Chapter 90: ?Ambush (middle)

The azure blue sword light flashed away, and a long wound appeared behind Yuchi Uchiha, but as the wound spread, Yuchi Uchiha quickly turned into a piece of wood!


Kei Uchiha silently stood there and looked at the wood in front of him, then turned to look at a big tree, and Yuchi Uchiha was standing on the tree and looking at him coldly.

Of course, Uchiha Kai saw him using the avatar technique. His speed was very fast, and he left the place when he completed the avatar technique, and Uchiha didn't chase after him.

He was just a little strange, why was he discovered when he was so well hidden?

"Ki Uchiha? Interesting." Yuchi Uchiha sneered: "From the point of view of your swordsmanship, do you want to subdue me? Are you curious why I found you?"

"Yes." Uchiha Kei didn't talk nonsense, he simply admitted it.

Kai Uchiha didn't use the transformation technique, because the transformation technique has nothing to hide under the eyes of the Uchiha family. If you can't hide it, why waste chakra?

"Because of birds."

Uchiha Yong chuckled: "I come here every day to train, and I'm very familiar with where the bird's nest is. You hide it very well, but your arrival also makes these birds panic, they are not at all. It won't fall where you are."

A bird?

Uchiha Qi raised his head and glanced at it. He admitted that he really ignored the acuity of this little guy, and he also had to admit that Uchiha Yu was very observant.

Who would go to see where these birds have fallen?

Even on the battlefield, Uchiha Kai may not deliberately look at these birds, unless you want to find someone to make these birds fly, and then observe their whereabouts. You must know that Uchiha Kai can be seen after Uchiha bravely comes. The birds were not disturbed.

"Since you shot me, then I will not be polite." Yuchiha twisted his neck: "I will kill you."

"Oh." Uchiha shook the knife in his hand: "Then let's try it out."

"You'll know." Uchiha Yuji's hands instantly formed a seal: "Fire escape, the art of fireball!"

"Hmph, boring." Uchiha Qi snorted coldly, then jumped back slightly.

But at this moment, a warning sign in his heart suddenly appeared, and then the whole person floated several meters to the side and front in an instant!

A gloomy sound of kunai pierced the air against Uchiha Kai's clothes. Without looking, Uchiha Ki knew that his clothes had a huge cut on the back.

So fast!

Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sigh, this guy's speed is really fast, and this guy actually used fire escape to block his vision, so as to achieve the purpose of sneak attack.

If it weren't for Uchiha Kai's quick reaction and good body slanting ability, he would have been hit this time!

After reacting, Uchiha Qi would not be fooled again. The three gouyu in his scarlet eyes slowly turned. After Uchiha fell to the ground, his toes were slightly on the ground, and the whole person floated back to the shadow behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Kai's ninja sword exuded blue chakra, and then slashed back with a backhand.

Uchiha is not a vegetarian either. With the help of Sangou Yuxian, he easily blocked Uchiha Kai's sword.

It's just that he looks very relaxed on the surface, but he can't help but smack his tongue secretly, Uchiha Kai is really not easy!

Such a reaction speed cannot be said to be unique, but it is amazing enough. Yuchi Uchiha knows how fast he is.

This kid reacted so quickly and counterattacked himself. In addition to his quick reaction nerves and excellent physical coordination, it is no wonder that he can kill so many difficult enemies on the battlefield.

Uchiha is not afraid at all. He judged that Uchiha's enemies underestimated him to end up like this. Now that he has noticed these details, it is naturally impossible to make that kind of mistake.

He has already regarded Uchiha Kai as an enemy of the same level. Even if this Uchiha Kai is only a 134-year-old boy, even if it is just a short fight, Uchiha Yu has to admit his strength!

The serious Uchiha Yu was still very scary, and Uchiha Kai also clearly felt something different.

If Yuchi Uchiha didn't put too much pressure on him in the initial confrontation except that he was fast, then after a minute of their physical battle, he could already feel the attitude of this guy.

Quick, accurate, ruthless!

Uchiha Qi can only think of these three words to describe this guy. With the help of Sharinyan, this guy has almost no flaws in his physical skills. If it weren't for Uchiha Qi himself, I would have stabbed him into a honeycomb. !

But Kei Uchiha didn't care either. Their battle had just begun, and Kei Uchiha was just trying his own abilities.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of metal collisions kept ringing in the woods, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Yuma fought more and more fiercely, but the strange thing was that there were almost no wounds on their bodies.

But Uchiha Qi knew that this situation might not be long before. Although Uchiha Qi felt that Uchiha Yu's power was very strong, but Uchiha Kai's speed was really much faster than this guy.

Therefore, Uchiha's attack was either blocked by Uchiha Kai or simply avoided.

But the key problem is that Uchiha Kai's ninja sword was given to him by Kakashi, and it is a ninja tool that can attach to Chakra!

Uchiha is just using the most common kuna, so as long as the gap in equipment gives Uchiha a chance, then he can let Uchiha have a good drink!

Finally, under the constant pressure of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Yu's own constant struggle, his kunai finally broke!

Yuchi Uchiha is obviously aware of this situation. He has long discovered that Kai Uchiha's sword is not ordinary.

I saw that he calmly shot the broken Kunai directly towards Uchiha, and at the same time quickly jumped to the back, and used ninjutsu to block Uchiha's sight and let him come to him. Delay time.

A series of his movements were smooth and smooth, and they were almost completed in an instant!

But how could Kai Uchiha miss such a good opportunity?

After practicing with Kakashi for so many days, Uchiha Kai not only learned "Arashiki", he also thought of a lot of things through Uchiha Itachi's "Clone Big Bang".

Especially the things made with basic ninjutsu, to a certain extent, they are also the most confusing, such as the dance of the three sun and the moon.

Kai Uchiha doesn't know about the Dance of the Three Suns and Moons, but that doesn't prevent him from coming up with something similar.

Uchiha Qi quickly posted it, he held a knife in one hand and stood up with one hand, and the blue chakra caused violent fluctuations on his body.

In an instant, his whole person followed a burst of smoke, and when he reappeared, he was already divided into three figures, and these three figures also swung their swords towards Yuchiha Uchiha from three angles...