Chapter 76: ?Lan cut

Uchiha Kei kept his original life for the next period of time, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't go to him again.

Although Uchiha Itachi is sometimes asked to visit Uchiha Kai, but basically every time he is empty.

Uchiha Qi will not wait for him to come, not to mention that Uchiha Qi has no time and energy to teach him anything, should Uchiha Qi tell him: think more, judge more, and use your own eyes to explore the facts. origin?

Uchiha Kei doesn't have this spare time, he is now practicing with Kakashi basically every day, and even Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga, the two of them, Uchiha Kei didn't even look for him.

Anyway, there is no task assigned at the moment, so Uchiha Kai naturally won't have any contact with these two people.

The feeling and impression of these two people on Uchiha Kai is too bad, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai gives them the same feeling for them.

Their relationship is really like three magnets. So far, they have never attracted each other, some just repel each other.

To practice against Kakashi, a real genius ninja, for Uchiha, there are many unimaginable gains, but what makes Uchiha depressed is that Kakashi's progress seems to be a little too fast.

Perhaps inspired and enlightened by Uchiha Kai, he did pick up the knife again, and then began to give up the crooked route in the original book and try according to Uchiha Kai's suggestion.

As a result, both Kakashi himself and Uchiha Kai were shocked to discover that this approach seems to be very suitable for Kakashi!

Kakashi was originally a pretty good swordsman, even though he seems to have started to go astray after his father's death, but maybe because of age restrictions he still uses more swords.

Now Kakashi has only been more than a month since the knife broke. He picked up the knife again without any jerky feeling, and even this time he was stronger.

Kakashi's insight is also growing rapidly because of the earth-shattering eye. Obviously, Kakashi will not waste chakra without visual illusion, so he decided to put the writing wheel. of insight to the fullest.

Of course, he didn't use the sword technique completely, and he still kept in mind the suggestion Uchiha Qi gave him.

Kei Uchiha proposed some improvement plans for Chidori before, and later also talked about the topic of combining ninjutsu and swordsmanship, so Kakashi has been trying and developing in this direction.

The result is that Kakashi and the two of them practiced together during this period of time, and then Kakashi really came up with something that gave him a headache in front of Kai Uchiha!

Looking at the dagger in Kakashi's hand that shone with blue light, the strange explosive acceleration and the sudden appearance of Thunder Chakra, Uchiha Kai was also a little embarrassed by Kakashi this time.

If it weren't for Uchiha Kiyu's better insight and faster reaction speed, I'm afraid that sudden acceleration would have directly defeated him.

If this kind of thing is put on the battlefield, it means that Kai Uchiha will probably die completely.

Moreover, Uchiha Kai also found that such a fighting style does not seem to consume much Chakra.

Although Kakashi Chakra still doesn't have much and needs to support Shakers, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the guy in the original book who will be paralyzed if he doesn't fight again - although he feels that this guy is pretending.

"This is your new sword technique?" After the battle, Uchiha Kei sat on the ground and asked curiously, "Your sudden acceleration is caused by Lei Dun's stimulation of body functions?"

"Yeah." Kakashi was also sitting beside Uchiha Kai, looking at the knife in his hand with a complicated mood: "I didn't expect it to be successful once, probably Obito's blessing and Chidori were created by me. , so that's why?"

Please, Obito didn't die.

Kai Uchiha complained in his heart, but he didn't explain anything to Kakashi. What he paid more attention to was Kakashi's new sword technique.

Kakashi didn't have any intention of concealing it either. Maybe in his opinion, this was the result of what he and Uchiha Kei did together, and Uchiha Kei had the ability to write round eyes and chidori, so sooner or later he would be able to come up with a similar one.

Through Kakashi's explanation, Uchiha Kei almost understood the situation of this sword technique.

Kakashi's sword and Uchiha's sword are forged from the same material, the difference is that his sword still belongs to his father's short sword.

This knife also has excellent chakra conductivity and compatibility, so he can use this knife to release ninjutsu with chakra.

And Kakashi's fighting mode is not very normal. He covered the knife with chakra, but in order to save chakra, he only covered it with a thin layer.

In addition to making his weapons sharper, this small layer of chakra also has some 'unexpected' effects.

Once Kakashi seizes the opportunity, he can burst out the chakra of the thunder attribute in an instant, and with the active stimulation of the thunder attribute chakra to him, he can hit the enemy faster.

The chakra that was originally covered on the knife can also be converted into a thunder-type chakra more quickly This kind of chakra can also completely paralyze his enemies. The key is that the inside of the enemy's body will also be damaged This chakra to destroy!

It can be said that this sword completely possesses three characteristics—burst, paralysis, and destruction. Unless the enemy hit by this sword is particularly strong, it can basically declare that the game is over.

In the original book, Yamato was hit by Sasuke Uchiha's Chidori and lay paralyzed on the ground. It is conceivable how deadly this effect is to most ninjas.

Kai Uchiha touched his chin, Kakashi's transformation seems to be relatively successful so far, and Kakashi has also come up with some interesting things.

This is very in line with Uchiha Kai's vision, using Kakashi's way to confirm his conjecture, and then absorbing the essence of Kakashi as the nourishment for his growth.

Although the means are not fair, but if he doesn't say anything, he is a 'life mentor'.

What's more, he felt that the move Kakashi came up with was very suitable for him!

This can be considered a successful start. Kai Uchiha believes that Kakashi will be able to come up with more tricks in the future. At that time, Kai Uchiha will slowly 'cut the leeks' while maintaining or deepening the current relationship.

"By the way, does your sword technique have a name?" Uchiha Kai leaned against the tree, thought for a while and asked.

"I haven't thought of a name yet." Kakashi touched his head: "But I think you can give him a name, because it's all done according to your ideas, although it was developed by me. "

"Should I think of a name?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, thought for a moment, and asked slowly, "What do you think of the name Lanqie?"