Chapter 142: ?'senior'


In the middle of the night, the bright moonlight is reflected in the forest of the Country of Grass.

Uchiha Qi slowly walked out of the forest, the scarlet writing wheel eye looked particularly gloomy under the bright moonlight.

"Boy, this is it."

Parker seemed to feel that the aura on Kai Uchiha was too gloomy, and he did not dare to approach Kai Uchiha: "The destination you are looking for has been found, so I will leave first."

"Go." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, in fact, you should have called me when you came over." Parker shook his head: "Then, goodbye."

When the voice fell, Parker immediately turned into a cloud of smoke.

Uchiha Qi didn't pay too much attention to these things, he looked at an inconspicuous little cave under the cliff.

He has rested for four or five hours, and has also taken the special military ration pills made by the Uchiha family. Now his chakra has basically returned to its peak state.

Four or five hours ago, when Kai Uchiha said he refused Kakashi's mission, you can imagine how ugly Kakashi's face was at that time.

But this time, Uchiha Kai will not be comforting Kakashi, because he can't let Kakashi destroy his actions and plans.

Kakashi was very reluctant, but he also knew that if he followed, he might not be able to control his emotions.

Therefore, after Kakashi could only sigh, he summoned the ninja dog Parker using a psychic technique, and turned his head and left here.

With Parker, a ninja dog with an unusually sensitive sense of smell, Uchiha Kai didn't act immediately. He knew that Bai Jue was probably full of his clones in this area.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Madara may not have completely chosen to die at this time.

Although Madara Uchiha looks like he is about to die, but his combat power is not necessarily low when he is connected to an outsider golem!

Uchiha Qi didn't dare to offend this old guy, not to mention that the old man in his memory probably didn't have a few hours to live.

I have to say that Madara Uchiha not only controls people's hearts very well, but he also acts resolutely.

In order to make Uchiha Obito believe his own words, after explaining everything, he directly chose to report to the Pure Land. Isn't this a hint to Uchiha Obito?

A 'we're doing the right thing', 'I trust you so much' hint.

Such hints, coupled with Hei Jue's "successful guidance", even if Obito had his own ideas in the later stage, what he did still did not escape the circle drawn by Madara Uchiha!

After Uchiha Kai had rested, Parker, who had been summoned long ago, was already a little tired of waiting.

If it wasn't for Kakashi's request, this ninja dog would have long since ignored this cold guy.

When the smoke from Parker's departure completely disappeared, Uchiha Kai put on a mask and jumped to the entrance of the cave under the cliff.

Feeling the cold breath coming from the cave, he slowly walked in.

The cave was a little dark, but it didn't affect his sight, but the constantly echoing footsteps made him feel a little depressed.

How dark a person is to set up his residence in such a place.

This place is almost like walking into hell.

The further you go, the more things appear in Uchiha's eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is a weapon rack, and Uchiha Kai even saw the fan that marked the symbol of the Uchiha clan's patriarch.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't care about these messy things, and he didn't even have any interest in taking them away.

There is no way to explain where these things came from when I brought them back. To put it bluntly, they are some useless hot potatoes.

Uchiha Kai is more willing to look for things like Uchiha Madara's notes, these things are more useful to Uchiha Kai.

Continuing to walk forward, under the cloak that Uchiha Keina tightly wrapped around his body, his right hand was already tightly holding the ninja sword.

Up to now, he has not met even a single person, and the surrounding is too quiet, which is obviously not right.

The ghost knows if it is Uchiha Obito, who is wearing a coat of Baijue, who has already tried to use Baijue's characteristics to sneak into the ground. No matter what kind of situation it is, Uchiha Kai must be on guard.

"This is?"

Walking on, Uchiha Qi had come to a broken stone gate, and suddenly he noticed that on the stone bench behind the stone gate, an old man with white hair was sitting on it with his head lowered.

The moment he saw this person, Uchiha Kai suddenly felt a chill, if not mistaken, this old man is Uchiha Madara!

Even if this old ghost died, he still gave Uchiha Kai a great shock!

If it hadn't been for Uchiha Qi to clearly see that the pipe behind his hometown had broken and his body had lost the breath of life, I'm afraid he would have turned around and ran away!


At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly turned around and pulled out the ninja sword from his waist.

The blue chakra covered his knife, and the next second, the sound of metal interlacing rippled in this empty cave.

Uchiha Qi almost broke out in a cold sweat on his forehead. Uchiha Obito is so good at sneak attacking people, and he chose the time very well!

No matter who finds a stranger at the moment, their attention will inevitably be on the stranger, and this moment of absence may be fatal!

Although Uchiha Kai was also frightened by the corpse of the old ghost Uchiha Madara, his attention was still concentrated.

And with the body bias given to him by the kaleidoscope, he made the most correct choice at this moment.

Blocking Obito's knife, Uchiha Qi immediately kicked this guy with one foot, but Obito's reaction was also very fast, and this part of his body immediately disappeared.

Uchiha Qi kicked in the air, but he didn't care too much, and the force of his left leg that supported his balance made him jump up immediately.

At the same time, a strong arc appeared in his left hand, and the ninja sword in his right hand also slashed towards Obito's side from a strange angle.

Obito lost an eye after all, and his right-side perspective was always problematic.

Uchiha Qizao fought with Obito a few hours ago, and has been using this point.

Obito really noticed Uchiha Kai's attempt, and after scolding shamelessly in his mind, he immediately turned his body into a blur and then stepped back.

At this time, Obito had no chance to put a writing wheel on his right eye. How could Kai Uchiha miss this blind spot?

"Hmph, you still dare to come here after you have been let go?" Although he has enough resentment in his heart, and Obito knows his own situation, he will not show weakness: "It seems that you really want to be buried here forever. ."

"You can talk big words, but can you really win me?" Uchiha Kai said calmly, but the knife in his hand did not mean to let go.

"It seems that we are going to see our subordinates to see the true chapter, junior." Uchiha Obito's voice was gloomy, but he said that he didn't do it the first time.

"Junior?" Uchiha Kai glanced at Madara Uchiha who was still sitting not far away, and shook his head mentally.

The speed of this kid entering the state is really unusual, Uchiha Madara can be regarded as the bones are not cold now, right?

But this guy has already started to use the name Uchiha Madara, and he has already used the younger generation for his peers.

But Uchiha Kai doesn't care that much. He didn't come here to reveal Uchiha Obito's identity, he came here to do what he needed for his plan!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly appeared strange chakra fluctuations, and the next moment Uchiha Kai's speed suddenly increased in vain!

Uchiha Obito's face suddenly changed, and a cold light flashed across his neck, as fast as lightning!

Uchiha Kai's speed is too fast, too fast to believe.

This made Obito wonder, is this guy's kaleidoscope ability to control his own speed?

Uchiha Qi stood steadily on the ground, the sky did not fulfill his wishes, the knife really slashed across the opponent's neck, and there was no feeling of hitting the entity at all.

"Your so-called senior, looks like this." Uchiha Qi seemed to have some mockery in his voice: "It's like a mouse, are you really a senior? Or, you are just a mouse."

"If you're boring, don't say anything."

Uchiha Obito's fist was already clenched, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "Junior, your eyes are very good, if it weren't for my serious injury, your eyes would be mine. However, let it go for now. It's fine with you, sooner or later I'll get these eyes back!"

"Really?" Uchiha Kai's face hidden under the mask showed some disdain: "Then give it a try, 'senior'!"

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Qi waved his long sword, and took the blue chakra's ninja sword to attack the blind spot of Obito's line of sight.

Although there is an idea in my heart, "Leaving Obito may be useful in the future", but if you really want to make a move, Uchiha Kei will not show the slightest mercy.

At this time, Obito hadn't grown up, whether it was his escape technique, body technique, or his understanding of the kaleidoscope.

If this guy is killed now, although there will be some trouble in the future, Uchiha Kai is also happy to see it!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai has a faint idea of ​​using the technique of "Staying in Time".

However, just as he was silently accumulating chakra, Uchiha Obito suddenly stepped aside and opened the distance.

Uchiha Obito stared deeply at Uchiha Kai, and then his body gradually twisted.

Like a whirlpool, it slowly disappeared in front of Kai Uchiha and even Madara Uchiha's body was taken away by him.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but fell silent, and he sighed helplessly for a long time.

Uchiha Kai was still reluctant to take this risk lightly. Although he used the "Stay of Time", he felt that he might cut off Uchiha Obito's head at this moment.

But when he thought that he might be paralyzed into a dog, even Hei Jue could easily clean himself up.

Uchiha Qi finally hesitated. He was not strong enough to have no one behind him, so he still couldn't mess around.

"Forget it, it's fine to go."

Uchiha Qi sighed, turned his head to look at the white arm that fell there in front of the broken stone door, and nodded.

"That's enough, the harvest is full, at least the goal has been completely achieved."
