Chapter 136: ? Rescue

In the dark underground cave, Obito was lying on a wooden slump, moving his right hand diligently, exercising the coordination between his right arm and his entire body.

He couldn't even remember how long he had been in this ghost place.

He only remembered that he was here when he woke up from a coma, and he was accompanied by two swirling faces that didn't look like people at all.

And an old ghost who claims to be Madara Uchiha with a strange pipe behind his back.

"When will I be able to return to Konoha!"

Obito's mouth was shattering: "I heard that those whirlpool faces said that the guy Uchiha Kai actually turned on the writing wheel, and he became the hero of Konoha! It's maddening me, if I hadn't been there Here, this name must be mine!"

Probably because he was afraid that Obito would be too boring, Madara Uchiha still asked Bai Jue to bring back some news to Obito from time to time.

One of them was about the mission they performed at the beginning. Obito also knew that because of his 'death', Uchiha Kai and his team joined the Minato class, and then completed the mission he was going to complete.

This made Obito heave a sigh of relief. Uchiha Ki Obito knew each other, and the relationship was neither good nor bad, but Obito didn't like Uchiha Ki too much.

"That guy looks kind of warm, but he's actually kind of cold."

Every time Uchiha Obito recalled Uchiha Kai, he couldn't help but think of the guy who was calm and silent, who was kind to people, but always made Obito feel a little cold.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Obito was too lazy to think about these things, and now he suddenly misses that guy.

Although there is also a Uchiha Madara here, but after Uchiha Madara told him about a plan to "abandon the troubles in the real world and escape to a dream full of happiness", he felt that there was something wrong with Uchiha Madara's brain.

Let’s not say whether it can be done or not, even if it can be done, it’s all fake. What’s the point of being fake?

"Let everyone fall into the illusion, how can this kind of thing be done, it really is not normal for people who live too long.

I still find a chance to escape and tell the teacher about it. It is too dangerous to be with these mentally abnormal people. "

So far, Obito didn't bother to pay attention to these neurotic diseases. The two swirling faces were neurotic, and the immortal Uchiha Madara was also neurotic.

Uchiha Obito didn't think he was insane, he just wanted to recover quickly and get people to leave this ghost place quickly.

He wants to go back to Konoha, he wants to go back to Kakashi and Rin's side, he still has a lot of friends, and he still dreams of becoming Hokage!

However, at this moment, a white figure appeared on the wall above his head.

Bai Jue's expression was a little anxious: "It's not good to take the soil. I just went out. The Lin and the idiot Kakashi you mentioned are in a bad situation."

"What happened?" Obito yelled, looking anxious. This was the first time he had received news about Kakashi and Lin since he came here.

"The two of them were single-handedly surrounded by ninjas from Kiriyin Village."

"What? Kirin? Isn't this the country of grass?"

Obito's pupils shrank suddenly, and after thinking for a while, he found that he couldn't think of a reason at all.

So he jumped up, and the strong impact knocked the wooden collapse that was lying down just now, and punched the wall in the distance.

With a bang, there were some cracks on the wall, but for the deep underground, this was just a trivial point.

However, his right arm was broken under the huge shock, like some kind of soft body glued to his hand.

"Bastard!" He clutched his right shoulder, anxiety and anger in his eyes.

"With your current body, it is impossible to break the wall and go out." The whirlpool face appeared behind him and said.

"Even so, I'm going out, I'm going to save Kakashi and Lin, I must go." He gritted his teeth, but there was an unquestionable taste in his tone.

The whirlpool looked at him, silent for a while, and then the whole body spread out silently, like a plant opening its leaves, and there was nothing under the whirlpool's face.

"Put on my body, so you can use my strength." The voice of the whirlpool face sounded in his ear, and the white coat like a plant had been put on Obito.

"Aren't you Madara's subordinates? Is it okay to help me like this?"

"Aren't you going to save Rin and Kakashi, don't talk too much."


This time, Obito sincerely thanked him. After a while, his body was covered with a white vortex "coat", and he stretched his right arm without hindrance.

The power of the golem entered Bai Jue's coat through the white pipe, and Obito clenched his fist and punched hard!


The originally incomparably hard boulder seemed extraordinarily fragile at this moment, but just punching the boulder blocking his progress turned it into pieces.

"Are you going?" Madara Uchiha raised his head indifferently and looked at Obito.

"Ah, although I thank you very much for saving me, I have a reason to leave." Obito didn't deny it, he was very anxious right now.

"You are too anxious, it may be too early to thank me now." Madara Uchiha was old, but still full of momentum.

"I don't think I'll come back. All in all, I've already thanked me, and I'm leaving."

"You....will definitely come back, and then I will accept your true thanks."

This time, Obito ignored Madara Uchiha's words. After confirming the positions of Kakashi and Rin, Obito grabbed a black robe and went out along the exit.

About a few minutes later, the long-lost light from the ground came into view. It was not dazzling, and it seemed to be dusk.

The moment he came to the surface, the vortex mask covering his head spread out, like the leaves of a plant, and then folded into a white hood.

"Where are Kakashi and the others, take me there." Obito said anxiously to Bai Jue who was covering him He was extremely impatient at this moment.

Bai Juedao's voice was still so indifferent: "Don't worry, you are wearing my avatar. We can communicate with our minds within a certain distance, and he will take you there."

"Really, Uzumaki?" Obito asked quickly, and the unique voice of Uzumaki sounded in his ear: "That's right, I will guide you, right east, keep going."

"Okay." Without any hesitation, Obito hurried towards the east. While running, he asked aloud, "How are Kakashi and Rin now?"

The whirlpool face said: "According to the information from my companions, it seems to be quite dangerous. They were surrounded by dozens of people in Wuyin Village, all of them are powerful Anbu, and they also said 'experimental body' or something, I It's not very clear either."

"Test subject?" Obito whispered to himself, a minute faster, the whistling wind kept blowing in his ears, but he couldn't calm down his restless heart.

"What is Minato-sensei doing?" While jumping up the tree, he tried to ask Uzumaki face some information.

"Who is that?" Bai Jue's voice sounded somewhat inexplicable.

"I ask you, what is the golden flash doing now?" Obito shouted anxiously.

"It seems to be performing other tasks, it seems to be negotiating with Iwanin, it is said that Konoha is going to win a big victory." Bai Jue's voice still sounded so indifferent.

"It's over? But why at such a time..."

With a helpless voice, Obito kept rushing to the east, he secretly said in his heart: "Kakashi, you must wait for me to arrive, you promised me at the beginning, you must protect Lin well, wait, just need Hold on a little longer, and I'll be there soon."
