Chapter 134: ?smart people

Sometimes coincidences can be so depressing, Uchiha started a black hand to kill people, but the coincidence is that the people on the other side also planned to play a black hand.

This also led to the actions of Uchiha Kai, which looked like he was saving people.

With this kind of nonsense, Uchiha Kai didn't know what he was talking about, except that he sighed with emotion that Aya Hyuga shouldn't die.

Glancing at Aya Hyuga, who was on the side with a vigilant but puzzled expression, Kei Uchiha lost his interest in taking action.

"Why save me?" Hyuga Aya's face was still indifferent: "I'm afraid for you, you will feel more at ease when I die."

"If you want to die, wipe Kuwu's throat by yourself, or find a cliff and jump off yourself."

Kei Uchiha didn't even bother to pay attention to the woman Hyuga Aya, he didn't want to save this woman, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing that the water vapor has slowly disappeared, Ao and Terumi Mei have completely disappeared in place, which made Uchiha Kai heave a sigh of relief.

Turning his head and looking at Aya Hyuga, Keiza Uchiha was a little angry, but he didn't talk about anything.

After thinking for a moment, he asked directly, "Kakashi is in the north?"


Aya Hyuga didn't talk nonsense, she directly opened her eyes and looked in the direction Uchiha Kai said.

Soon she said, "Yes, he seems to be tracking something. But the distance is a little far, and my eyes can't see that far."

Baiyan's sight distance is similar to that of Sharonyan's insight, and both become stronger with the continuous improvement of strength.

The difference is that Sharinyan relies on mental stimulation and the improvement of Chakra, while White Eye relies on proficiency and Chakra complement each other.

Uchiha Ki nodded, then he put the ninja sword directly into the scabbard, turned his head and walked towards Kakashi's position.

Hyuga Aya was stunned for a moment. She really didn't expect that Uchiha Kai didn't take advantage of this time and opportunity. This made her relieved and even more puzzled.

"Actually, it doesn't take much effort for me to kill you."

Uchiha Kei was walking forward when suddenly he said softly, "Even I want to kill you in so many ways and so many opportunities, so why should I use someone else's hand to kill you?

Although it's 'clean', it's boring. So I also ask you not to be bored. If you really can't think of it, you can solve it yourself. Maybe I will lay flowers on your hero's monument. "

"Qi-jun is joking."

Although Hyuga Aya used her words very politely, her tone was still cold: "Also, how could a caged bird without freedom like me attract Qi-kun's attention? It seems that I think too much."

"No, you didn't."

Uchiha Kai suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked directly at Hyuga Aya with a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes: "I really want to kill you, because you are a caged bird, a bird who knows what you shouldn't know and has a plan. Ambitious caged bird, you are dangerous.

Especially for me, you are a timed detonation charm. Once someone gives your family enough benefits, then you may blow me up all over. "

Since the sincerity has been made public, Uchiha Kei is too lazy to hide anything. Anyway, Uchiha Kei thinks that Hyuga Aya has a good idea about it.

Therefore, there is no psychological pressure at all when Uchiha Kai said it directly. The fact is so cruel, Uchiha Kai also pays attention to Hyuga Aya's feelings.

Aya Hyuga is a tragic character, isn't anyone not a tragic character?

It's just that who is more miserable than the other, who is more aggressive than the other.

"It seems that my guess is correct. Qi-Jun does have malice towards me, and my feeling is right."

Aya Hyuga nodded knowingly: "But it's really an honor to be remembered by an eagle like you, Qi-kun, who is already roaming in the sky."

"Honor? I guess it's true that you want to kill me?"

Uchiha Kai laughed without any scruples: "Don't forget that we are a kind of person, I can guess your thoughts, just as you can guess mine.

Just do it yourself, Aya-kun, I hope I won't have the chance to attack you in the future, but it's better for you to be careful, after all, you are a dangerous detonating charm. "

"I've been taught, Kai-kun." Hyuga Aya bowed slightly to Uchiha Kai, but when she straightened up, her tone changed: "Captain, what am I going to do now."

"Find Imai Kenta." Uchiha Kai nodded with satisfaction, then glanced aside inadvertently: "You guys clean up the bodies here, and then... go to support me."

After speaking, Uchiha Qi immediately disappeared and disappeared in place, while Hyuga Aya quietly watched Uchiha's departure figure for a long time before she sighed.

A free bird is always enviable, especially for someone like her who has lost her freedom. Her dream is to become a free-flying bird.

Shaking her head, Aya Hyuga turned around and walked towards the corpse beside her, but she suddenly stopped when she came to a corpse of Kirin.

"How long do you want to hide, Ken Tai-kun?" Hyuga Aya's voice was still cold: "After listening to so many things that shouldn't be heard, don't you think you're going too far?"

"Isn't Aya-kun also worried about Qi-kun's actions?" Imai Kenta suddenly came out of the shadows with a corpse of Mist Ninja in his hand.

He casually threw the corpse on the ground and showed a harmless smile: "Although I really don't want to hear it, but for the unity of our team..."

"Don't you feel blushing when Ken Tai-kun says this?" Hyuga Aya sneered: "Once Uchiha Qi starts to do something to me, then you will be the next one, but I just saw that you are ready to go. Woolen cloth."

"Is there? Aya-kun is definitely wrong." Imai Kenta still maintained a harmless smile: "Captain is not an unreasonable person, and I didn't hear what you said."

Hyuga Aya looked at Imai Kenta seriously, but soon she lost interest in this guy.

This guy is a smart guy, he definitely knows what the situation is like.

It's just that this guy is smart because he is smart, and he will always see through but not tell.

Let yourself hide in the darkest and most inconspicuous corners, such people are too deep, dangerous and terrifying.

Actually, Kenta Imai didn't know that if Kei Uchiha really did something to Aya Hyuga, he would definitely be the next person to follow in Aya's footsteps.

Birds cherish clean feathers, and the more powerful people are, the more they cherish their feathers.

Uchiha Kai is not a high-ranking person, but as his reputation as a "war hero" is getting louder and louder.

Coupled with the relationship between his family and the village, Uchiha Kei can't make mistakes.

Thinking of this, Kenta Imai lowered his head, and honestly began to examine these Kirin Shinobi corpses.

No one knew what was going through his mind before...