Chapter 91: ? Ambush (below)

"Dance of the Three Suns and Moons? No!"

Uchiha Yu was a little surprised when he saw three Uchiha Kai suddenly appear, because this trick is so famous!

Konoha-ryu Swordsmanship · Dance of the Three Suns and Moons was created by the second generation Hokage. The profound meaning of Konoha-ryu swordsmanship is even a deadly trick that can kill the enemy in one hit.

The focus of this technique is not its effect and power, because the clone created by this technique is very easy to be seen by the Uchiha clan.

Although Sharinyan can judge the true and false, it cannot make the most favorable response at the moment of close combat.

The former second-generation Hokage probably used this technique to kill Uchiha's ninja too!

And the point is here, this is the ninjutsu of the second Naruto!

At this time, Uchiha Yong even wondered if Uchiha Kai had completely fallen to the Hokage line, otherwise how could he have such a sword technique?

But Uchiha is still a powerful ninja. The moment he came into contact with this trick, he judged that he was deceived by Uchiha Kai!

This is not a dance of the three suns and moons at all, but this kid's little trick!

Although the avatar of the Dance of the Sun and the Moon is also broken at a touch, it can cause damage, and the two avatars of Uchiha Kai are the avatars.

As soon as Uchiha was in contact with one of the clones, the clone turned into smoke, and Uchiha was instantly able to see where the real Uchiha Kai was.

Uchiha Kai's trick was originally a trick to deceive. The real meaning of this trick is to confuse the opponent slightly at the moment of life and death.

This is enough to distinguish between life and death and victory and defeat!

Uchiha Qi originally thought this way, although he knew that Uchiha Yong definitely had countermeasures, but he was already close to Uchiha Yong, so the dangerous one was the other party!

With a cold snort, the ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand once again burst into luster, and at the same time Uchiha Kai's left hand also burst into a bright light.

Like a massive gathering of substantial thunder-attribute chakras, a terrifying current uttered in his voice like a low voice.

Uchiha Yong's face changed slightly when he saw this scene, looking at Uchiha Kai's left hand flashing with thunder, he immediately thought of something.

It's just that Yuchi Uchiha was calm enough, and he immediately made a judgment in the face of Kai Uchiha's surprise attack.

Just as the thundering thunder that kept uttering was about to touch him, he suddenly twisted slightly, and then his left hand grabbed Kai Uchiha's left hand and prepared to twist it with force.

At the same time, Kunai stabbed Uchiha Kai's stomach with the other hand, and his eyes also emitted a strange chakra, obviously preparing for an illusion.

But at the moment when their eyes met, Yuchi Uchiha suddenly found himself in a trance. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for Uchiha Kai's left hand to break free from his control!

I saw that Uchiha's Qishen body technique was activated in a flash in his trance. Even though Uchiha Yu had come back to his senses, he still felt the strong sword aura behind him.

Uchiha is not a vegetarian either, he has strong basic skills and then used the instant body technique at this critical moment.

But even so, he was still cut with a few not-so-small cuts by Uchiha Kai's knife.

"You..." Uchiha took a breath after pulling enough distance: "Your eyes...Impossible! They are all three gouyu, and how long have you opened your eyes? Why is your illusion so fast? ? And... so strong?"

"Hmph, the frog at the bottom of the well." Uchiha Qi won't explain anything to him now, he doesn't have much time.

It is true that the two Uchihas rarely use illusions in the battle, especially when their strengths are comparable.

The anti-illusion effect of Sharinyan is too strong, even when Uchiha Yu intends to use it, it is when he believes that Uchiha Kai must be overwhelmed.

But he didn't expect Uchiha Kai to move faster than him!

In fact, Uchiha Kai is really waiting. His eyes are stronger than Uchiha Yu, so Uchiha Kai can totally find a chance to overwhelm Uchiha Yu.

This kind of battle is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it is very necessary whether it is to protect one's eyes or to test one's ability.

The situation is not bad now, Uchiha Qi probably knows how good he is. If it is not necessary, he will not use the trump card of kaleidoscope.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai suddenly formed a seal on his hands. He is now aggressive and has injured Uchiha Yu, so he must continue to take the initiative!

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

As if it was re-engraved, Uchiha Kai directly used a fire escape, and the next second he used the Shunshu technique again to come behind Uchiha Yu, and the ninja sword in his hand flashed a blue light.

Uchiha Yu was injured by Uchiha Qi casually, but this kind of injury was only a small problem for him. He immediately made a seal on both hands, but he forcibly interrupted the seal before he could finish it!

Because Uchiha Kai is the same as what he did before, this ninjutsu is simply affecting his judgment!

"Damn brat!" Yuchiha scolded secretly, and he quickly retreated to the side and thought silently: "Since you learn from me, then I will learn from you! But be careful of this kid's eyes, his The eyes are a little weird..."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Yong directly backhand is a painless stab in the past, and the speed is ridiculously fast.

Uchiha Qi blocked this kunai, and his heart was a little inexplicable, but more of it was funny, he guessed Uchiha Yong's intention, but so what?

The way he used it was just to see the tricks and cooperate with the swordsmanship he had learned stealthily.

The battle is going on, and the two of them seem to have experienced an identity replacement It's just that Yuchi Uchiha feels more and more wrong as he fights, while Uchiha Qi gets more and more fierce!

After returning to Konoha for a period of intensive training, and his chakra is not as embarrassing as in the battlefield, his chakra has always maintained a very complete state.

He is not afraid of fighting with Yuchi Uchiha at all. He is really not afraid. Although Kai Uchiha has always judged his strength very cautiously, now he finds that he seems to underestimate himself.


Uchiha Kai frowned, because he noticed that he was approaching the Konoha Security Department, and a shadow clone used for investigation came back.

Now the ninjas of the guards seem to be aware of the situation here, and they began to organize people to come here!

This kind of thing made Yuchiha Kai a little uncomfortable. He found such an opponent and planned to polish his basic ability, but it seemed that there was no way to continue.

"Forget it, it's enough." Uchiha Kai sighed inwardly: "I originally hoped for ten minutes, but it seems that I still underestimate Uchiha's reaction speed."

"At such a time, you are distracted?" At this moment, Uchiha Yu's voice came from behind Uchiha Kai: "You really deserve to die!"

Kuuu stabs out, Kuuu stabs out, Uchiha Yu's face is full of madness.

Then the madness on his face has solidified the next moment, his kunai has completely passed through Uchiha Kai's body, and he has been pierced by a knife behind him!

"I said, you're boring. And you're arrogant too."

The figure of Uchiha Kai slowly appeared behind him, and at this time, a strange triangle-shaped rhombus appeared in Uchiha Kai's eyes...