Chapter 61: ? Fight with the air

After walking out of Konoha Hospital, Uchiha Kei was in a very good mood, especially when he thought of Aya Hyuga's pale and ugly face, it made him extremely comfortable.

This woman really dared to gamble and really had scheming. Under such extreme circumstances, she was able to come up with such a method, which not only got rid of the battlefield but also got rid of the task.

The most important thing is to let her achieve her goal or Uchiha Kai himself. This made Uchiha Kai very depressed after realizing it. How could it not make him feel extremely comfortable when he directly pierced her mind today?

However, Uchiha Kei also knew that even if he pierced it, it would be useless. Could it be that he had to go and report this woman?

Not to mention that there is no actual evidence for Uchiha Qi, as long as this woman kills Uchiha Qi and slanders her, it may not be a problem.

And once this woman becomes crazy and wants to change the limit, and offers to ask the ninja of the Yamanaka family to check her brain, then Uchiha Kai will be the worst one.

It can be said that what their team said and did completely violated the battlefield guidelines, and even threw the battlefield guidelines on the ground and stomped on it a few times. As the captain, Uchiha Kei was definitely the first to suffer.

Don't look at Uchiha's great contribution, but these things are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Konoha executives.

Look at Konoha Baiya, who has completely turned into a dead bone now, why does Uchiha Ki, a small newly promoted Joinin, fight against Konoha?

And don't forget Uchiha's surname. It is destined that if something goes wrong with him, the family may not protect him for the sake of honor, and Konoha will not let him go, so Uchiha can't stand Aya Hyuga's self-destruction at all.

Just mastering the handle of Aya Hyuga makes Kei Uchiha very comfortable. With this incident, Aya Hyuga will probably be more restrained, and this incident also reminded Kei Uchiha.

The battle at Kannabi Bridge gave Uchiha Ki a clear understanding of Imai Kenta's level. With this person's precedent, Uchiha Ki no longer dared to underestimate the woman Hyuga Aya.

Facts have also proved that Aya Hyuga is a crazy and scheming woman, and she is indeed not a guy who can let people relax their vigilance.

"If I easily believe her this time, I'm afraid that I will be killed by her in the future if I encounter any dangerous things?" Uchiha Kei thought to himself as he walked: "Fortunately, I found it early, it seems that I have to find a chance in the future. This woman needs to be dealt with."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's eyes flashed with danger. This woman has too many things that she shouldn't know, although Uchiha Kai also has her handle.

But the identity of Hyuga Aya's branch family may make her under the control of the clan at a critical moment. The Hyuga family is a smart family, they are not like the Uchiha family who are neurotic and can't see the situation.

I am afraid that they have already favored the three generations of Hokage in the lineup. Once the three representatives show a little idea, they will probably hand over Hyuga Aya without hesitation, right?

Although Kai Uchiha didn't want things to go any further, for his own safety, Kai Uchiha had to think about something else.

Sure enough, the environment is one of the most fundamental factors that drive a person crazy. If everyone yearns for the light in peacetime, Uchiha Kai cannot become like this.

After experiencing the pain of the war and knowing more about the future trend of his family, Uchiha Kei had to grit his teeth and walk towards the path he didn't want to face.

However, Kai Uchiha still has some hope in his heart. Now he has to take a step by step. If his plan is successful, there will be more choices in the future.

However, this also requires time and Uchiha's own plan. Uchiha's own affairs should be done well.

Of course, Uchiha Kei also had the best and worst plans. If his plan failed, then Uchiha Kei also planned to leave Konoha.

Uchiha Kai is not that guy Uchiha Itachi. Although his heart is dark enough, he can't kill the person who taught and raised him.

Without the pressure of the kaleidoscope, although Kei Uchiha won't change his personality, his heart and reason have gradually turned towards a single person.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun was very strong, indicating that it would be a good weather. Uchiha Kei thought it would be better for him to practice.

Now that Kai Uchiha has transformed himself, he is no longer the 'poor boy' he used to be. With so many resources, Kai Uchiha can use it to improve himself, then he really has a problem with his brain.

And Uchiha Kai also intends to record the changes in his kaleidoscope, as well as some other conjectures, and review the changes in the future.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply turned and walked towards the forest where he usually practiced, but he also maintained enough caution to constantly observe everything around him.

Moreover, the route chosen by Uchiha Qi became more and more flat. Only when he was far away from the dense forest could he be sure whether he was following someone.

Just walking, Uchiha Kai found himself getting closer and closer to a cliff, and at this place Uchiha Kai also opened his writing wheel to observe But after watching for a long time, Uchiha Kai was depressed and learned one thing.

That's because he actually thought about it for a whole month after returning to Konoha, and he was actually fighting against the air just now along the way!

"It seems that even if I have these eyes, in the eyes of Konoha's executives, it's just a trash fish."

Uchiha Qi touched his chin a little depressedly: "The war has just ended, and the three generations will not do such stupid things, and because the war is over, the three generations may still focus on negotiating with Iwa Shinobi, and... . about the Orochimaru thing."

Uchiha Qi sighed, he felt that his preconceived notions were a bit serious, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was nothing to do.

No matter how careful you are in this era, it's not too much to be too careful. Besides, it's a preparation for yourself in advance, although it seems a bit shameful now.

After thinking about these things, although Uchiha Kai was relieved, he still maintained his due vigilance, and there was always no problem with being careful, although he looked like a fool.

Uchiha Qi, who was still careful all the way, made a detour all the way, and finally he did not forget to separate a shadow clone before running all the way to his small base hidden underground.

Kei Uchiha didn't dare to make so many tricks in his room, especially since Kei Uchiha had to do missions and even go to the battlefield.

For the sake of insurance, Kai Uchiha would never do such a thing in his own home.

Walking into this dark room, Kai Uchiha didn't turn on the light either, and the scarlet writing wheel eye allowed him to see everything.

Although the environment here is very bad, but Uchiha Kai feels that it is very suitable for his current self......