Chapter 95: ? please stay

Uchiha's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to reach his destination.

I have to say that the place chosen by Uchiha Kai is very good, because the Uchiha family has a bad relationship with ordinary people in the village, so this forest close to the Uchiha family is really rare.

Especially in the middle of the night, plus the Uchiha clan is now under martial law, it is even more impossible for anyone to want to approach here.

After Uchiha Kai came to his secret training room, he did not go in immediately, but carefully observed the movements around him and the traps he had set.

After some observation, Uchiha Kai was a little relieved, and he always had a feeling that he was following him on the way.

This kind of feeling Uchiha Kai is a little uneasy, but Uchiha Kai didn't find anyone along the way, so Uchiha Kai simply decided to act normally.

Of course, Uchiha Kai also left some traps, such as deliberately leaving the door of the underground laboratory open for others to come in.

Ninjas want to collect information. If Uchiha Kai leaves such a flaw, they will most likely go in to investigate.

And once it is drawn out, Uchiha Kai will definitely kill him!

His secrets can't be exposed, whether it's from Anbu or the Uchiha clan!

"I hope it's just me being overly sensitive." Uchiha Kaixin said silently, and then he opened the door of the underground training room.

Unfortunately, Kei Uchiha's feeling was not wrong. After he entered the underground training room with his forefoot, it didn't take long for a person who also wore a black combat uniform and a mask to come here.

Looking at the underground building hidden in this forest, the masked man frowned slightly, because he smelled a smell that made him very comfortable.

He didn't make a sound either. Looking at the unclosed door, he was a little puzzled. Is this Uchiha Kei trying to get rid of these smells, or has he sensed him and deliberately lured him into the bait?

But no matter what kind, the masked man will not miss this opportunity, he is very angry now, he wants to figure out everything!

He walked towards the basement silently, and the stench that came from him became stronger and stronger, but the masked man didn't seem to care about all this.

Silently stepped up the stairs, and the masked man walked down slowly. This basement looked very simple and very dim, and people might not be able to see clearly when they walked down.

But the masked man is not an ordinary person, and everything in it will not have any visual impact on him.

Taking a glance, he didn't see Uchiha Kai's figure, but he saw Uchiha Yu, who was curled up in the corner, bound all over, and was dying!

For a time, the masked man became even more angry. Uchiha was not dead, but the situation was very bad. Although the key wounds on his limbs were bandaged, this did not mean anything!


At this moment, the masked man suddenly felt the blade cut through the air, and attacked him with the power of thunder attribute chakra.

Obviously, this is definitely Uchiha's handwriting. He deliberately opened the basement door to exude viciousness, and while doubting the enemy, he also let in those who really doubted him.

The environment in the basement is dim and most people can't see anything when they come in. This is also the time when most people are most vigilant.

Although the success rate of the sneak attack was very high, Uchiha Kai didn't start at this time, obviously to let him relax his vigilance.

If an ordinary person finds Isamu Uchiha after getting used to the light in the basement, he is likely to focus on him.

Coupled with the fact that Uchiha Kei hasn't done anything before, it is very likely that there will be subtle psychological hints.

And at this time, it will definitely make people unpredictable, even if there is a certain defense, it will definitely not be as concentrated as before!

The mask man quickly analyzed everything, and he had to admit that Uchiha Kei really was good enough, but the more excellent the mask man was, the more angry he became.

The masked man evaded the sneak attack of Uchiha Kai with a light sideways movement, and at the same time, a kunai appeared in his hand and stabbed Uchiha Kai's arm fiercely.

Uchiha Kai was a little surprised that 'Lanqi' was dodged, because ordinary Joinin would never be able to dodge Uchiha Kai's sneak attack, and even if they dodged, they wouldn't be able to fight back so fiercely!

But Uchiha Kei didn't panic in the slightest either. This kunai was aggressive, but Uchiha Kei saw its trajectory clearly.

At the moment when he was about to reach the foundation of Uchiha Kai, he dexterously deceived his body and grabbed the hand of the masked man.

In an instant, Uchiha Kai's left hand flashed a silver arc. Although Uchiha Kai didn't develop Chidori-ryu, it was a good choice to take a caller at such a distance!

The masked man was obviously too far behind Uchiha Kai's behavior, so he erected the index finger and **** of his left hand, and chakra surged in him instantly.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

In an instant, a fire escape was completed, and then Uchiha Kai had already let go of the mask's right hand and fled, and the masked man quickly chased out.

After all, the space in the basement is too small to be suitable for Kai Uchiha, nor is it suitable for this masked person.

Both of them have the idea of ​​not wanting to hurt Yuchi Uchiha They have been fighting in this basement and it is hard to say whether Yuchi Uchiha will be affected.

"Why did you do this?"

Standing in the woods above the basement, the masked man asked indifferently, "You have a personal grudge with him? Even so, there is no need for you to harm your kin like this."

"Are you also from the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Qi looked at the masked man in front of him and took a deep breath, and suddenly he showed a sneer: "No wonder you can dodge my sneak attack, and you can see through my movements. I'm curious who you are, and what do I do? Do I need to tell you something?"

The guy wearing the mask is right from the Uchiha clan, because Uchiha Kai has seen the scarlet eyes hidden under the mask in the dark basement.

It's just that Kai Uchiha doesn't know who he is. This guy's voice has obviously been changed through special techniques, and his attire is very ordinary without any special signs. With the addition of a mask, it blocks Kai Uchiha's face. Hard to guess.

But no matter who it is, this guy is Kai Uchiha's enemy!

"It doesn't matter who I am, you can understand that I am the patron saint of Uchiha." The masked man's voice was the same as Uchiha Kai, calm and indifferent: "What you did is unforgivable, Uchiha Kai, look back, Maybe you still have a chance to recover."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Forget it, I don't have much time, you are the only one?"

"I'm the only one." The masked man nodded: "I have one last piece of advice for you, come back."

"I don't think I have a way back." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, I'm also doing it for myself, so..."

"Please stay."