Chapter 157: ?good eyesight

The ninja sword was slowly pulled out of Uchiha Chiya's body, and blood quickly flowed out from his body.


The chakra, which originally exuded the power of thunder, slowly turned into a normal and gentle blue after evaporating the blood on the blade.


Looking at Uchiha Chiya, who was lying on the ground, and Uchiha Wing, whose chest was slashed by a ninja knife.


Especially seeing their twisted and angry faces, Uchiha Qi calmly retracted the ninja sword from its scabbard.


I'm afraid that both of them are scolding Uchiha Kai's shamelessness and their own carelessness in their hearts, right?


Pretending to be in illusion, the moment they relaxed, they attacked Tsubasa Uchiha.


At the same time, he used illusion to control Uchiha Chiya, and finally stabbed him in the shoulder with a ninja sword.


All of this happened so fast that the other Uchiha ninjas present couldn't see what was going on, even if they had their writing wheels on.


But they all know one thing, that is Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, the two sub-captains of the security department both lost to Uchiha Kai!


For a while, all of them were silent. This depressing atmosphere made Asahi Uchiha and his son, who were still very happy, dare not speak out.


"Looks like I don't need to go to see any great elders with you."


Uchiha Kai's scarlet eyes glanced at the two of them, and then his eyes turned to their subordinates.


For a while, all the Uchiha ninjas in the two teams lowered their heads subconsciously, or turned their heads away from looking at Uchiha Kai.


They didn't dare to look at Uchiha Kai at all, the indifference in his eyes as if he were looking at a dead thing, and his terrifying strength left a deep psychological shadow on them.


"Then, I have a question for everyone here now."


Kei Uchiha was very satisfied with the attitude of these ninjas. His voice also seemed to have some emotional colors, as soft as he was asking a friend.


"The decision I made, who agrees and who opposes it now?"


There was no sound, and the ninjas present seemed to have completely lost the ability to speak, and also completely lost the courage to speak.


Kai Uchiha's words seemed soft and calm, but in fact they were stimulating their hearts fiercely.


It's just that they really didn't have the courage to refute Uchiha Kai, to refute this guy who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old.


"very good."


Uchiha Kei nodded. He turned around and glanced at the two sub-commanders on the ground: "Take these two guys for treatment. As for the rest, throw them all into Konoha Prison and be charged with disobeying their superiors."


"Yes..." Scattered responses sounded almost subconsciously among these Uchiha ninjas.


Uchiha Kei stood there and didn't move. He still had his back on his back, but his voice was still low, but it seemed to be a little colder: "I said, did you hear my order?"


Like a biting cold wind, all the ninjas present felt chills down their backs for a while, and they knew what they should do.


"Yes! Mr. Minister!"


The voice is very loud, although it is not hoarse, but it also makes Uchiha Kai feel satisfied.


Turning his head, Uchiha Kei didn't look at them, and walked directly towards the interior of the security department.


He knew that these ninjas would never dare to go against his will, otherwise the bitter consequences they would face would be unimaginable!


Uchiha Qi knew that what he did today was too much, and Uchiha Fugaku has not appeared so far. I am afraid he is drinking tea with a big boss in the family, right?


However, Uchiha Kai felt that this approach was the most in line with his own positioning.


Before no one knows the specific relationship between him and Uchiha Fuyue, he wants to break the situation and let the people under his command be obedient now or in the future. This is the best way to do it.


The Uchiha family is a very 'characteristic' group. I still remember that when the future Uchiha Sasuke faced Naruto, he didn't even bother to listen to what Naruto said.


But after Naruto beat him up, the boy became honest.


The cooperation between Madara Uchiha and Qianshouzhu, isn't that the case?


To put it uglier, in the proud bloodline of the Uchiha clan, they only identify with the strong, and the way to identify is to fight.


As long as you pass the approval of the battle and let them know that you are a person who "can talk to them as an equal" or even "allow them to force them to listen to their own voice", they will be honest.


"Sure enough, it's a group of neuroses." Uchiha Kei thought silently as he walked towards the office.


Soon he returned to his office and sat down on the chair Uchiha Kai stretched.


In fact, the battle just now was not even a warm-up. Of course, if you continued to fight Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, you would definitely suffer the loss.


Uchiha Qi knows his own situation, his age is the key to dragging down his chakra.


Not the Qianshou and Maelstrom ones, he is really only Chakla at his age.


"Master Qi."


Soon, the father and son Uchiha Asahi and Uchiha Chuan walked in, as did Fujiu Hangtai.


And this time, Uchiha Asahi's tone has become the same as his own son.


And Fujiu Hangtai was still a little stunned. Like those Uchiha ninjas, he never thought that things would develop to this point.


And what he didn't even think about was that this guy who looked about the same age as him was actually so terrifying!


"Well, don't be so polite." Uchiha Kai waved his hand casually, and then he looked at Uchiha Chuan: "Kuan-kun, how many Uchiha ninjas did you know who went to the battlefield together?"


"We went to the battlefield together?" Uchihagawa was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something: "Master Kai, do you mean ninjas like me?"


"It's the same as us." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "I haven't forgotten my identity."


"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Kai's words touched Uchihagawa very much, and it was also very useful: "There are still quite a few. Apart from those killed in action, we should be able to gather a team."


There are not many ninjas that the family can provide, especially those children from the families of the 'marginal' characters, which are also consumables for war.


War is the place to temper their strength, and they are also the best 'consumables' to deal with Konoha's high-level.


If there are guys who perform well, they can be considered as building blocks for the family, so why not do it?


"Very good." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Then, I'll trouble Chuan-kun, try to draw them all over.


My unit is now empty, and rebuilding needs people. Of course, there are more people with decent character. "


Loyalty is cultivated slowly after giving benefits, but character is indeed innate.


Kai Uchiha doesn't want to bring in a bunch of problem children, he doesn't even have the most basic ability to be a human being, and he doesn't even have a grateful heart.


Then, such a guy, let's hurry up and roll into the garbage heap of history.


There are still quite a few people with good character. Uchiha Qibu asks that all of them are the same as before Uchiha's blackness, but at least half of them are about the same.


"Yes, Lord Kai!" Uchiha Chuan replied loudly immediately, it was obvious that he was very happy.


"Go ahead, you and your father have been in charge of this for a while, select a batch of suitable lists and send them to me."


Uchiha Qi smiled, and his eyes turned to Fujiu Hangtai: "As for the other half, Hangtai, I'm afraid it depends on you."


"rely on me...."


It seems that Fu Jiu Hangtai has not fully recovered, but when he fully reacts, his face becomes even more strange.


"You... Deputy Minister, do you plan to add half of the civilian ninjas to your squad? This..."


"You meant to say 'is this possible', right?"


Uchiha Qi adjusted his body to make himself more comfortable, and then he crossed his hands on the table: "Then my answer is, maybe. Aerospace, you just need to do it, I will solve the other problems, Hasn't a big problem been solved today?"


Is this how you solve problems?


Fu Jiu Hangtai didn't know what to say at all, and he found that he didn't even have the ability to refuse.


With a sigh, Fu Jiuhang nodded too. Maybe he knew that he didn't want to refuse to join the security department at all.


And he wants to believe and follow Uchiha Kai, can he change the security department?




"Good eyesight, really good eyesight, Lord Patriarch!"


In the house of the chief elder of the Uchiha clan, after the chief elder listened to the briefing of the messenger, he looked at Uchiha Fuyake calmly, but his heart was not calm.


He really couldn't imagine what he heard, that Uchiha Kai, that **** brat, actually wounded all the team left by Uchiha Yu and threw them into prison!


Moreover, Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya were also injured together. It can be said that Uchiha Ki turned over the entire security department by himself!


"It's overrated, Great Elder."


Uchiha Fuyue still doesn't know what happened, but he got the idea that Uchiha Kai has already won.


"Since that's the case, I think I have to deal with some things, so I'll say goodbye first."


"Yes." The elder nodded calmly, and his voice became a little colder.


"Fuyue, after all, he's just a kid. Although he has strength, he has no foundation. Besides, do you think anyone still believes him when he makes trouble like this? His behavior is naive, and so are you."


"Thank you for your hospitality, Great Elder." Uchiha Fuyue's face was still calm: "I'll say goodbye first."


After speaking, Uchiha Fugaku completely ignored the Great Elder, bowed respectfully and then exited the hut.


The sunlight outside the house was still dazzling, and Uchiha Fugaku's mood improved as he saw the sunlight again.


Walking forward silently, a female ninja suddenly appeared beside Uchiha Fugaku—it was Uchiha Jun.


"Master Qi severely injured all the ninjas in his detachment, and threw them into prison for the crime of disobeying his superiors."


Uchiha's voice was kept very low, but she could see the radiance in her eyes.


"So it is." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "Is there any more? Shouldn't it be more than that?"


"Yes." An inexplicable smile appeared on Jun Uchiha's face: "At the same time, he also injured Tsubasa Uchiha and Tomoya Uchiha, both of them are now lying in the hospital, I'm afraid they won't dare for a short time. I saw someone."


"..." Uchiha Fuyue was stunned, and it took him a long time before he showed a smile: "It's really worthy of being Qijun, it's interesting, really interesting."


"Patriarch, this kind of talent needs to be locked up."


"Well, I know, of course I know..."