Chapter 94: ? Gaze in the shadows

The disappearance of Yuchi Uchiha caused a haze to appear on the heads of the Uchiha family, and at this time, most Uchihas were not allowed to travel alone.

This is an order from Uchiha Fuyue, and Uchiha Kai himself has nothing to do, but Uchiha Kai is not an honest guy.

Although Uchiha Fuyue issued this order, Uchiha Kai will also find opportunities to sneak out.

If he doesn't go out, I'm afraid Uchiha Yu will die directly in his secret training room.

This is not what Uchiha Kai wants to happen. A dead Uchiha is useless to him. If he wants to die, he has to wait for his own affairs to be completed!

"It seems really necessary to find some people to help."

Uchiha Keizai put on Uchiha Yu's weak but hateful eyes, changed the medicine for him and stuffed some food for him to eat.

This kind of feeling is very unhappy for Uchiha Kai. He now really wants to start his own experiments quickly, but as of now, he has no chance.

The disappearance of Yuchi Uchiha can't help but make the Uchiha family nervous, but also makes Konoha a little nervous, because Konoha is worried that some misunderstanding will happen and cause the internal rupture to rupture.

Uchiha Kai has learned enough on the battlefield. He did not leave any traces when he retreated, at least no one has found anything yet.

There is one more thing that must be thanked for this guy, Danzo, probably because he has done too many shameful things, and the three generations also know more or less of these situations.

Therefore, the Hyuga clan did not dispatch, otherwise Uchiha Qizhen would pack up and run away overnight.

But even if it was not discovered, it was Uchiha Yu, who also brought great distress to Uchiha Kai.

In addition to his food and dressing changes, this guy also made Kei Uchiha miserable in terms of hygiene.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but now Uchiha Kai's secret training room is smelly.

And Uchiha Kai has no choice but to pinch his nose to clean up these messy things, otherwise it will be troublesome if the people of the Inuzuka clan find out.

"Damn guy, he used a lot of drugs to get rid of his breath when he left."

Every time he thought of the disgusting scene, Uchiha Qi couldn't help complaining: "But this stench will be discovered sooner or later. Even if I arrange a lot of things nearby, it is just as easy to expose."

Sure enough, arresting people is not an easy job, and if it wasn't for the choice of Uchiha Qi, he would not be willing to do it in Konoha.

Because the detective power inside Konoha is really not weak, and Uchiha Qi really can't do everything, he is worried that he is cautious enough but he is ignorant.

But fortunately, he has not exposed it yet. He believes that in a short period of time, the news of the war should cover up this matter.

He guessed right, Uchiha Kai was relatively honest and Kakashi and others, after training in the public training ground for a period of time, Konoha's investigation has begun to weaken.

This is normal. After all, if someone has been missing for so many days, it can be judged that this guy may have died or been taken away from the village.

Although the Uchiha clan has not yet planned to give up, there is not much to do, and their control over the clan seems to have been handed down a lot.

This makes Uchiha Qi very happy, the ghost knows what he has experienced during this period of time!

The lifting of Uchiha's ban makes Uchiha at least no longer need to be a 'care worker' secretly, and Uchiha also feels that I am afraid that he really has to go out to do the task again.

Because the village has now begun to mobilize, Akai and the others have already gone out, and Hyuga Aya's injury has basically recovered. In this case, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai is not far away.

"So I still feel like taking advantage of the last rest period to do as much as possible." Uchiha Kai thought to himself: "And I'm fed up with this guy."

"What are you thinking about, Kai?" Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking wildly, Uchiha Ryoko suddenly asked, "Eat quickly, don't sit here in a daze."

"Well, I see." Uchiha Qi recovered and nodded.

"Don't think about other things at home." Uchiha Kai Ryoko complained in a low voice: "And the war is almost over, I believe you shouldn't..."

"Ryoko." Uchiha Keisuke interrupted Uchiha Ryoko: "Let's eat, we can't participate in things in the village, and Kai himself has made a decision, he has already surpassed us."

Uchiha Keisuke's words made Uchiha Ryoko not know what to say for a while. Indeed, Uchiha Keizhin has completely surpassed the two of them.

Whether it is strength or status within the Uchiha clan, or the level of ninjas in the village is the same.

Uchiha Kai is their pride, so their relationship with Uchiha Kai has implicitly improved their status in the clan and in the village, but they don't care about it, they just hope their children are okay.

"Don't worry I know what to do. I've been on the battlefield for so many years, haven't I survived?" Uchiha Qi said calmly, and then he put down the tableware: " I'm full, eat slowly."

"Kai, why do you eat a little bit?" Uchiha Ryoko frowned, "Even if you have something on your mind, you have to eat cleanly, you know!"

"I'm really full." Uchiha Qi was a little helpless, but he still explained: "My appetite has always been normal, and I'm used to it on the battlefield. No matter how good the food is, I'll be full, otherwise I won't have the strength to fight. Woolen cloth."

"You mean, you dislike what I make is not delicious?" Uchiha Ryoko's brows suddenly picked up, looking a little angry.

Uchiha Kai was even more helpless. He knew that Uchiha Ryoko was not really angry, it was just a little trick to deepen their relationship.

It's just that Uchiha Kai really has no idea in this regard, even if Uchiha is grateful to them from the bottom of his heart, and is willing to do something for them.

After turning on the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Kai felt that he was already biased towards normal people, but there were more things that Uchiha Kai couldn't do for them temporarily.

Honestly admitted the mistake, Uchiha Kai returned to his room, took out a book, and began to read slowly.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock that Ryoko Uchiha came to help him turn off the lights and told him to go to bed earlier that Uchiha Kai put the book down.

When the whole family was dark, Uchiha Qi silently cast a shadow clone, then changed into a black combat outfit and left the room, then avoided the patrol and walked towards the forest where he was training.

It's just that Uchiha Qi didn't realize that when he was moving, there was a figure who was watching him silently...