Chapter 156: ?excuse me

Uchiha Fuyue is in a good mood today. After talking with Uchiha Kai, although some things make him feel bad.


But overall, everything is progressing in a good direction.


In a good mood, after his wife Uchiha Mikoto came back, he planned to change into his clothes and prepare to report to the security department.


As the patriarch and the head of the security department, his time is relatively free.


It's just that he didn't expect that after his wife sent her son to school, she would give him a relatively not-so-good topic when she came back.


"Fuyake, I just met Kai at the door." Uchiha Mikoto said while helping Uchiha Fuyake organize her clothes.


"I remember Itachi said that you want to have Qilai be his teacher, but Kai seems to have been rejecting Itachi, and now you don't seem to mention it anymore."


"Kai's killing intent is too heavy. He has been fighting on the battlefield for seven or eight years. It is not suitable for Itachi to study under him now."


Uchiha Fuyue frowned, but he didn't want to say too many things in the face of his gentle wife.


After knowing that Uchiha Kai has a kaleidoscope, how dare Uchiha Fuyake let Itachi get too close to Uchiha Kai?


Although having a kaleidoscope writing wheel has proven Uchiha's talent, it also proves how dangerous Uchiha is.


Uchiha Fuyue felt uneasy when his child was with this dangerous man, especially when he didn't understand his abilities.


"is that so?"


Uchiha Mikoto didn't think much about it, she pulled her husband's collar and said with a smile.


"I heard a lot of people say that Qijun is a very gentle person, but since you have a decision, Fuyue, let's listen to you. Qijun doesn't seem to want to find a disciple. Well, go to work, you want late."


"Thank you, Mikoto."


Uchiha Fugaku also rarely showed a smile. I'm afraid he only showed a different expression when he was at home than when he was outside.


A gentle and lovely wife, a kind and intelligent child, all these are things that he needs to protect Uchiha Fugaku.


Even if he sacrificed his life for this, he would not hesitate to seek skin with a tiger for this!


That's right, Uchiha Kai, this cold little devil, is a tiger in his eyes.


Actually, rather than a tiger, he felt that Uchiha Kai was a poisonous snake.


After saying goodbye to his wife, Uchiha Fuyue turned around and left the house and walked outside the clan.


The weather today is not bad, and the sun is still bright.


It's just that Uchiha Fugaku seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the clan was different. Many clan members were whispering something, all of which indicated that this morning was unusual.


Uchiha Fuyue frowned. He planned to go over and ask what happened, but at this moment Uchiha Jun appeared beside him.


"Patriarch." Uchiha Jun bowed very respectfully: "The elder wants to see you."


"Elder?" Uchiha Fuyue was a little puzzled, but he remained calm: "I understand, I'll go to visit the elder now."


"Patriarch, earlier today, Captain Qi called everyone in the team to gather, but the people in the team deliberately delayed the time."


Uchiha Chun suddenly lowered his voice a lot: "I heard that Captain Kai decided to fire all the team members, but they opposed it. Captain Kai also chose to shoot for this reason. The specific circumstances are unknown, but it is said that blood has already been seen. ."


"I understand."


Uchiha Fuyue sighed. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was not surprised by the result in his heart.


In other words, this result was originally within the consideration of Uchiha Fugaku, and it was even what he hoped to happen.


With such a piece of information, Uchiha Fugaku knew what attitude he should use to face the Great Elder.


After leaving Jun Uchiha an order to 'continue to monitor developments', he turned around and walked towards the elder's house.


Uchiha Fuyue doesn't like this great elder. He is his father's former subordinate and has made a lot of contributions to his father.


But with the death of Uchiha Fuyue's father and his rise to power, the former family hero seems to be slowly starting to change.


Greed and desire for power have become extremely heavy, and they always think that they are right, trying to control everything.


Such a person Uchiha Fuyue really hates, but he hates it, Uchiha Fuyue is still very clear that he cannot do without the support of such a person.


It didn't take long for Uchiha Fuyue to come to the elder's house. After some notification, Uchiha Fuyue was allowed to enter, which made Uchiha Fuyue sigh.


"Fuyue-kun, you are here." The first elder knelt down at a low table and looked at Uchiha Fuyue, who walked in, with a blank expression: "Sit down and have some tea."


"Well." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, then sat down on his knees honestly: "I don't know what the elders are looking for from me."


"Fuyue, you are too raw." The first elder sighed: "But as the patriarch, it is also right to maintain such a sense of reason. It is your choice not to get too close to anyone."


Uchiha Fuyue looked at the Great Elder calmly, but there was a hint of anger in his heart. Does this count as beating him?


Do you really think that he is the young man who had to rely on the help of the old man in front of him everywhere?


Looking at the old man in front of him silently, Uchiha Fuyue had no desire to speak. He wanted to see what kind of performance his former uncle had.


"Ki Uchiha may be a genius."


The first elder didn't pay attention to Uchiha Fuyue's silence, he took a sip of tea and then said slowly.


"Whether it is strength or intelligence, but he is too young, and his approach to things is too immature and emotional. He is worthy of training but not worthy of giving too much power."


"If he can handle it, I also believe him."


Uchiha Fuyue also knew that he was going to express his position. He looked at the elder with a serious face and didn't bother to pretend: "Kai came down from the battlefield. He has his style of doing things, and I am willing to support him."


"You made a mistake, Fuyue." The first elder sighed.


"You shouldn't have such an obvious bias, it doesn't suit your performance as the patriarch. To make up for your mistake this time, I think it won't be long before Yi-kun and Chizai-kun will bring him over.


I hope you can make the right decision when the time comes. It's good to repair him, and that position is also his brother's. "


Uchiha Fuyue didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the old man and in front of him.


For a long time, he suddenly picked up a cup of tea and took a sip: "Then, let's wait and see."


The Great Elder shook his head angrily, but just when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.


Hearing this voice, the Great Elder showed a smile on his face.


It's just that when the door opened and a middle-aged man whispered something in his ear, his face became extremely ugly...




"Offend me?" Uchiha Kai looked at the two of them with cold eyes: "I'm afraid the two of you don't take me seriously at all, why would you say such a thing?"


"Offended, Vice-Minister." Uchiha Chiya's voice also became cold, and his and Uchiha Tsubasa's eyes suddenly became scarlet: "Let the elders judge everything."


"Hmph." Uchiha Qi snorted coldly, and the ninja sword in his hand seemed to become even more brilliant.


All the ninjas present were a little dumbfounded. I am afraid that they would never have expected that in the security department, things would develop to such a point!


The three captains will end at the same time, who would have imagined such a thing?


And who could have imagined that Uchiha Kai would be so strong!


They know that Uchiha Kai is not simple. After all, how can someone who can sit in this position be simple?


It's just that they were more jealous at the beginning, jealous of Uchiha's ability to open the writing wheel of Sangouyu.


If they also have such luck and talent, maybe this position will be theirs.


It just seems that the strength of Uchiha Kai has completely exceeded their imagination. This guy really deserves to be one of the captains of the three major teams in terms of strength alone!


Uchiha Asahi and Uchiha Chuan, the father and son, looked nervously at Uchiha Kai who was confronting the two captains.


They can be said to be the ones who completely turned to Uchiha Kai, and they naturally hope that Uchiha will win.


Although they didn't understand Uchiha's approach, they could only insist on gritting their teeth, hoping that Uchiha could achieve his goal.


Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Tomoya are nothing but unprofessionals. Almost as soon as the hostile state was confirmed, the two of them flanked Uchiha Kai from left to right.


The two pairs of scarlet three hook jades locked onto Uchiha Kai tightly, and at the same time they also took out the kunai, because Uchiha Kai had a ninja sword in his hand.


In an instant, the two of them were already intertwined with Uchiha Kai, and the ninja sword exuding blue chakra collided with Kunai back and forth, and the collision of metals came one after another.


Tsubasa Uchiha and Tomoya Uchiha cooperate very well, and their age is also destined to be at their peak in body, spirit and will.


Uchiha Kai had to be a little more cautious when fighting against them Moreover, Uchiha Kai's body at this age was fighting against them, so he still suffered a bit of a loss.


However, the disadvantage is only in terms of strength and chakra, other Uchiha Kai is not worried.


And Uchiha Kai also found out that the two seem to use illusions on themselves through the writing wheel.


Apart from making Uchiha Kai feel funny, this kind of behavior has no other feeling. His Sharinyan foundation is a kaleidoscope!


Looking at the two who tried to punish him again with illusion, Uchiha Kai's eyes became a little dangerous.


The next moment, Uchiha Keizai felt a strange chakra entering his brain through his eyes.


His body suddenly stopped, and his expression looked a little confused.




"catch him!"


Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya breathed a sigh of relief, Uchiha Kai's influence was still a little big.


The two of them were also a little worried about the strength of this guy Uchiha Kai, especially when the two did not dare to kill.


But fortunately, Uchiha Kai is alone after all, no matter how good his illusion resistance is, he can't stand the two of them taking turns to attack.


But what they never expected was that the moment they approached Kai Uchiha, the ninja sword in Kai Uchiha moved...