Chapter 66: Tribal Association (Medium)

Uchiha Kei has been sitting very quietly in the corner watching all this. Taking this opportunity, Uchiha Kei has basically figured out what camp these guys are in.

To put it simply, as Uchiha Kai thought, the Uchiha family was divided into two camps.

But their starting point is the same - to safeguard the interests of the Uchiha family, but when these guys have the same starting point, they hope to use different methods to face Konoha or the current Konoha executives.

The tough "hawks" hope to use a more determined attitude. As a member of the founders of Konoha, they have never had the opportunity to get their rights. They hope that the Uchiha family will go further and not be trapped here.

This kind of idea occupies the mainstream position in the entire Uchiha clan. Don’t think that the Uchiha clan are fools. Although most of them are insane, there are also a small group of people who are still very smart.

Why can't this small group of people see what the so-called Konoha Police Force is, but the thing of power has become their chains. If it weren't for the fact that Uchiha really needed power to maintain his position, I'm afraid those smart guys would have proposed giving up this police force.

It is because they know these things that they will have a bottom-out stance.

Whether Uchiha Fuyue sees through this is debatable, but Uchiha Qi knows that this can be used to make a fuss.

What only surprised Uchiha Kai was that he found that among the "hawks" who seemed to be present, few of them expressed their desire to launch a coup d'etat.

"Is it because the Nine-Tails Incident hasn't happened yet?" Uchiha Qi rubbed his chin: "Or, it is rumored that the third-generation abdication gave them some buffer?"

No matter what kind of Uchiha Kai it is, he doesn't care, and even when they proposed to let Uchiha Fuyake run for election, Uchiha Kai just smiled in his heart.

Whether Uchiha Fuyue can be elected is probably a matter that many people know well, but whether it is a 'hawk' or a 'dove' on this proposal, there is a unity of opinion, which makes Uchiha Fuyue somewhat difficult to handle. .

The dove faction in the Uchiha clan has not disappeared, but their number is also a small number.

What they advocate is to reach an agreement with Konoha through peaceful talks, and to restore the honor of the Uchiha family in a peaceful way.

This group of people is also quite interesting. Their idea is "the village has just ended the war and everything is booming. At this time, it should cooperate with the construction of the village instead of using a tough stance and rigid relations with the village".

To be honest, their idea was right, but they underestimated the disgust of the top officials of Konoha for the Uchiha family.

They also know that Sandai and others are not good things, so they only talk about the village and not Sandai Hokage.

What's more, they think that the current three generations are about to abdicate. This is their chance. They will try their best to prevent three more generations of ninjas from ascending the throne.

It's just that this idea is a bit naive. They have never considered their own problems. The three generations are hateful, but if they don't want to change themselves, even if they buy someone who agrees with the Uchiha family to be Hokage.

Compared with the entire Konoha family, the Uchiha clan really looks a little small.

Even a powerful ninja is afraid of being stabbed in the back by Kuwu.

Sitting here for more than an hour, Uchiha Kei also felt a little bored, although at the beginning, in order to collect information and to see what jokes these guys were going to make, he still found it quite interesting.

But after an hour, Kei Uchiha felt that neither the so-called "hawks" or "doves" of this group of people could see the core of the problem.

Apart from the fact that Konoha senior officials such as Sandai did not recognize them, even the people in the village did not necessarily recognize them!

Especially since they are still strongly advocating for Uchiha Fuyue to participate in the selection of the fourth Hokage, Uchiha Kei can't stand it anymore.

Except for Uchiha Fuyue's darkened face, which made Uchiha Kei feel a little funny, other Uchiha Kei all felt that they were watching a boring comedy film whose laughter had passed.

Just when Kai Uchiha was a little sleepy, a member of Uchiha suddenly stood up. This guy's actions made everyone present quiet down.

"Lord Patriarch, participating in the selection of the fourth Naruto is the hope of all of us, and I hope you will consider it carefully." The Uchiha ninja said with a serious face: "So, I will not dwell on this issue."

"Thank you, Xiu-kun." Uchiha Fuyue's already stern face finally loosened: "I will think about it carefully, I wonder what Xiu-kun wants to say?"

Uchiha Osamu?

When Uchiha Qi heard the name, he couldn't help touching his chin. He had heard this name before, and he seemed to be a very powerful Uchiha ninja.

However, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Osamu have almost nothing to do, because this guy's main achievement is to fight Yun Ren desperately on the battlefield of Tang Country.

Uchiha Kei has also been to the land of soup, but at that time Uchiha Kei was just a fledgling Genin, and the two of them are destined to have no intersection.

Aki Uchiha has heard some rumors about this guy, and he at least has the strength of an elite jounin.

Moreover, he also has a younger brother named Uchiha Yu, who is also very powerful. He also fought Yun Nin on the battlefield of Tang no Country, and is now one of the three captains of the security department.

The two of them both have three-hooked jade eyes. It can be said that the combination of these two brothers is a combination that can make the enemy feel frightened I don't know how many Yun Ren died in the hands of the two of them.

Most importantly, these two are tough 'hawks'!

Uchiha Kei didn't know who was behind them, but these two guys were definitely not something to mess with.

Not to mention their strength, they are definitely not something that ordinary people are willing to offend easily. In addition, they are supported by people with great energy in the clan. I am afraid that many people in the clan are afraid of them.

Uchiha Kai didn't take this guy too seriously at first, but when he accidentally noticed that Uchiha Hiroki was looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Patriarch, this time I want to talk about Kakashi Hatake." Sure enough, when Osamu Uchiha opened his mouth, Kai Uchiha's face turned gloomy.

Kakashi again?

This **** Uchiha Hiroki is really courting death. Are these hardliners full of grass?

Is holding onto a Kakashi to show the pride of his bloodline?

However, Uchiha Qi's gloomy face quickly disappeared, and then a smile appeared on his face. In the original book, this matter was left behind. It could be seen that these guys definitely failed in the end.

It is not clear whether there is this scene in the original book, but Uchiha knows that if his plan is to continue, then he must collide with these guys.

But it's not difficult for Uchiha Kai to panic. He could see that Uchiha Fugaku's expression was a little unhappy. I'm afraid Uchiha Osamu could also see it, right?

But this guy is still standing there and has already expressed an attitude, and this attitude is probably very unfriendly to Uchiha Fugaku...