Chapter 139: ?I'm already in hell

"I'm late?"

Uchiha Kei slowly walked to the edge of the battlefield, frowning at the corpse in this place.

He seemed to have determined what the Chakra he felt was going on.

It was Mudun, apart from that, Uchiha Kai couldn't think of any other possibility.

With a helpless sigh, Uchiha Kai felt a little headache. Looking at the man in black who was holding Nohara Rin and crying, he knew that guy might be Uchiha Obito.

But for his own plan, Uchiha Kai decided to go meet with this guy.

Especially looking at the white substance that covered this guy's body, Uchiha Kai's heart started to beat fast.

If there is no problem with Uchiha Kai's own memory, then this thing is Bai Jue!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai slowly walked towards Obito, his eyes changing as he walked.

Until he was only a dozen steps away from Obito, his eyes had turned into a pair of scarlet kaleidoscopes.

"Let go of her." Uchiha said calmly and indifferently: "Who are you? You killed Rin Nohara?"

Although Uchiha Kai knew the beginning and end of all this, he had to face Uchiha Obito as if he didn't know anything.

He still maintains enough vigilance. The current Uchiha Obito is basically no different from being crazy, and he still has these white cells in his body when he just opened the kaleidoscope.

It can be said that in the future, this guy can quickly adapt to the eye of reincarnation, and he has a solid foundation to become the Ten-Tails Zhuli to open the Six Paths Mode.

"I killed Lin? Hehe, I killed Lin?"

With his back to Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Obito, hugging Rin's body began to tremble slowly.

The Bai Jue coat covering him also slowly moved again. Until the face with soil is completely covered.

"You said I killed Lin!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Obito rushed towards Uchiha Qi reluctantly, only to say that Obito had already rushed in front of Kai's eyes!

With his right hand raised, the wooden escape and wood insertion technique exploded directly towards Uchiha Kai.

However, Uchiha Kai is not the group of Kirin Anbu. He knows the details of Uchiha Obito, and he also knows what his kaleidoscope is.

It can be said that Uchiha Kai has no secrets in Uchiha Obito's eyes except that he can't understand the bias brought by this guy's kaleidoscope!

"go to hell!"


Uchiha Kai's cloak is automatic without wind, and his ninja sword has been unsheathed.

The ninja sword and the wooden thorn met, and in an instant, Uchiha Kai discovered that this guy's wooden thorn had vanished!

Uchiha Kai's eyes could see clearly, and at this moment, his right eye suddenly emitted a strange chakra!

"Retrospect of Time", according to the feedback from his own eyes, the full version of the skill is to reverse the time, but what Uchiha Kai can do now is to slow down the opponent.

But this is enough, he doesn't need much, just a moment is enough!

Obito's speed suddenly slowed down, and even Uchiha Kai could see the madness in his eyes.

Gently deflected Uchiha Kai directly to avoid the thorns that had disappeared, and then his ninja knife deflected downward, and in an instant, the ninja knife stabbed into Obito's body with a terrifying chakra!

The terrifying thunder chakra erupted instantly, and after Obito screamed, Uchiha Kai's sword also penetrated his body.

"You..." Uchiha Obito looked at the wound on his body in amazement.

Although the wound is recovering quickly, he was actually hit by Uchiha Kai!

"Are you....all right?" Uchiha Obito was stunned, and Uchiha Kai's expression was also a bit exciting.

Lanqie penetrated directly through his body, and also burst out with Lei Dun chakra.

It stands to reason that this guy should be paralyzed and unable to move by now, but this guy is still alive and kicking, and he doesn't look paralyzed at all.

And Uchiha Kai didn't cut those white spots!

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kei could only sigh that this guy is really a lucky explosive guy.

Apparently, it was because of the benefits that he and Bai Jue's bodies gained from merging with each other.

In addition to his rapidly recovering physique, I am afraid he is also immune to many other negative feelings, including paralysis!

"Who are you?" Uchiha Obito seemed to regain his senses now. He clenched his fists and stared at Uchiha Kai: "And what was the situation just now?"

"Going to the Konoha Ninja."

Although Uchiha Qi knew that he could not keep his identity, he still tried his best not to talk nonsense: "Who are you? You killed Rin and Kakashi, and at the same time killed so many Kirin, aren't you afraid? Retaliation?"

"Retaliation? Hahahaha! Retaliation?" Hearing Uchiha's words, Obito suddenly laughed out loud.

His laughter was extremely desolate and extremely crazy: "I'm already in hell, and I'm still afraid of your revenge? On the contrary, I want to thank you well, and I want to repay you well!"

Speaking of which, Uchiha Obito went crazy again.

He rushed to the front of Uchiha Kai with a quick stride, and clenched his right fist and smashed it towards Uchiha Kai fiercely. Uchiha Kai saw this and fought with him very simply.

At this time, Uchiha Obito had the help of Bai Jue, and also had a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Whether it is strength, chakra or speed, he is unparalleled I am afraid that his punch will not be much worse than Tsunade.

But it's a pity that even if Obito has a lot of hardware conditions, and he also has the incomprehensible pupil power, his foundation is really too poor.

Obito and Kai are both "marginal people" who are not valued by the family, and the level of ninja education they receive is basically the same.

Uchiha Kai is slightly better, after all, he also has a cheap father who used to be Chunin.

But Uchiha Obito is real and no one can help him. What he learns comes from the ninja school and his own training.

With Uchiha Obito's information, he is not very good at dealing with Obito, but it is enough to maintain such a state while using as little pupil technique as possible.

Obito is not the one who got Uchiha Madara's inheritance and studied hard.

He is now just a stunned young man who has used a lot of power, but doesn't know how to use it!

As time went on, Uchiha Kai's advantage gradually increased, while Obito became more and more upset. He felt as if he had been seen through!

Another contact, Uchiha Kai found a perfect time, taking advantage of the moment Uchiha Obito just blurred, Uchiha Kai turned on the pupil technique again.

It's just that this time he used the "Leap of Time" in his left eye. In an instant, Uchiha Kai was like a ghost, and his ninja knife stabbed into Uchiha Obito's chest again.

Like before, Uchiha Obito once again turned into a phantom, but this time is different, Uchiha Obito slowly disappeared in front of Uchiha Kai's eyes after the phantom.

As if it had never appeared before, there was only one corpse left, that blood-colored crescent moon...