Chapter 67: ?Clan Association (below)

"Xiu-kun, don't mention this again." Uchiha Fuyue's face became even tighter: "Respect the will of the deceased."

"Patriarch, I'm sorry." Uchiha Osamu still maintained his respect for Uchiha Fugaku: "I can understand what you think, and I am also willing to respect Uchiha Obito's will. But his eyes are related to our Uchiha family. The most important secret, sorry for the patriarch, I don’t think I can agree with this matter, and I think there are many clansmen who think the same as I do.”

Osamu Uchiha's words are very skillful. Isn't the biggest secret of the Uchiha clan just writing round eyes?

Shaking round eyes is the family's biggest unspread secret!

Now Uchiha Obito's behavior can be said to be a blatant violation of the rules that the Uchiha clan abides by. It can be said that Uchiha Obito's behavior is really dangerous.

What's more, Osamu Uchiha also moved out the "most ninjas" of the family. To some extent, this is already a family and personal choice.

Uchiha Fuyue naturally also noticed this, and this made Uchiha Fuyue's face even more ugly.

Although this matter can be big or small, the most "hawks" members seem to see an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to put pressure on Konoha executives.

You Konoha crave the secrets of our ninja family, today I have Uchiha, so will it be Hyuga tomorrow?

Will there be mountains in the future? Is there an autumn road? And Nara?

Kakashi's identity is a disciple of Minato Minato, and Minato Namikaze is a disciple of Jiraiya, and Jiraiya is one of the three ninjas and a disciple of the three generations of Hokage!

That is to say, the attack on Kakashi is putting pressure on the three generations of Naruto, and to a large extent, the three generations of Naruto do not dare to be labeled as "coveting the secret of the ninja family".

Even if he guessed that Danzo had already done so, he would never admit it, much less be labeled as such.

If Osamu Uchiha's plan goes well, then naturally they can hit Konoha hard, and this time Konoha will definitely not have any good power to fight back.

Even Osamu Uchiha and his interest group are still thinking about whether to get more benefits from the third generation this time!

But all this is completely different from what Uchiha Fuyue thought. Uchiha Fuyue knew the seriousness of this kind of thing, and he would not agree to such a thing at all.

But looking at this guy in front of him, Uchiha Fuyue also sighed in his heart. He didn't like Sandai and others, but in his heart he also hoped that the village would be stable.

If they do this, they may gain some benefits in the short term, but in the long run it will be a bane at all!

What he had to do was to convince the guy in front of him, and even the people of the Uchiha clan who were worried about this matter, but while he was thinking, the kid Uchiha Kai suddenly stood up.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Uchiha Kai looked at Osamu Uchiha with some sarcasm on his face: "Using the family's reputation and overriding personal will, even at the expense of bringing disaster to the family? What should I do? Say you are short-sighted, or should you say you have no brain?"

"Ki Uchiha, I've heard of you." Osamu Uchiha turned his head to look at Kai Uchiha, and said blankly: "A great hero on the battlefield, but your vision limits your knowledge, you only put you It's too ignorant to take what you see as what you can understand. So please sit down and don't interrupt, understand?"

"It's still unclear who is ignorant." Uchiha Qi didn't pay attention to Uchiha Osamu's gaze at all, and even ignored the gazes of other members who participated in the meeting: "Besides, since I am qualified to participate in this meeting, Am I not qualified to speak? If so, I will leave immediately."

"Ki-kun, just say what you want." Although Uchiha Fuyue's face was not very good-looking, he still forced himself to calm down.

If Kei Uchiha has something to say, let him say it, although Kei Uchiha is still young and has no right to speak at all.

However, since he has Sangou Yuxuanyan and is promoted by Konoha, and he has realised his strength on the battlefield, then he is qualified to enter this meeting, and then he is qualified to speak!

It happened that Uchiha Fugaku also wanted to see what Uchiha Kai was going to say, and he could take advantage of this time to think about the countermeasures to deal with Uchiha Osamu.

"Yes, Patriarch." Uchiha Ki nodded, then turned his eyes to Uchiha Osamu: "Uchiha Osamu, right? Let me ask you a question, is the family's secret more important or the family's survival more important?"

"Of course it is the survival of the family." Uchiha Osamu frowned, but he still gave the answer.

"Okay then, let me ask you, since everyone knows what Kakashi's identity is, have you considered the price you have to pay to **** it back from him?"

Uchiha Kai said expressionlessly, just like the previous Uchiha Osamu: "I'm afraid in your eyes you only see Konoha because Kakashi has a headache for writing the wheel, and finally had to hand over the wheel. And I guess , I'm afraid you are still thinking about getting some benefits from the top management of Konoha? You are really ignorant and ignorant, you are bringing the family to the road of extinction. "

"Ki Uchiha, tell me clearly Osamu Uchiha hasn't spoken yet, but his younger brother Isamu Uchiha suddenly shouted, "My brother could be wrong! "

Not only that, but Uchiha's eyes also turned into a pair of three-eyed jade writing wheels.

None of the people present thought that things would become so tense. Osamu Uchiha frowned himself. This development exceeded his expectations.

His younger brother is a warrior just like his name, but also because of this name seems to make his younger brother prefer to use fists to solve problems.

It's just that Osamu Uchiha hasn't had time to speak, and Kai Uchiha has already opened his own writing wheel!

"I also have Sangouyu's writing wheel eye, are you planning to do it in front of the patriarch and me?" Uchiha Kai still looked calm, but his words were very skillful.

It doesn't make him seem strong, nor does it make him seem scared.

Although Kei Uchiha knows that this guy is difficult to deal with, but where is this place?

It can be said that this is one of the core areas of power of the Uchiha clan. It is a meeting attended by the Uchiha clan's Joinin. If this guy does it, it can only mean one thing - this guy doesn't want to mess around.

Of course, it can also be regarded as mindless, no matter what kind of guy, don't even think about stepping into this place in the future!

"Enough! What do you want to do? I'm still the patriarch, you all give me some restraint!" Uchiha Kai thought well, Uchiha Fuyue couldn't tolerate this happening at all!

He stood up and looked at Yuchi Uchiha coldly, and then looked at Kai Uchiha, but he didn't forget to glance at Osamu Uchiha when he turned his gaze over.

"Qijun, if you have anything to say, please continue."

"Yes, patriarch."