Chapter 133: ?coincide

There are five people working with Kai Uchiha, and only one of these five people is Shirao, that is Kakashi.

Kakashi chased the past for a reason, and Uchiha Qi didn't need to think about it to know that it was definitely Rin Nohara who was kidnapped by the Anbu group when they were fighting!

Thinking of this, Kei Uchiha was already unable to suppress his emotions. He wanted to quickly solve the problem here and ran over.

However, Uchiha Kai quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down because he was still negotiating.

It's a pity that Qing is not a simple character. No matter how fast Uchiha Qi changed his face, he would still find some clues.

Soon, Ao directly grabbed Aya Hyuga's throat, and her voice became a little colder: "It looks like you still have important tasks, Uchiha kid."

"Whether I have any important tasks seems to have nothing to do with you."

Uchiha Kai secretly thought that **** it, but he still looked at Qing calmly: "And even if there is a mission, my teammates can't keep up, right?"

"Really?" Qing's face showed a bit of grimness: "It seems that you are planning to give up this little girl? Very good, very courageous, and very measured! But have you considered the consequences?"

"It's a big deal, let's fight to the death." Uchiha Ki stared at Ao, although his mouth was tough, but he had already begun to calculate the gains and losses in his heart.

Kei Uchiha didn't know how long Rin Nohara was taken away by those Anbu Kirin.

If it takes a long time, I'm afraid Uchiha Kei won't be able to find their location at all.

To be on the safe side, Uchiha Kei had better hurry up and follow.

Although it may be discovered by Bai Jue Hei Jue, it's better than Bai Jue working for nothing in the end, right?

Besides, he felt that he and Kakashi had already been discovered when they stepped into the country of grass, right?

It's just a woman like Aya Hyuga, and Kei Uchiha really doesn't want to miss this perfect opportunity to send her on the road with someone else's hand!

What Uchiha Kai has to do is very simple, that is, increase the strength of the ninja sword in his hand, and let Terumi Mei die directly, then Hyuga Aya will definitely not survive!

With Hyuga Aya dead, it's not a loss to have the future five generations of Mizukage buried with her, but once he starts, that Ao will never give up.

At that time, unless Kai Uchiha directly turns on the kaleidoscope and uses the pupil technique, he will not know how long this fight will take.

The most important thing is that the ghost knows Madara Uchiha's eyeliner, and those Bai Jue, who are hiding in the ground like a mouse, are peeping.

Let Obito open the kaleidoscope first, and Madara Uchiha will be less interested in him.

After all, Madara Uchiha has also lost a lot of effort in Obito, and he doesn't know how much more blackhearted than Obito, Madara Uchiha will definitely not choose himself at that time.

"However, it seems to be a loss."

Uchiha thought to himself: "It's a waste of chakra to fight him, and it may expose too many things. If you don't fight him, you miss an excellent opportunity to clear hidden dangers, it's really troublesome!"

Uchiha Kai was very upset, but he still looked at Qing calmly.

On the other hand, Qing also had a calm expression on his face, he seemed to be waiting for Uchiha Kai's decision.

This guy is definitely an old fox. Although he doesn't know what Uchiha Kei is thinking, he may feel that Uchiha Kei is in a dilemma right now.

So he didn't say anything at all, and followed Ai Uchiha to the neck of Hyuga Aya with hardship and death, with a big expression of "You don't want to do your task and I'll stay with you to the end".

"Forget it, let it go."

Uchiha Qi thought about it for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly: "I don't have time to entangle with you, you are lucky."

"You're lucky."

Qing snorted coldly, and after watching Uchiha Kai put down the ninja sword that was resting on Terumi Mei's neck, he also put down the Kunai in his hand.

Terumi Mei's whole body was paralyzed, she walked tremblingly, although she was better now.

As for Hyuga Aya, Aya used her white eyes to attack several acupuncture points. Her current chakra is not smooth.

The physical state of the two of them can be said to be half a pound and a half, but the mentality of the two of them is very different.

Terumi Mei's heart is full of humiliation. She has been regarded as a genius ninja since she was a child, and she herself has enough ambition.

At a young age, she has already mastered two kinds of blood successors, and it can be said that she has a bright future!

However, today she was defeated by a ninja who didn't even know her name. Yes, Terumi Mei didn't even know what this guy's name was!

Apart from knowing that this guy is a Uchiha ninja, everything else is really like a fog.

She gritted her teeth and walked forward slowly, she vowed that she must find out who this guy is, and she must solve this guy with her own hands!

On the other side, Aya Hyuga has a bit of a life after the catastrophe, and is infinitely incredible!

She really didn't expect that Uchiha Kai didn't take advantage of this perfect opportunity to choose.

Let the enemy kill him, and he won't get into any trouble. Instead, he will choose to save himself, a person who has no freedom and also has a lot of negative information about him.

Aya Hyuga walked forward silently. She felt that there was something wrong with all of this. It was impossible for Kai Uchiha to be so kind. She felt that there was definitely a problem here.

Aya Hyuga and Terumi Mei were twenty meters apart, neither of them dared to look back, so they stared at each other.

Their steps were the same, walking slowly and steadily towards each other, and soon the two of them walked side by side.

At this moment, the two of them involuntarily paused for a while. The next moment they both took a deep breath at the same time, and then took a step forward, their positions suddenly staggered.

It was at this time that Aya Hyuga saw Uchiha activated, and saw Uchiha Kai quickly forming a seal with both hands. It was obvious that the last seal was a fire escape!

On the other side Terumi Mei also saw Ao Kuai quickly forming a seal, and the last seal told Terumi Mei that there was a water escape at this time!

"You want to sneak attack on this woman from Hyuga's house?"

"Uchiha Kai wants to kill me?"

The two women thought at the same time, but what the two of them never expected at the next moment was that a fire dragon and a water dragon collided in the sky in an instant, and their positions were exactly the same!

The terrifying water vapor spread in an instant, and Uchiha Kai stared blankly at the scene, not only him, but also Hyuga Aya was a little dumbfounded.

However, Hyuga Aya reacted very quickly, seeing Terumi Mei staggering, she immediately ran to Ao, and she ran towards Uchiha Kai's position no matter how much acceleration.

"Hey, Uchiha's little brat, I remember you!" Ao's voice came from behind the steam: "We will meet again!"

"Hmph." Uchiha Kai snorted coldly, looking at the thick water vapor Uchiha Kai suddenly didn't know what to say.

Just now, Uchiha Kai's instant seal was going to directly target Hyuga Aya, and his fire dragon coverage covered Terumi Mei, which can be said to have created an illusion.

He wanted to kill Shuangxueji ninja, but because he accidentally killed the branch of the Hinata clan, and Shuangxueji ninja seriously injured Qing, he had no chance to pursue him.

But what Uchiha Kei never expected was that that **** Ao was actually planning to attack Aya Hyuga.

Being threatened by Uchiha Kai like this, not taking revenge is not their Kirin style at all!

As a result, it was a coincidence that the two ninjutsu collided exactly!

Not only did they not hurt anyone, but they were separated from both sides, thus giving them enough opportunities to retreat...