Chapter 63: ?Funeral (Part 2)

Kai Uchiha has been thinking about what the 'touching point' of Uchiha Fuyake is.

Knowing Uchiha Fuyake's character, he has been thinking about when this 'touching point' will appear, or when he will throw a 'touching point' for Uchiha Fuyake to take the bait.

As a result, what Uchiha Qi didn't expect was that this 'touching point' came so quickly!

Who is Kakashi?

This guy is a disciple of the next four generations, and Uchiha Kei has also expressed his goodwill towards Kakashi to some extent. This is a reasonable entry point.

And how to get Uchiha Fuyue to receive this "trigger point" depends on Uchiha Kai's performance. Obviously, Uchiha Kai's statement and actions have attracted Uchiha Fuyue's attention, which is also a good start.

Uchiha Kei once showed Uchiha Fugaku that he didn't value the family - of course, this is a fact.

But after that, although Uchiha Kai also made a new statement, Uchiha Fuyue didn't think Uchiha Kai would be so honest. Sure enough, this kid is still a little different.

"You...." This Uchiha member didn't expect Uchiha Kai to suddenly make such a gesture, especially when he saw the scarlet Sangoyu eyes, he was a little flustered.

"What's wrong with me?" Uchiha Kai's attitude was very tough: "When you talk about this kind of thing at this time, I'm afraid you have forgotten the relationship between Kakashi and Minato Namikaze, and who is standing behind Minato Namikaze. Humans? The village just calmed down, and you wanted to break the calm? Have you ever been on the battlefield?"

"Ki Uchiha! You are insulting the glory of the Uchiha clan!" This guy was obviously also frightened by Kai Uchiha. He really had never been on the battlefield.

"A guy who hasn't even been on the battlefield will cooperate with me to bring glory?"

A sneer appeared on Uchiha Kai's face: "My glory was won by myself, and you have not and are not entitled to enjoy it. Kakashi's eyes were given to him by Obito, and you have the will of a fighting hero. No respect, are you worthy of the glory of Uchiha?"

Kei Uchiha's words were both vicious and disgusting enough. This middle-aged man standing beside Kei Uchiha was really speechless by him.

And most importantly, Uchiha Kai didn't mean to lower his voice at all, and the Hinata clan not far away could basically hear what they were saying.

It's not hard to imagine that it won't be long before this incident, Sandai Hokage and other ninja Konoha who attended the funeral will know about it, and this is also the purpose of Uchiha Kai.

It looks like he's reminding this guy, but he's actually saying something nice to the three generations of Hokage, or these ordinary Konoha ninjas.

Since Uchiha Kai wants to throw out a "trigger point" to Uchiha Fuyue, then the value displayed by this "trigger point" itself cannot be low, otherwise Uchiha Kai will be regarded as a mentally handicapped or a fool.

While saying these words, Uchiha Kei was also observing the state of Uchiha Fuyake. Sure enough, Uchiha Fuyake's expression did undergo some subtle changes.

It was an expression mixed with anger, doubt and deep thought. It was very complicated but it was very satisfying to Uchiha Kai. If he could not make Uchiha Fuyue moved by his disgusting behavior, then this also meant that Uchiha Kai failed.

Uchiha Fuyake is still the same Uchiha Fuyue. Without the Nine-Tails incident, he really couldn't make up his mind, or in his heart, he was probably standing by Konoha.

It's just that the Konoha he's standing on is this village, not the people from the three generations of Hokage.

"Enough, you two give me enough time!" Uchiha Fuyue soon expressed his attitude: "Now is the time to cherish the memory of heroes, don't be ashamed. Kakashi's writing wheel is a gift for him. Yes, respect the will of the deceased."

"But..." The Uchiha clan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Uchiha Kai.

"Isn't the patriarch's statement clear enough?" Uchiha Kai's eyes have returned to their original state: "Do you understand what it means to 'respect the deceased'?"

"Don't talk anymore, Kai." Uchiha Fuyue interrupted their conversation in time: "Cangjie and your father are of the same generation, and he is considered your elder."


Uchiha Kei didn't speak again, but his face was filled with an undisguised sneer, as if to say, "This kind of trash can also be his elder"?

Such an attitude made Uchiha Cangjie look angry, but he also knew that he couldn't do it again, because Uchiha Fugaku's attitude was very clear.

Now even if he is not happy with this **** kid, Uchiha Kei, he can't say anything, and he doesn't dare to openly disobey the patriarch's wishes.

The conflict between Kai Uchiha and Cangjie Uchiha did not cause any turbulence. This 'Hero Memorial Meeting' went on normally and ended normally.

It's just that after everything was over, Uchiha Kai noticed that Uchiha Cangjie looked at him in a very unfriendly way, and Uchiha Kai could only sigh.

However, Uchiha Kei didn't take it too seriously. Since he decided to try his own plan, the due 'payment' is always required Uchiha Kei remembers a sentence called 'the law of peace and security in the world' It is true that everyone hopes to have a perfect ending, but how can such a thing exist?

Even existence must pay enough effort and unknown price!

Uchiha Kai is very realistic. He is not sure if his plan will be effective, but for his own life and some safe choices in the future, Uchiha Kai is willing to take a risk.

However, Uchiha Kei also kept his mind. His approach is considered to be good on both sides. This is Uchiha's biggest compromise, and he always has to consider different ways of doing things, right?

"Ki-kun, please wait a moment." Just as Uchiha Ki was about to follow him away, a voice behind him suddenly stopped Uchiha Ki, the voice belonged to Minato Namikaze.

"Captain Minato, what's the matter?" Uchiha Kai turned and asked very politely.

"I heard about what happened just now." Minato Namikaze didn't have any pretense, and then he directly bowed to Kai Uchiha: "Thank you for saving Kakashi, thank you very much."

"Captain Minato, there's no need to do this." Uchiha Kai didn't expect Minato Minato Namikaze to do this, he immediately blocked Minato Minato: "I told Kakashi that if someone from the Uchiha clan looks for him, they will Let him come to me. It's just that I'm fulfilling my promise, there's no need for it."

Actually, I'm just using your future identity to make a fuss!

Uchiha Kai sighed inwardly, Naikaze Minato's magnanimity really made him very fond of him, but when he thought of his magnanimity and the castle of the three generations of Hokage, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder Orochimaru would say that Namikaze Minato is just a puppet of the third generation...