Chapter 62: ?Funeral (Part 1)

Since it was confirmed that the three generations of Hokage and Konoha may have no time to pay attention to the Uchiha family, the time for Uchiha to run to his small base has gradually increased.

But Kai Uchiha didn't dare to be so arrogant, even when he was studying and recording the kaleidoscope, he didn't forget to separate a shadow clone to stay in the forest outside.

This shadow avatar can't help but be used to confuse the watchers who probably don't exist, and of course it can also be used to confuse people passing by. At the same time, it is feasible to use the shadow avatar for cultivation, which has been confirmed by Naruto Uzumaki.

Since the effective Uchiha Kai will not miss this kind of thing, the only pity is that Uchiha Kai doesn't have many Chakras, otherwise he would also like to learn Uzumaki Naruto.

Anyway, Uchiha Kai got what he wanted and could record and study his kaleidoscope writing wheel well.

It's just a pity, Uchiha Kei just made some simple records and had to stop temporarily. The news about the frontline Minato's victory without a fight, or the victories, also spread back to the village like snowflakes.

Iwanin Village, who had already lost all confidence in this war, could not resist the offensive of Minato and Jiraiya, especially when the supply line was cut off.

Although there are still quite a few Iwanin who decided to fight to the death, and even wanted to sneak attack on Shikahisa Nara and others who came to negotiate, it is a pity that the people inside the land of the land no longer want to waste their energy on the battlefield of the land of grass.

Now that things have come to this point, all the minds of the land of the land are focused on how to preserve the strength, how to end the battle decently, and how to deal with Yun Ren, who is full of muscles in his brain.

Except for some of the troops who need to beware of Iwanin and the troops who need to protect the negotiation in the country of grass, the other ninjas have basically returned to Konoha.

It's really hard to imagine that a month ago they still fought to the death, but because of the land of the land, and because of the land of the land, and Minato Namiba led the Uchiha Kai squad to attack the Kamubi Bridge, this war is so close End it!

Of course, the most important thing is Minato Namikaze. Although Kai Uchiha's reputation was good in this battle, everyone remembers that "under the leadership of Minato Namikaze".

What's more, Minato Minato's contribution to the whole war, and the victories in the battles where he exists, this also makes Minato's prestige rise steadily, and for a while, the reputation of 'Golden Shining of Konoha' is under pressure in the ninja. over everything.

He returned to Konoha Village with such prestige Namikaze Minato. He no longer needs to stay in the battlefield of the Grassland for the time being. Uchiha Qi heard that the three generations of Hokage seem to have already negotiated with Sand Shinobi, so the next step is to send pig deer. Butterfly went to negotiate with Iwa Shinobu.

After learning about this, Kei Uchiha shook his head. It seemed that the three generations of Hokage were really scared by this war. As a victorious country, he actually took the initiative to negotiate with the defeated country, instead of waiting for the defeated country to come over.

It may be that the price Konoha paid was too great. He thought that Konoha was no longer suitable to continue fighting, so he made this decision that was not like a victorious country at all—especially the terms he gave!

You must know that Ohnogi is also in a trance now, and Iwanin is also afraid of Minato Namikaze. Such an approach by the third generation may harm the interests of many people.

However, this practice is actually not surprising to Uchiha Kai, because it is almost the same as what happens to the Hinata clan in the future.

Although it seems that the methods are very different, the essence has basically been determined - sacrificing part of the interests in exchange for the interests of Konoha as a whole, this part of the interests can be a family, or the entire Konoha ninja.

As for whether the so-called Konoha's overall interests are the interests of the village or the interests of the high-level Konoha, it is a topic that is interesting and worth pondering.

However, these things have nothing to do with Kai Uchiha. He is studying his own kaleidoscope writing wheel well, and he records various data every day to judge the gap between the kaleidoscope and the ordinary writing wheel.

This difference is not in the aspect of the pupil technique, but the increase of the eyes to Uchiha after removing the pupil, such as insight, physical coordination, illusion increase and ninjutsu control, but these data Uchi Bo Qi stopped before summing up, because the three generations are going to hold a big funeral for Konoha.

War always requires human sacrifice. Everyone understands this truth, so it becomes more and more numb in the constant life and death.

As a killing machine, ninjas are even more numb. They not only ignore the lives of others, but also ignore their own lives.

But one day, when this kind of sacrifice comes to the people they care about, they realize that they are not as numb as they imagined. This is the best portrayal now.

The best way to get rid of such numbness is to need a memorial, through which these ninjas can remember that they are still 'feelings'.

At the same time, this is also a political show, whether it is to sincerely cherish the memory of the ninjas who sacrificed for Konoha, or to show the recognition of these sacrificed ninjas by the top management of Konoha, this is an inevitable event.

Kei Uchiha was not very interested in this kind of thing at first, but as Konoha Kamijin and a ninja who personally participated in the war, Kei Uchiha could only participate with Uchiha Fugaku.

"Is this also a form of identity?"

Almost all the people who came to participate in this funeral were the jounin, except for some civilians who had made meritorious deeds, the patriarchs of some big families, etc. Uchiha Qi also saw Kakashi and Namikaze Minato~www.novelhall .com~ Uchiha Kai is standing in the second row of the Uchiha family wearing a black kimono. This kind of clothes makes Uchiha Kai feel uncomfortable, but he prefers to wear his own combat uniform.

Looking at the crowd around him and the dense number of names on the monument, Uchiha Kei couldn't help feeling a little numb even if he was already a little numb.

There was no rain today, but the weather was unusually low, just like the hearts of most civilian ninjas present.

At the funeral, no one was talking about the life of the deceased, and no one was crying. It was very quiet and there was no sound.

Everyone just stood there so quietly and silently, everyone did their own thing.

Everyone knows that it is useless to say these things, and no one will mention him after today—because his name is a sad word.

His story will become an unmentioned past, disappearing under this sky, disappearing into the dust of history, leaving only the names on the consolation card that have no meaning but have important meanings.

"Patriarch, I heard that the third Hokage may have to take the blame and resign, and someone suggested that you nominate and elect the fourth Hokage..." At this moment, Uchiha Ki, who was also in a low mood, suddenly heard a guy beside him whisper speak up.

"Stop talking about this." Uchiha Fuyue refused to open his eyes without opening his eyes.

"Then what will Kakashi do?" The voice suddenly continued: "He is not from our clan, but he has a wheel eye..."

"If you say that again, I will do something to you."

At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly said, his eyes have become scarlet, and three hook jades are slowly spinning in his eyes...