Chapter 74: ?Chicken (below)

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the teacup lying on the table, and after a while of silence, he forced a smile and said to Uchiha Kai, but this kind of gaffe is really inappropriate.

Uchiha Itachi was also a little surprised. He never expected his father, who always seemed to be very calm, to show such a gaffe.

The smart Itachi Uchiha didn't speak, but he firmly remembered a name - Madara Uchiha, the man who made his father lose his temper.

"Qijun, don't say this name again." Uchiha Fuyue stabilized his emotions: "Although I don't know where you saw this name, please don't mention it."

"I understand, Patriarch." Uchiha Kai nodded calmly on the surface, but he couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Madara Uchiha's deterrent power is truly terrifying!

Even if he is already a dead person in these people's minds, no one dares to deny Uchiha Madara's power.

After Madara Uchiha was reincarnated as a reincarnation in the future, he also used practical actions to prove how terrifying he was and how correct the fear of him was for those who remembered him.

Uchiha Qi is in awe of Uchiha Madara, but now he is not so afraid, maybe this guy will die.

As for the future, Kai Uchiha doesn't think about it so much for the time being. It takes time to make himself stronger.

He is not Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki, and there is almost no obstacle to upgrading like a plug-in.

Uchiha Kei is very clear that he can't compare with these two people, but Uchiha Kei is not without his own advantages. He feels that no matter how bad he is in the future, he should be able to reach the level of Uchiha Itachi.

"Go ahead, Qi-kun." When Uchiha Itachi re-brewed the tea, Uchiha Tomitake sighed and continued.

"Okay patriarch." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he continued: "Since...that ninja left, the root cause has been planted, right? Some of the second-generation Hokage's policies seem to be aimed at All the ninja families, but in fact his purpose is probably only Uchiha."

"Why do you say that?" Uchiha Tomiya asked calmly after drinking a sip of tea.

"The Konoha Guard." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "The Konoha Police Department established by the second Hokage is the root of everything. In name, this important department was handed over to Uchiha, but in fact, the Uchiha clan was assigned the responsibility. Punish the criminal characters, and in the name of monitoring criminals, the police department and the prison are built together, so that the Uchiha family is blatantly driven to the corner of Konoha Ninja Village..."

Having said that, Uchiha stopped and started to observe Uchiha Fugaku's expression.

It didn't go against Uchiha Ki's expectations. Uchiha Fugaku seemed to be still calm. Although he couldn't guess what he was thinking, this made Uchiha Ki nodded.

This is in line with the demeanor that a patriarch should have, and Uchiha Fugaku's silence was obviously telling Uchiha Kei to continue, but Uchiha Kei also noticed that Uchiha Itachi, who was standing beside him, seemed to be lost in thought.

Is this the thinking of Hokage at a young age?

Kei Uchiha shook his head. He looked mature, but he was actually very naive. He didn't know anything about his family. Kei Uchiha really didn't like this kid.

Thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Kei is organizing what he will say next, after thinking about it, Uchiha Kei thinks it's better for him to keep his hands.

Some ideas are the most attractive when they are thrown out slowly.

"The purpose of doing this must be what the patriarch also wants? In fact, I felt it at the last clan meeting, and I am afraid some clansmen felt it." Uchiha Qi said after thinking about it: "I guess the purpose of the second-generation Hokage is to monitor. Uchiha, when the next 'that ninja' appears, he can deal with it immediately. In his opinion, it is better to protect Konoha better. After all..."

"I understand, Qi-kun." Uchiha Fuyue interrupted Uchiha's words, he sighed and said, "Don't say it anymore, I understand."

Uchiha Fugaku naturally understood what Uchiha Kai said, and he also understood why Senju Tobirama did this.

After all, Senju Tobirama has been at war with the Uchiha clan for many years and knows the Uchiha clan very well. In addition, Senju Tobirama has personally experienced the incident of Uchiha Madara's attack on Konoha Shinobi Village.

In the end, Senju Hakuma used all his strength to defeat him in the Battle of the End Valley, but the price he paid was the life of the first Hokage.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama is afraid that the next Uchiha Madara in the Uchiha clan will endanger Konoha Shinobi Village and must always be vigilant.

After all, Madara Uchiha is too powerful.

And Uchiha Fuyue can still guess that in the second generation of Hokage, the Uchiha clan is a natural evil clan. He has not listened to some clan elders about this, because there are still many Uchiha clan in the Uchiha clan. A follower of Pompeii.

"Ki-kun, don't say anything today." Uchiha Fuyue thought for a while, and finally he said seriously to Uchiha Qi.

"I see, Patriarch, this is just my personal conjecture." Uchiha Ki nodded.

Are you kidding me? Are you going to kill yourself by saying this?

That's what he said here, and that's why he seemed to let Uchiha Itachi leave in the first place.

Of course, after Uchiha Qi thought that the current Uchiha Itachi is still young, it is not necessary to leave some seeds in his heart.

It doesn't matter whether it takes root or not, it doesn't matter whether he is born or not, he is just for the pure disgusting Uchiha Itachi.

It will be interesting if Uchiha Itachi has the strength and comes into contact with the three generations of Hokage in the future he can take the initiative to ask these questions.

"If the third generation is in a hurry to kill him, it will be interesting, do you fight back or not?" Uchiha Qixin thought to himself: "Of course, it is also possible for the third generation to pretend to be calm and ask him who said it. , and then the three generations gave him a wave of brainwashing to come back to me?"

Regardless of whether it is good or bad, Kei Uchiha has thought about everything he can think of. If his plan is successful by then, I am afraid that the three generations will have to find their own way!

Of course, it doesn't matter if the plan fails Uchiha, because if the plan fails, Uchiha either surrenders or runs away. No matter what, he won't get burned.

Looking at Uchiha Fuyake's attitude, Uchiha Kei felt that he might be a step closer to his plan. After all, this time Uchiha Kei showed more political acumen than the last time.

"Ki-kun." Just when Uchiha Kai was secretly complacent, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly woke up from his deep thoughts and looked at him with burning eyes.

"Yes, Patriarch." Uchiha Qi immediately lowered his head and pretended to be honest and respectful.

"I don't need to use such an expression anymore, I'm afraid I'm just a loser in your eyes, right?" Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

Kai Uchiha wanted to say 'yes, and you are still a cold-blooded neuropathy'.

However, Uchiha Qi hadn't swelled to this point, he immediately shook his head: "No, Patriarch, this is just my guess, don't take it seriously."

"Qijun is really cautious." Uchiha Fuyue smiled indifferently, and suddenly his expression became serious: "I wonder if Qijun has any idea of ​​being a teacher? Be a teacher for a chick. ?"
