Chapter 141: ?I am coming


After sealing Nohara Rin's body, Uchiha Qi silently put away the scroll.

This kind of sealing technique is not too difficult, it can be said that this is a method that many ninjas will use.

Some people even use this sealing technique to hide weapons in their bodies.

However, this sealing technique can only seal dead objects, and living bodies cannot be sealed.

Nohara Rin was dead, her heart was pierced by Kakashi, and irreversible damage was caused by Lei Dun Chakra.

Uchiha Kai remembered that it seemed that Nohara Rin's heart was also cursed, but whether it was so or not. I am afraid that it has also been destroyed by Kakashi's knife now.

"Three-tailed chakra, go back and find a way to check and study this chakra, followed by Nohara Rin."

Uchiha Qi fastened the ninja bag and then thought silently: "Although I don't know why Obito stayed, it's probably for the burial of Nohara Rinkai Konoha?

That's fine. Find someone who knows medical ninjutsu to help repair the corpse, and also find a way to maintain the basic activity of the corpse. Maybe it will have miraculous effects in the future. "

Uchiha Kai knows how much Uchiha Obito loves Rin, and Rin is also Uchiha Obito's only weakness.

In the future, whether it is to use the reincarnation of the dirty earth, or use other things, it is a good thing for the future to deal with and even countermeasure Obito.

He remembered that there was such a technique in Sand Ninja Village.

After putting away the scroll that sealed Rin Nohara's body, Kai Uchiha suddenly heard the movement of Kakashi not far away,

Looking back quickly, sure enough, this guy is already showing signs of waking up.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quickly formed the seal, and suddenly a fire dragon slammed out of the ground.

Even in such a cloudy and rainy day, his fire escape ignited everything in an instant.

Uchiha Kai didn't have the time to explain where Rin Nohara's body went. He would not hand over the body, and he would not let her go back to Konoha for burial.

Therefore, it is the best choice to burn a torch here, and there is no way to blame him without leaving traces.

And they are still doing their job now to clean up the corpse without leaving too many traces, and no one will say that there is nothing wrong with Uchiha Kai doing this.

Against the backdrop of the drizzle, the raging flames looked particularly enchanting and strange.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to feel that the temperature around him was not right, and he immediately opened his eyes and looked around.

"Kai?" Kakashi asked uncertainly. He touched his head with his left hand, and clenched his ninja knife with his right hand.

"Ah, it's me." Uchiha Qi had taken off his mask at this time, he turned his head and looked at Kakashi: "Sorry, I'm late."

Kakashi's left eye quickly glanced at the person in front of him, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the ninja sword in his right hand relaxed: "Did you kill them all... Lin, I will..."

"No more, Kakashi." Uchiha Kai interrupted Kakashi directly.

He glanced at everything that was burning around him, and then looked at Kakashi: "I have checked the body, Lin has a terrible Chakra in her body, and from what I know about you and Lin, I already know how something happened.

Kakashi, she is a strong girl. "

"But...but..." Kakashi couldn't hold back his tears anymore, he roared loudly with choked sobbing: "I killed Lin, I killed her, it was me!"

"You didn't kill him, are you an idiot?" Uchiha Qi frowned, Kakashi was full of energy now, and it would make him a little embarrassed if he continued to make trouble like this.

Regardless of Kakashi's tears, Uchiha Qi squatted down and grabbed his collar, pulling the guy down in front of him.

"Look into my eyes, I have lost more than you have experienced, you can go and take a good look at my resume, if every time you lose your partner, you will be devastated, then you have thought about those who have sacrificed everything for you and the village. My comrades, what do you think psychologically?"

"I..." Kakashi choked, he didn't struggle.

"A strong ninja is more than strength."

Uchiha Qi didn't give him a chance to speak, but continued to hold him and pour poisonous chicken soup: "Death is easy, but living is sometimes difficult.

A truly powerful ninja must learn to live with grief and faith in deceased comrades!

Obito gave you his eyes, hoping that you could see the future road with his eyes. Lin gave you her own beliefs, hoping that you would guard her beliefs and move forward.

Do you know what you should do? Kakashi! "

"I...I know..." Kakashi lowered his head, and at this time Uchiha Kai also loosened his collar and stood up again.

"Very good." Uchiha Qi nodded: "You can summon a ninja dog, right? Summon a ninja dog for me, I will be useful."

"Is it... Kirin?" Kakashi heard Uchiha Kai's words, and a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I'll go with you!"

"I refuse." Uchiha Qi glanced calmly: "Your state is not suitable for the task, I order you to go back to find Aya and Kenta as the captain, have a good rest, and then leave it to me."


In Madara Uchiha's secret base, the old man and the young man were quietly confronting each other. They were silent like statues. In fact, the two of them had already been trapped in the illusion space.

"Unleash illusions on everyone? How can this kind of thing be done?" Obito asked with a frown, feeling incredible just thinking about it.

Madara Uchiha said calmly: "Just use the moon to replace the pair of writing wheel eyes and project illusions on the entire ground to create an ideal world."

"What you said is too exaggerated, I couldn't understand it for a while." Uchiha Obito shook his head, he really couldn't understand

"If you want to explain it, you need to start with the Six Paths Immortals and the Ten Tails." Madara said, a simple and simple mural automatically appeared in front of the two of them.

A giant beast with blood-red pupils is stirring the world, and the ten tails behind it are clearly visible.

Beneath the giant beast is a figure with a tin staff.

"Aren't the Six Path Immortals and the Ten Tails from the mythology and monsters, how could they be involved?" Obito continued to ask.

"Myths are also based on reality, but because the time is too long, this is unreal. The nine-tailed beasts scattered all over the world were formed by the splitting of the ten-tailed power of the Six Path Immortals." Madara calmed down explained.

"Is there any evidence to prove this?"

"Yes, my presence in front of you is the most powerful proof. Also, after the Battle of End Valley, I transplanted the cells from the column to myself.

Later, the combination of the two powers awakened the legendary Eye of the Immortal. "

Following Madara's words, changes took place in the vast white space, and in front of Obito, there was a picture of the aged Madara opening the eyes of reincarnation.

"Of course, those reincarnation eyes are not on me now. As for the whereabouts, I will tell you later. Besides, the true appearance of the outsider golems you have seen is the body of Ten Tails."

"The body of the ten tails?" Obito whispered, these things really exceeded his expectations.

"That's right. Later, I used the power of the outsider golem to cultivate the cells of the pillars, and the white ones you see are the result. To a certain extent, they can be called the replicas of the pillars, although they are severely deteriorated. ."

In this space, with Madara's explanation, the picture also undergoes a series of changes.

"Understood, without the two powers of Qianshou and Uchiha's family, it is impossible to open the eye of reincarnation, let alone manipulate the golem.

That's why I transplanted the cells between the pillars on your right half. With these, you should be able to manipulate the golem even if you don't open the eye of reincarnation. "

"Is that so?" Obito shook his right arm, his eyes flashing with surprise.

Madara waved his right hand lightly, and all the images in the space disappeared at the same time.

The white illusion space slowly disappeared as Madara Uchiha's voice fell, and Obito returned to the real world at the same time as him.

Uchiha has returned to his old appearance: "These are just general plans, Obito, I will give you Uchiha's forbidden technique, the technique of the six paths, and the yin and yang escape technique."

Speaking of this, Madara Uchiha suddenly placed his left hand on Bai Jue's body, and soon the dark chakra slowly covered Bai Jue's entire right body.

With the spread of this chakra, Bai Jue slowly changed from a halfling with no human characteristics to a 'ymyo' with complete limbs!

Then Madara Uchiha made a seal with one hand, and a black stick slowly spit out from the golem's mouth.

"I put my will into it, you can take half of it as me, which is also the product of deterioration."

Madara Uchiha's voice was very calm: "You can use these yin-yang escape guys as your own chess pieces. This gangster is the entity of my consciousness, and you can use it when using the technique of the Six Paths."

After saying these words, Madara Uchiha suddenly walked forward, and the intubation tube behind him that supplied his vitality was directly pulled out by him at this moment!

For a moment, Madara Uchiha seemed to feel that his life was passing quickly. This feeling made Madara Uchiha very weak, and he seemed to hear the footsteps of death.

Sitting limply on the stone bench, Madara Uchiha's speech has been a little intermittent, but he has finished all the words calmly.

"Go, during the period of my death, you can mobilize all the resources and forces I have."

"From tomorrow, you will be Madara Uchiha!"

"I'm Madara Uchiha!" Obito whispered to himself, there was a feeling of being in a dream, he had found a brand new way!

Madara Uchiha, who was slumped on the stone bench, watched Obito follow Hei Jue out He took a deep breath.

There is no need for him to worry about the rest, and Black will definitely train Uchiha Obito well.

The Shadow Shield Chakra, which has its own will, is the best tool for him to stay in this world, and it is the 'good teacher and friend' who will guide Obito on the 'correct lead'.

"Is it time?"

Slowly closing his eyes, Madara could feel the passing of his vitality, and scenes flashed before his eyes.

During the Warring States Period, my heart was higher than the sky, and the riverside when I first met Senju Hashirama, my father's death, my brothers continued to fall, and vowed to protect Quanna, the village that was built before...

There was no moment when he felt so peaceful, as if he had put down all his burdens and walked quietly towards his final destination.

"Hashiyama, here I come..."
