Chapter 75: ? 'Good Tradition'

To be a teacher to a chick?

Even if Kei Uchiha has a bad memory, it is impossible to forget how he described Uchiha Itachi just now!

Although it is said that serving Uchiha Itachi as a teacher will bring him closer to Uchiha Fugaku, but it is really hard for Uchiha Kai to have too much affection for him when he thinks of what Uchiha Itachi will do in the future.

As an audience member, Uchiha Kai may subconsciously ignore what he has done, just remember that he loves his younger brother deeply, and gives everything for his younger brother, and can even call him "Itachi God"!

But when he became a Uchiha, he didn't stun Kakashi after the kid fell off a cliff and then threw a few kunai. By the way, he jumped down and strangled this kid to death, so he had a conscience.

Although this kid is still young, there may be room for change, but Uchiha Qi has no interest in doing this kind of thing, just like he doesn't care about Uchiha Shisui's situation now.

He thinks that he can't compare to other transmigrators. At the age of five, he can reach the level of a kaleidoscope, and at the age of ten, he will be able to hang and beat Banye at the age of twelve.

He is thirteen years old and almost fourteen years old, and he knows exactly what kind of talent he is, so Uchiha Kiku doesn't have to do this kind of thing.

"What's more, if my plan is successful, it may be regarded as a transformation of him." Uchiha Qi silently thought: "Even if he still walks into the arms of three generations, if the plan is successful, this is also an excellent chess piece. "

Of course, in addition to this expected reason, there is a deeper reason for Uchiha Kai's unwillingness to do it himself.

That is, there is a law in Naruto World that makes Uchiha shudder, that is, the students will kill the teacher!

Think about those familiar characters, Orochimaru killed his teacher, the three generations of Hokage, Uchiha Obito killed his teacher Namifeng Minato, and Nagato killed his teacher Jirai. .

Even Kakashi was almost killed by Sasuke, but it is conceivable how dangerous it is for a teacher, especially after combining some of the things that Kei Uchiha did in the future.

Although Uchiha Kei believes that he will at least not be worse than Uchiha Itachi in the future, the ninja is most afraid of sneak attacks, especially Uchiha Kei is the best at sneak attacks!

Therefore, Uchiha Qi didn't want such a depressing thing to happen to him. It is very tiring and easy to overturn the car to prevent a sneak attack by a powerful ninja.

Uchiha Kai directly rejected Uchiha Fuyue's proposal, and even this time he didn't even use some ambiguous words!

You can imagine how wonderful Uchiha's expression was when he heard Uchiha's answer. He never expected Uchiha's to give such an answer, which made Uchiha's Fuyake wrinkle.

He now has some doubts about whether someone behind Uchiha is really pointing him, otherwise how could he make such a stupid choice?

"Ki-kun, I need an answer." Uchiha Fugaku's expression became serious, and Uchiha Itachi also looked at the big brother in front of him curiously.

"The teacher of the young patriarch should not be me." Uchiha Qi said firmly: "First of all, I also need to improve myself. The patriarch should know that my foundation is very poor. Secondly, I think the teacher of the young patriarch should be more equipped. The inclination of the position, there are many candidates, and they do not have to be within the clan.”

Uchiha Kei will still be able to use this trick, and he will definitely not be Uchiha Itachi's teacher!

No matter who took over Uchiha Itachi, it doesn't matter whether he is a 'big dutiful son' or a good apprentice in the future.

What's more, what Uchiha Kai said is also correct. Uchiha Fuyue's son is the young patriarch of the Uchiha family. The teacher he chooses should have some political stance. This is also an expression of Uchiha Fuyue's political stance. .

Regardless of what Uchiha Tomiya thinks in his heart, relying on Uchiha Itachi's apprenticeship is a sign of friendliness.

Although Kai Uchiha is now regarded by many as a 'dove', in fact, both the 'dove' and the 'hawk' know that this kid is not close to either side.

The patriarch Uchiha Fuyue also knows this, so what Uchiha Kai said can be said to be very reasonable - you need to find a teacher, find someone with political stance, don't find me, there are people within the clan and outside the clan, you can choose one All right.

"It seems that Qijun still has some scruples, I understand." Uchiha Fuyue thought for a while, and soon understood what Uchiha Qi wanted to express, he nodded and said: "In this case, the matter of Itachi is now. Put it on hold for now, he's still young, only four years old."

Hearing this, Kai Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief. At present, it can be considered that he has gotten rid of the big trouble of Uchiha Itachi?

It's just that Uchiha Kai didn't have time to think about it, Uchiha Fuyue said again: "But if you have time, I hope you can teach this child, at least let him open his eyes and distinguish between right and wrong."

"..." Uchiha Kai's face stiffened again, glanced at Uchiha Itachi, who was a little uneasy, he thought for a while and finally nodded: "I understand Patriarch ."

Speaking of this level, it's really hard to refuse Uchiha Kei this time, but he still noticed what Uchiha Fugaku said—if he has time.

Time is a difficult thing to define, and there is a lot of room for manipulation. Kai Uchiha can completely make himself timeless.

If you really can't get rid of it, then leave Uchiha Itachi to Kakashi!

Anyway, Kakashi will also be Uchiha Itachi's superior in the future, just let them contact them in advance. Kakashi probably won't be able to reject a Uchiha child.

After these messy things were said, Uchiha Fuyue didn't mention anything about the family or the village, but started to ask about Uchiha's recent situation.

This question-and-answer mode is like the elders caring about the younger generation. Uchiha Fuyue also carefully asked about the ninja sword on Uchiha Kai's waist.

After learning about the situation, he was unhappy and asked Uchiha Qi why he didn't ask the family for help. If it was someone else, he would have been grateful to him, but Uchiha Qi didn't have any such thoughts.

A seemingly 'fun' ended in about an hour, because Uchiha Kai needed to go back, and Uchiha Fuyue's wife also came out to call someone.

Keeping a smile, Uchiha Kai left Uchiha Fugaku's house. This time his smile didn't hide as fast as last time, because this time he was really happy.

This meeting was a very successful meeting, and Uchiha Kai confirmed that this meeting also successfully attracted Uchiha Fuyue's higher attention, which is also an important step for Uchiha Kai's plan to move forward.

"The next step is to wait slowly and find opportunities to throw other 'touch points' away."