Chapter 60: ? woman who gambles her life

Aya Hyuga's ward is very similar to Kakashi's ward, but the difference is that almost all of the female ninjas live in it.

The sudden arrival of Kai Uchiha also made these ninjas stunned, but fortunately, it didn't cause too much fluctuation. The ward of the hospital was visited by all kinds of people every day.

It's just that Aya Hyuga was taken aback by the appearance of Kai Uchiha. She never imagined that this guy would come to see her.

"Why are you here?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha with some doubts, and soon she seemed to think of something and said with a smile on her face: "It's rare, a Uchiha actually came to visit a Hinata, it seems that Qijun is indeed It's different."

The Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan are both Konoha and even the entire ninja world, also known as the Hitomi family. To be honest, these two families are actually not harmonious.

Because these two pupil techniques overlap to some extent, but they have their own development in different directions. For example, Sharinyan is the top in insight, while Baiyan is the top in detection.

In fact, Bai Yan and Sharinyan have a deep relationship, but unfortunately, only Uchiha Qi knows this, and no one else knows it.

Because of the competitive relationship, the clans of the two families will more or less have a relationship of open and secret fighting, and there will also be conflicts and unhappiness between them.

Hyuga Aya was not worried or afraid of Uchiha Kai at all before. Even before he showed his Sharinyan, Hyuga Aya looked down on Uchiha Kai, even if Uchiha Kai was able to kill Jounin.

The Hyuga clan is not easy to provoke, and the Uchiha clan is also the same. In the absence of a kaleidoscope, the "strongest ninjas" of these two clans are actually half a catty.

Aya Hyuga is a family member and Kai Uchiha is a marginal person, so she is naturally not afraid of Kai Uchiha.

But it's different now. Uchiha Kai shows that she has to be honest with her writing wheel. Although this honesty is out of jealousy, she will be unhappy if she is unhappy.

"I'm here to visit my teammates." Uchiha Kai smiled the same: "After all, as the only injured person in our team, as the captain, do I still care about my teammates?"

"Ki-kun, you've made a blunder, do you hope that something happened to Captain Tomohisa?" Hyuga Aya blinked, looking very puzzled: "Or, Qi-kun, have you got any news?"

This woman is really difficult to deal with, Uchiha Kaixin scolded secretly, it's really been a few days without this kind of yin and yang weirdness getting worse and worse.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't take it too seriously. He thought that he also had several anti-bar thirteenth-level accounts before he passed through. Although Uchiha Qi is too lazy to spray people and curse people now, and doing such things is not in line with his identity.

"Of course I hope Captain Tomohisa can live a long life, but it's a pity that even if he comes back, he won't necessarily continue to be our captain. Of course there are accidents, but..."

Uchiha Kai smiled and suddenly moved his head closer to Aya Hyuga: "I just came out of the office of Lord Hokage III, and at this moment, the one in front of you is Jounin, Hyuga Chunin."

"You? Joinin?" Hyuga Aya's expression changed a bit. Although she had expected it, Uchiha Kei became a Joinin so quickly was beyond her expectations.

Uchiha Qi has really become a Shangren, so I am afraid that there will be no Fujiu Hangping in the future, because this time the mission is all led by Uchiha Qi, and he has proved that he has enough ability to lead a team to complete the arduous task .

With Uchiha Kai as a superior, and he is probably more integrated into the team than Fujiu Hangping, it will be a matter of time before Fujiu Hangping is transferred out.

And Uchiha Kei came to visit him, I'm afraid Aya Hyuga thought, this is just a show for others to see!

"Congratulations, Captain." Although Hyuga Aya was full of frustration, she still congratulated her with a smile on her face.

Kai Uchiha watched Aya Hyuga's expression fluctuate with satisfaction. This is the case with children from big families. Even if they hate each other to death, they will definitely maintain a certain demeanor when there are other people around.

Especially for a family like the Hyuga family, which is extremely strict and follows traditions, their education and norms have almost engraved this "demeanor" into their bones, right?

"Thank you, Aya-kun." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then suddenly said in a low voice, "Take care of your injury, we will spend more days together in the future."

"Then I'll ask the captain to take care of it." Hyuga Aya said almost gritted her teeth.

"It's okay, it's inevitable to take care of the weak." The smile on Uchiha's face became even brighter: "And I have to say that Aya-kun's performance makes me very appreciate, it's really worth my study. "

"Captain, what are you talking about?" Hyuga Aya's face showed doubts again, she seemed to really know nothing.

It's just that Kai Uchiha noticed that her pupils instantly dilated a little even if she didn't open her eyes, which made Kai Uchiha firmer her judgment.

I'm afraid this woman really hurt herself on purpose, but what kind of confidence does she have that she won't have a problem?

Aya Hyuga is a woman who is ambitious, decisive, and very cherishing her life. She must have noticed some details to do this, right?

After thinking about it, Kei Uchiha seemed to have thought of something.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something." Uchiha Kei brought his head close to Hyuga Aya again, ignoring her uncomfortable expression and said softly, "Captain Minato said before he left that he would be summoned in the most critical situation. , and what is the most dangerous situation? Kakashi is seriously injured? It's almost, but it's not enough for me to really make up my mind, so the best way is to let myself be injuredCaptain, what are you talking about? "Hyuga Aya's eyes slightly wrinkled: "I'm a little tired, captain."

"Don't worry." Uchiha Qi didn't care what Hyuga Aya said at all, he continued: "Although you are very adventurous, I think you have noticed my actions, even if you have such a blank eye, you can sense that I want to sneak attack.

Then the most relaxing time for the enemy is when you are defeated. Although you were very frightened at the time, I am afraid that I will let that Iwajin kill you, right? But if you die that rock ninja will naturally target other people, you know I don't want to die, so you decide I won't let that rock ninja kill you. "

"This is all just your guess, Captain." At this moment, Aya Hyuga's face completely sank.

She looks unusually calm on the surface, but her heart is ****!

That's right, Uchiha Kai was absolutely right, she did it on purpose, she was just gambling!

She is betting that Kai Uchiha doesn't dare to let Iwanin kill herself, and then has the energy to find trouble with Kai Uchiha, and she is betting that Kai Uchiha will summon Minato Namiha after two people are injured.

I have to say that she made all the right bets, because she knew that Uchiha Kai also cherished his life, and would definitely make the most correct choice under such extreme circumstances!

And this time she was injured and could leave the battlefield of the Country of Grass without any damage to her reputation. After all, she was lucky to have survived the interception by the Loess Squad, and it was normal for her to be seriously injured.

This gamble allowed Aya Hyuga to escape successfully, but what she never expected was that Kai Uchiha actually saw through her!

Just like Uchiha's writing wheel, at this moment, Aya Hyuga was completely seen through by Uchiha...