Chapter 65: ?Clan Association (Part 1)

About dusk, Uchiha Kai and Kakashi said goodbye to each other, and it was very late now.

Kai Uchiha and Kakashi talked about a lot of things, such as some of his later development ideas for the ninjutsu called Chidori.

Kakashi was also attracted by Uchiha Kai's ideas, such as Chidori Rifle, Chidori Chibon and the like.

It can be imagined that there is no need for Uchiha Kai to exert much effort. Kakashi may research these things himself. After all, this is the transformation according to his ninjutsu. He definitely understands this ninjutsu better than Uchiha Kai. .

As for Kakashi saying that he can help Uchiha in terms of knives, Uchiha didn't care too much. After all, he has nothing to do now, so he can only wait and see.

He walked back to his hut by himself, but when Uchiha opened the door and walked in, he frowned.

Because he found that besides Uchiha Ryoko and Uchiha Keisuke, there was a guy he didn't know sitting there.

"You're back, Kai." Uchiha Ryoko said with a smile when she saw Uchiha Kai walk in.

"Ah, I'm back." Uchiha Ki nodded, then looked at the man suspiciously: "Who is he?"

"Qijun, my lord Uchiha Asahi." This man, Uchiha Asahi, was still relatively humble: "The purpose of my coming here is to invite Qi-jun to attend the clan meeting, but I didn't see him when I came down earlier. I've arrived at Qijun, so I'm waiting here, please forgive me if there is any inconvenience."

"Is there a clan meeting?" Uchiha Qi glanced at the humble man, and nodded, although he was a little puzzled: "I understand, then please ask Xu-jun to lead the way."

Uchiha Asahi's attitude is so good that Uchiha Kei can't be picky. Such a person really makes Uchiha Kei unknowingly develop some good feelings.

It's just that Kei Uchiha doesn't know why this guy is showing such a good attitude, is he hiding the sword in his smile, or who is behind him wishing he had a choice?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about these things, whether it was true or false, Uchiha Qi had already made up his mind.

As for this clan meeting Uchiha Kai, it's not that surprising. Sangou jade writing wheel eye plus battlefield hero, and at the age of thirteen, he won the title of Shangnin.

This series of honors, although Uchiha Kei doesn't have much feeling, because he did all this just to survive, but for others, what Uchiha Kei has done is simply a miracle!

Therefore, with this series of honors on his body, it is normal for Uchiha Qi to get the opportunity to participate in the clan association.

"We're here, Kai-kun." Under the leadership of Uchiha Asahi, Uchiha Kai who turned left and right didn't know how far he had come. He was standing next to a small house.

"Thank you, Asahi-kun." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Then I'll go in."

"Ki-kun..." Just as Uchiha Kai was about to enter the hut, Uchiha Asahi suddenly bowed: "Thank you, if you hadn't completed that mission and brought the war to an end, I'm afraid my The child may not be able to come back."

It turned out to be the case. Uchiha Kai nodded in his heart. His feelings were because he had completed the task so that Uchiha Asahi's son could come back alive.

Just after realizing this, Uchiha Kei couldn't help but smile bitterly. Sure enough, his nerves were too tight, and no matter what he was thinking about, all kinds of conspiracies would appear.

But since Uchiha Asahi's son is also on the battlefield in the country of grass, then I think his son might also belong to the category of 'abandoned ninja'.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded: "What's his name?"

"Chuan." Uchiha Xu smiled: "His name is Chuan, but Inuzi has limited talent. So far, he has not been able to open the Sharinyan. He is still a Chunin, if it weren't for Qijun..."

"I just did what I was supposed to do." Uchiha Qi interrupted him: "Thank you for bringing me here, I'm in."

"Anyway, thank you Kai-kun." Uchiha Asahi bowed to Uchiha Kai again.

Human nature is like this, and it's funny to say that, Uchiha Kai doesn't know Uchiha Chuan at all, but because of Uchiha's little actions, a completely different result is caused.

As a father, Uchiha Asahi thanked himself, so that Uchiha Kai could only sigh "poor the hearts of parents in the world" again. I am afraid Uchiha Asahi would not want his children to go to the battlefield.

But he didn't have a choice, just like Uchiha Kei didn't have a choice, Uchiha Keisuke and Uchiha Ryoko didn't have a choice either.

Pushing open the wooden door, Kai Uchiha walked into the hut. The hut was quite spacious, but it was already filled with ninjas from the Uchiha clan.

Everyone was very silent. Although they all raised their heads to look at Kai Uchiha, and many people had some dissatisfaction in their eyes, they didn't say much.

Uchiha Qi looked at the people in the room, and then he just found a spot and sat down on his knees The people in this room, Uchiha Qi, knew Uchiha Fuyue and the Uchi who was offended by him. Bo Haoshu, he almost didn't know the others.

"Since everyone has come, let's start." Uchiha Fuyue glanced at Uchiha Qi, and then said in a deep voice: "Ki-kun, this is your first time participating in the clan meeting, and I don't blame you for being late. . But please remember that you are already an elite ninja in Uchiha, we will hold clan meetings every week, and I hope the next time Kaijun will arrive on time."

"I understand, Patriarch." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly. He didn't argue or was too lazy to argue.

What's more, Uchiha Qi knew that he was basically here to make up the numbers. There was no one behind him, and Uchiha Qi only represented himself.

The situation in the Uchiha clan Uchiha Qi knows a little, but what he knows is that the Uchiha clan is about to die out.

And now he doesn't know what will be discussed in the Uchiha clan. Whether these ninjas representing various interest groups belong to the hawks or doves, Uchiha Qi also does not know.

It's hard to believe that within a family, the relationship between family members can be so unfamiliar.

I'm afraid that before they came back from the battlefield, or in front of their "turning on" writing wheel on the battlefield, these people didn't even know who the guy "Uchiha Kai" was, right?

Looking at these guys calmly, under the auspices of Uchiha Fuyake, they began to make various proposals, and then quarreled with each other. For a while, Uchiha Qi felt that he had entered the vegetable market.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Fugaku's constant mediation and compromise, I'm afraid the ninjas here would fight in the end, right?