Chapter 73: ?Chicken (Part 1)

In fact, the problems of the Uchiha family have buried deep hidden dangers a long time ago. It can be said that these problems have always existed along with the establishment of Konoha!

If there was still the first Hokage who really possessed the "will of fire" to suppress, then after he passed away, the second Hokage, the conspirator, came to power, and the suppression against the Uchiha family began.

The ancestors of the Uchiha family have long felt it, so the Uchiha family has long resisted some ninjas, such as the guy named Uchiha Setsuna.

Kei Uchiha remembered that this guy's evaluation was "a sinister and cunning hawk who is very unhappy with the second generation Motobirama".

As for why he was upset, it was because he saw clearly what Senju Tobirama did, but it was a pity that Madara Uchiha didn't defect for a long time in their era, and Senju Hasuma didn't die long.

Almost everyone still retains the fear of Uchiha Madara, and I am afraid that few people in the Uchiha family would pay attention to Uchiha Setsuna at that time.

As for whether this person is still alive, Uchiha Kei is not so clear, but Uchiha Kei thinks this guy is probably dead, right?

The Uchiha family used to be brilliant, even after Madara Uchiha left, there were still quite a few kaleidoscopes.

This Uchiha moment is probably one of them, as for the others, such as Uchiha Rai, Uchiha Baru, Uchiha Naka, and a Uchiha who governs these four.

It's just that three of these four guys were beaten to death because of their family's seizure of power and various relationships, and only Uchiha Naka and Uchiha were left to rule.

But it is a pity that although Uchiha Governance is not clearly stated in the original work, it can be seen from the Uchiha clan that has been so quiet for a long time, this guy is likely to be a member of the "dove faction".

She was the one who influenced Naka Uchiha, and what she made Kei Uchiha remember most was Izanami!

That's right, it is this Uchiha ruler who created the super illusion Izanami that makes people endlessly loop, and Uchiha Itachi will use it to deal with the illusion of the immortal mode in the future.

The talented Uchiha clan really became a mess after losing Madara.

The holders of those kaleidoscopes also ended up in the garbage heap of history for various reasons, and did not play their due role at all.

The second Hokage probably also knew that the Uchiha clan was a piece of loose sand, and he hated this clan in the first place, so he chose to attack this clan.

In the beginning, he was more cautious, such as setting up a ninja academy.

Of course, setting up the ninja academy not only weakened Uchiha, but also weakened the other ninja clans - including the Senju clan.

But this is a move to improve the overall quality of Konoha, and no one dares to object.

Later, when the time was almost up, the second Hokage blatantly threw the Uchiha clan to the edge of Konoha's core power - Konoha Police Department!

At first, the ancestors of the Uchiha clan were probably extremely opposed, but Madara's problem and the dove faction had the upper hand, they couldn't do anything about it.

In particular, Senju Tobirama knows the character of the Uchiha family, so under his deliberate search and cultivation, characters like Uchiha Mirror appeared, and he was accepted as a disciple by Senju Tobirama.

This is equivalent to giving a signal to the Uchiha family - you are actually very important, and you have a chance.

This idea has become more and more influential with the three generations of superiors. As time goes by, I am afraid that the current Uchiha has become accustomed to his role.

But the problem is that the Uchiha family is really not a quiet family, there is always a group of people who are making trouble.

If the strength is strong enough, then it's okay to get hot, but the problem is that now the kaleidoscope is about to become a legend, and these people are getting hot!

Power is a thing that suffocates people and generates endless greed. Although it cannot be seen or touched, it is a real existence.

In the absence of sufficient strength, this group of hot people have already developed some ideas that they should not have, and these ideas are really too dangerous.

"Is it just rights?" Uchiha Fuyue nodded when he heard Uchiha Kai's answer, but he could see that he was still a little disappointed.

"In addition to rights, of course there are deeper things." Uchiha Qi knew what Uchiha Fuyue meant, I'm afraid this was a test for him by Uchiha Fuyue.

This result surprised Kai Uchiha, because it was much faster than he thought.

But no matter how fast or not, Uchiha Kei has to seize some opportunities and throw out the "touch points" little by little, and little by little pull the indecisive guy Uchiha Fuyue.

Waiting until the time is right to completely control him is the goal of Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kai has such an opportunity, because almost everyone who has seen Hokage knows about Uchiha Fuyake's weakness, but now Uchiha Kai has to slowly hook Uchiha Fuyake.

"Huh?" Uchiha Fuyue was a little strange. He took a sip of tea before he looked at Uchiha Qi: "Do you have any other ideas for Qi-kun?"

"Patriarch Although what I want to say is probably just my own speculation."

Uchiha Kai picked up the teacup and spun it in his hand, then glanced at Uchiha Itachi: "But I'm afraid many things won't make people feel comfortable, you are sure that it's not good for a chick to listen to something and it's still Guess what?"

"Chickens will always become eagles." Uchiha Fugaku frowned, but in the end he shook his head: "If you have something to say, Qi-kun, just say it."

"I understand, patriarch." Uchiha Kai quickly put down the teacup in his hand, and some inexplicable meaning appeared on his face: "I read a lot of things when I was in the library, but in the library There are also a lot of interesting things in the experience of some seniors about Shaanyan."

The books in the library do record a lot of interesting things, such as fighting with certain people, such as some activities of the security department.

These things are all recorded, and there is no problem with Uchiha Kai saying this, but these contents are only personal experiences, and the things recorded in them are also very vague.

Therefore, Kei Uchiha said it was 'my own guess', but what Kei Uchiha said was definitely not 'personal guess'.

"The relationship between the Uchiha clan and the village, through that clan meeting, I knew that it was actually a manifestation of power imbalance."

Uchiha Kai said calmly: "But in the final analysis, it is actually caused by the village's policy, and I am afraid that it is the second generation of Hokage's handwriting to this point? And the reason for all this.... Uchiha spot?"

"Boom..." As Uchiha Kai's voice fell, the teacup in Uchiha Fuyue's hand also fell on the table...