Chapter 138: ?violent

As Rin fell to the ground, Kakashi's expression was a little sluggish, and the ninja sword he held in his hand couldn't help but start to tremble.

I killed Lin? I killed Lynn? I killed Lynn!

Kakashi's right hand clutching the knife began to tremble wildly.

At this moment, Rin's voice and smile could not help but appear in his mind, and Obito's words "Kakashi, Rin will be handed over to you, protect her well" echoed in his ears!

Sadness, loss of strength, as if the whole world was leaving him instantly reverberated in his heart.

Kakashi slowly pulled out the ninja sword that was stabbed in Rin's chest. Looking at Nohara Rin, who was barely breathing, Kakashi was dizzy for a while, and finally fell abruptly to the ground.

Obito, who had witnessed everything, let out a heart-piercing roar, and the chakras all over his body gathered frantically toward his eyes.

The red hook jade was stretched, and in a few seconds, it turned into a pattern like a windmill, and the huge pupil power flowed from it to the whole body.

However, Obito had no intention of paying attention to this suddenly awakened power at the moment, and his body on the right was burning.

The white hood on his head spread out, like the barbs of a plant, woven under the chaos of Chakra, and turned into a white vortex mask to wrap him again, leaving only one blood-red pupil staring coldly in front of him.

The right half of his body was also furious with the roar, Mu Dun pierced his body and many barbs appeared, just like the trunk of a tree, and the cells between the thousand-hand pillars began to burst.

"Who?" A masked Kirin Anbu turned around, just because of Kakashi's sudden movement, they didn't notice Obito.

"Is Konoha's reinforcements?" Another ninja said.

"He's only one person, what can he do with reinforcements to kill him." Another Kirin ninja said, because there were too many Kirin Anbu present, and they were all wearing masks, it was difficult to tell who was speaking.

As soon as it fell, several shurikens had already been shot, and in an instant they were in front of Obito.

when! when! when!

The shuriken directly penetrated the opponent's body and nailed it into the tree, and no one saw how he dodged.

"This world, this kind of thing..." Obito raised his head and roared like a beast: "I won't admit it!"

The kaleidoscope was full of bloodshots, his whole body rushed out in an instant, and the ground beneath his feet shattered.

"Bastard, don't underestimate us." A ninja at the front roared, wielding a long sword and slashing out.

The two figures intertwined, and the Kirigakushi ninja in front flew out backwards.

His body had been penetrated by wooden thorns, and the red rain of blood spilled onto the white vortex mask, which looked extraordinarily enchanting.

At this moment, a ninja next to him has been killed.

Obito made a mistake, the chakra in his right hand condensed, and a wooden thorn appeared from his sleeve, instantly knocking the ninja down, his blood-red pupils stared at him, looking extremely terrifying.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..." Looking at Obito at this moment, the Kirigakushi ninja subconsciously uttered a panicked sound, with a look of fear on his face.

In the sky, the three Wu Ninjas jumped high, their long knives glowing coldly.

The next moment, the three long knives pierced into Obito's body in no particular order, but it was as if they were stabbed in the air. Instead, the companions below were pierced by the three of them at the same time.

"It penetrated? How could it be?" The three exclaimed. Before they could react, Obito jumped up suddenly, spinning like a spinning top, and kicked the three of them flying at the same time.

"what happened?"

"It's a strange ninjutsu, everyone be careful."

"Don't be afraid, he is only one person."

A messy voice sounded in the crowd, and the ninjas of Kiriyin Village were attentively waiting.

A ninja seemed to remember something, turned his head and shouted: "At least take the test body away now, don't forget our mission!"

In his shouts, two ninjas from Kiriyin Village hurriedly ran towards Lin's body.

But this action undoubtedly touched Obito's Niscale, he roared angrily and rushed towards the two ninjas regardless.

"Hurry up and stop him." Wuyin shouted loudly, waving long knives, splashing raindrops in the rain curtain.

All the attacks penetrated the opponent's body, and he swiftly walked through the gaps of the crowd like a ghost.

"This guy can really be penetrated!" A ninja roared, slashing the long knife diagonally, passing through the opponent's body without exception.

For all this, Obito didn't pay any attention to it. He went straight to the two people next to Lin, and threw the wooden thorn in his hand, hitting one of them instantly.

It was completely a subconscious seal, the thorns swelled suddenly, and the opponent was pierced by countless tree trunks.

"Oh, unexpectedly, I unconsciously resorted to using wood dungeon, cutting technique, and Obito, I finally understand why Madara chose you." Seeing this scene, Uzumaki face secretly said in his heart.


With a loud shout, Obito vented his anger and punched another ninja next to him.

With a bang, the mist ninja was directly shot into the earth, and the surface shattered, not inferior to Tsunade's strange power.

At the first punch, the ninja from Kiriyin Village was already dead, but the furious Obito had lost his mind, forcibly lifted the opponent up, and slammed it down with punch after punch. The scene was extremely bloody.

"This guy... who is he?"

Looking at this terrifying step, a Kirinto Anbu in the back subconsciously stepped back, and the hand holding the knife trembled.

This scene lasted for about ten seconds Until the ninja could no longer see his original face, Obito slowly stood up.

At this time, his body was covered in blood, and the heavy rain poured down at some point, as if it was about to wash everything in the world.

In the rain curtain, the moon in the sky was also rendered scarlet by the blood on the ground, strange and terrifying.

Obito stood under the moon, the white vortex mask was cold and ruthless, like an evil spirit coming out of hell.

"Bastard... bastard, do you think we'll be afraid like this?" A Kirigakushi ninja forcefully cheered, but there was a hint of trembling in his tone.

Suddenly, Obito let out a roar, and the entire right half of his body suddenly swelled, turning into countless vines and rushing out, and the nearest Kirigakushi ninjas were instantly penetrated.

A **** massacre unfolded under the rain curtain, and Obito didn't know how he killed people.

From the moment he saw Lin fall, he was in a state of unconscious fury, and all the actions he made were just subconscious behaviors.

He only remembered one thing, he would never allow others to meet Lin, never...

The screams were mixed with blood flowing on the ground, and finally merged into a river of blood. The ground under the rain curtain was dyed red, like a terrifying pool of blood.

When Obito came back to his senses, everyone present was dead.

He walked slowly to the side of Lin who fell to the ground, and carefully picked her up, just like holding a sleeping beauty, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

The vortex mask spread out, Obito hugged her, and snuggled tightly in the blood.

"Is this... the so-called hell?"

The scarlet moon sheds light, and it is not bright.

At this moment, a figure wearing a black cloak with a hood and mask slowly appeared on the edge of the battlefield...