basically gave up, but Uchiha Kai would not. He didn't forget how terrifying Uchiha Madara's fire escape was.

Also, the illusion Uchiha Kei didn't plan to pull it down. Madara Uchiha kept using the shackle-eye illusion while fighting, making his opponents just chop like wooden stakes in front of him.

Kai Uchiha also hopes that he can do this step in the future. Of course, he is also sure that he can do this step in the future, as long as he is given time.

None of the Uchihas who opened the Kaleidoscope Shaker will appear ordinary and useless in the future. Even Uchiha Shisui, the idiot whose eyes he left behind, did a lot of sensational things.

In addition to Uchiha Fugaku....

"And after being back for so long, it's time to see what Kakashi gave them."

Kei Uchiha hasn't forgotten about Kakashi. After he came back, Kei Uchiha has been cultivating for so long.

During the day, he came back to Uchiha's library to read books to learn knowledge, and in the afternoon, he would practice the knowledge he had learned. Of course, he would not forget to continue practicing Chidori.

And at night, he will practice chakra well. The importance of chakra is self-evident. He doesn't want to be like Kakashi in the future because of lack of chakra, and it will be 55% with everyone.

Thinking of this, Uchiha and Ryoko said hello and went straight out. It is very necessary to have a good relationship with Kakashi, especially to help Uchiha's "imagined plan".

And Uchiha Kei is not only going to visit Kakashi, he also intends to "visit" the woman Hyuga Aya. No matter how much Uchiha Kei hates this woman, she is still Uchiha Kei's teammate.

Since he is a teammate, then Uchiha Kei can only hold his nose and do some superficial work, it doesn't matter who it is to see.

What Uchiha didn't expect was that just as he left the gate of the Uchiha clan and walked towards the interior of the village, suddenly several Anbu came to Uchiha.

This sudden situation made Kei Uchiha stunned for a moment. If it wasn't Konoha, Kei Uchiha would probably have acted subconsciously But even Kei Konoha Uchiha was cautious enough.

No matter who these Anbu belong to, Uchiha Kai doesn't have a good impression of them.

"Ki Uchiha, Hokage-sama wants to see you." The Anbu who took the lead didn't mean any nonsense, he said directly.

"Hokage-sama?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, but soon he nodded: "I see, I'll go right now, I'll trouble you."

Three generations of Hokage want to see themselves?

Uchiha Kai thought for a while, he felt that he had no right to refuse, after all, the three generations of Hokage are so stalwart.

During his reign, he led Konoha to fight two ninja wars, and according to the current trend, I am afraid that he will win both times. His prestige is probably unmatched in the entire Konoha.

In the eyes of ordinary people, getting this Hokage's summoning is the glory of Kai Uchiha.

Watching several Anbu disappear in front of his eyes, Uchiha Kai turned and walked towards Hokage's office, but while walking, Uchiha Ki was also thinking about the purpose of this Hokage looking for him.

However, this question was just a little bit of thought. Uchiha Kei probably guessed something. I'm afraid that the purpose of this 'most powerful Hokage' looking for himself is nothing more than a tentative thing.

Kai Uchiha's origin and his performance on the battlefield, as well as the attitude of the Uchiha clan to him before, are indeed worth exploring by Hokage.

Even if it's not productive, it's still possible to save face and make others think that Konoha's inside is a 'group of harmony'.

To put it bluntly, before Uchiha Shisui was brainwashed, any member of Uchiha could become 'Uchiha Shisui'.