Chapter 135: ?hope he's not stupid

Uchiha Qi walked silently in the rain, recalling what happened a few hours ago, Uchiha Kai sighed involuntarily.

A showdown with Aya Hyuga wasn't something he planned, but Aya Hyuga isn't the only smart person. Kei Uchiha thinks he is also a smart person.

But Uchiha Kai discovered that the one who seemed to be the smartest was the guy who kept a smirk on the corner of his mouth all day.

The appearance of Kenta Imai was not only discovered by Aya Hyuga, but also by Kai Uchiha, a guy with average perception ability.

And this guy's ability to hide himself is first-class!

Then there is only one question, this guy was deliberately discovered by Uchiha Kai and Hinata Aya.

It was precisely because of the appearance of this guy that Uchiha Kei let go of his killing intent towards Hyuga Aya.

Although the pair of two Uchiha Kai are not worried, but Uchiha Kai has no time to spend with them there now.

This is a kind of silent deterrence. It not only gave Aya Hyuga and Kei Uchiha the courage to talk, but also made Kei Uchiha not dare to act indiscriminately.

This method is very clever, because his appearance caused a temporary change in the pattern.

But this method is also very inferior, and if you are not careful, you will get burned.

Kei Uchiha didn't want to play such a game with Kenta Imai, but he had some other ideas.

Such a smart person seems worthy of Uchiha's attention.

Whether he is optimistic about his future and future development, or whether he is always vigilant about whether he will cause trouble for himself, Uchiha Kei will think about it after returning to the village.

Chasing in the direction Kakashi was heading, Uchiha Kai found that he had been chasing for more than three hours.

And so far, Uchiha has not even found a fart, which makes Uchiha a little depressed.

Could it be that you have found the wrong way?

Probably not, Uchiha Kai has spent a lot of time investigating the traces along the way, and he has indeed found a lot of traces.

It's just that I haven't found any traces after chasing it all the way, which makes Kai Uchiha feel more and more anxious.


Suddenly, Uchiha Kai felt a very terrifying chakra erupting not far away.

This chakra made Kai Uchiha feel a little familiar, but also felt some unusual characteristics, which is a kind of...

Like a chakra full of vitality!

Uchiha Qi frowned, thinking about it, he took out a scroll.

The scroll was unrolled, and soon the sealed items were taken out by Uchiha Kai.

This is a black cape with a hood and a cape that can completely envelop the person. In addition, there is an ordinary Anbu mask inside.

"Although it doesn't feel like a bird, but..."

Uchiha Qi put on these things and thought silently: "Forget it, I don't know if Obito's IQ wants these things, but someone should remind him."

After doing all this, Uchiha Kai completely hid his body in this black cloak.

Putting on the mask and hood, Kai Uchiha once again ran towards the place where the strange chakra erupted...


"It should be right here."

Kakashi quietly came to the entrance of a cave. After finding a handful of Kunai and the hair that was cut off by Kunai, Kakashi basically decided that Nohara Rin had been kidnapped!

Although I'm not sure who did it, no matter who Kakashi is, he has already made them equal to death!

However, Kakashi is not an impulsive person. He knows that if he is alone, then he can find a way to deal with these guys, and then the driver will kill them.

But Kakashi's current target is Rin Nohara, which also means that Kakashi can't fight against the enemy while protecting Rin Nohara.

At this time, Kakashi couldn't help but think of the joke Uchiha Kai once said: I can't accompany you if I pick up the ninja sword, but I can't protect you if I put down the ninja sword.

Although this sentence seems a little out of place here, Kakashi has a deep sense of identity with this sentence.

"Excuse me, Parker."

Kakashi said to the little ninja dog, this little guy was summoned by Kakashi when he was looking for Lin.

"Then it's up to you, Kakashi." Parker wasn't as wretched as he was, so he nodded casually: "Don't die, kid."

Looking at Parker who turned into a cloud of smoke, Kakashi took a deep breath, and then quietly sneaked into the cave.

This cave seems to be quite small from the outside, but after entering, Kakashi found that it is very large, and there is no problem in accommodating twenty or thirty adult ninjas.

It's just that Kakashi was a little surprised, because after he came in, he found that there was no one defending here, which made Kakashi wonder if he had entered some kind of trap.

Having been on the battlefield for so many years, he naturally knows how sinister the human heart is.

Especially now, although it seems that peace is close at hand, the shadow of war has not yet dissipated!

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi raised the covered writing wheel, and he could see everything around him clearly for a while, but this made Kakashi feel even more strange.

How is this going?

Why is there almost no fortification here?

Judging from the traces left here, there are at least twenty or thirty ninjas living here But what about them now?

"Did he go out?" Kakashi thought silently, but soon Kakashi held his breath.

He heard a voice, the voice of a person talking!

He stooped and moved towards the origin of the voice quietly, Kakashi immediately found Lin's figure in a small hole in the cave!

At this time, she seemed to be a little out of her mind and looked a little dazed. It was obvious that she was an illusionist.

And the two Kirinobu Anbu guarding her were chatting about something, as if they were talking about three tails or something else.

This information is of no use to Kakashi. Although he remembered it, he also temporarily filtered it out.

Chakra's slowly surged in his body, and Kakashi's breathing began to become regular.

Each of his breaths is accompanied by a gentle surge of chakra, and with his slow and rhythmic breathing, the chakra in Kakashi boils more and more!


Although these two Kirinobu Anbu were distracted, but with the continuous improvement of Kakashi Chakra, how could they not find the situation.

But in the next second, Kakashi rushed in front of the two of them like an arrow from a string, and his scarlet left eye saw through everything in an instant.

The knife in his hand fluttered gently, and when he stood firm, Kakashi slowly put the knife away.

When the ninja sword was completely inside the scabbard, the two Anbu Kirin behind him fell to the ground at the same time.

"Rin!" Kakashi quickly ran to Nohara Rin, and after checking the situation, he immediately made a seal with one hand.

The next moment, Rin Nohara, who had lost consciousness at first, began to clear her eyes...