Chapter 161: ?Open your eyes

Looking at Uchiha Yu, whose emotions had already stirred to a certain level, Uchiha Ki nodded.

Only with this kind of emotion can he continue to complete the next experiment.

Deliberately telling Uchiha about Kaleidoscope is to make him curious.

Then he said the medicine that Uchiha had given him and the 'props' he had prepared, in order to make Uchiha's emotions more intense.

In the end, Uchiha Kei told him, 'You are going to kill your own relatives with your own hands', which brought his inner emotions to the peak.

And let him not doubt the authenticity of the "prop" and the "hope for life", Uchiha Kai opened his kaleidoscope to let Uchiha take a good look.

Under the strong effect of the drug, Uchiha has quickly planted a seed in his heart and began to sprout.

This seed is hope, and the only way to fight against Uchiha Kai is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that surpasses the three-goose jade writing wheel eye!

The illusion released by Sharinyan cannot kill this guy, but what about kaleidoscope Sharinyan?

This insidious guy can resist himself only if he has a kaleidoscope, what if he also has such eyes?

Hatred, anger, unwillingness, and renewed hope make Yuchi Uchiha extremely emotional.

And whether such emotions have reached a critical point, Uchiha Kai does not know.

But it's 10,000 times better than the appearance of death!

With a chuckle, Uchiha Kai slowly walked out of the basement under Uchiha Yu's murderous gaze, and when he came in again, he dragged a woman in his hand.

When Uchiha Yu saw this woman, his emotions had reached a peak, a peak that made Uchiha Kaito frown.

"Damn you." Uchiha Yu's voice was very excited. The hoarse and deep voice combined with the current environment was really like hell.

"I really deserve to die, but can you kill me?"

Kei Uchiha threw the woman on the ground at will, then he walked up to Isamu Uchiha and pulled the guy up.

At the same time, he pulled out the ninja sword and put it in Yuchi Uchiha's hand. In order to let Yuchiha hold the sword better, Yuchi Uchiha held his hand tightly. Yuchiha wanted to struggle, but he couldn't do anything.

"The game has started, are you ready?" Uchiha Kai's voice was calm and cold.

"I remember that when I went to her house, she welcomed me warmly, as did her parents.

But when she knew that I was going to arrest her and use it to threaten you, she would rather kill herself.

No way, I had to let her fall into illusion and kill her parents, what a poor girl, but...

It should be her wish to die in your hands, right? "

"Uchiha Kai!"

Uchiha Yu's body trembled even more, but unfortunately this guy's limbs were abolished by Uchiha Fugaku, and he had no way to break free from Uchiha Kai's shackles.

"Enjoy it." Uchiha Kai sneered: "She's just the first one, and I prepared quite a few props. Thank you, Orochimaru, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gotten rid of the suspicion so smoothly."

Almost all the ninjas in the whole village knew about Orochimaru, and now this incident has become Kai Uchiha's best cover.

At this moment, Yuchi Uchiha has completely believed what Kai Uchiha said. With the cover of Orochimaru, plus the insidiousness of this kid, and this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

What he wants to do, very few people can really stop him!

Dragging Uchiha Yuma a step forward, feeling the movements of his body, he immediately realized what was going to happen next.

A roar like a beast came from Uchiha Isamu's throat.

It's a pity that he has been abolished. With the pull of Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Yu walked to the woman step by step.

At this moment, how much he wished he was dead. At this moment, the hatred in his heart was almost spent, and he felt that he was going crazy under the influence of the drug that Uchiha Kai poured into him.


Under the control of Kai Uchiha, the knife in Yuchi Uchiha's hand stabbed into the woman's body, and she woke up with a scream.

Then came the piercing of the second knife, the second scream, and then the third knife...

The shrill screams echoed continuously in the basement, and Uchiha Yu's eyes were also full of bloodshots, as if he was about to drip blood.

Coupled with the distorted expression on his face and the blood splashing on him, the whole person looks like a ghost crawling out of hell!

Everyone will have the softest place in his heart, maybe his relatives, maybe his lover.

And this feeling has been magnified infinitely, and Yuchiha's despair and hatred are even more profound.

Uchiha Kai expressionlessly controlled Yuchi Uchiha to swipe with one knife at a time, and he deliberately did not hit the key points with each knife.

But every knife made this woman look like she was in pain.

Actually, Aki Uchiha had already asked those guys in the Uchiha Sect to completely erase this woman's consciousness through some special means.

What is left in that body now is her instinct as a creature.

In a real sense, she is actually dead.

What's more, this woman's real identity is a spy from Kiriyin Village. Her actions in Konoha are not small, because there are quite a lot of Konoha ninjas who died in her hands because of her intelligence.

When it comes to killing her directly, there is no resistance in Uchiha Kai's heart.

Kai Uchiha, who has fought on the battlefield of the ninja world since he was a child, has always been low in adaptability.

But in the face of the enemy, he has long since lost such boring feelings as sympathy!

Just to torture a person to death like this, Uchiha Kei still thinks it's a bit too much.

It's not that Kai Uchiha can't do this kind of thing. Isamu Uchiha is now a typical example, but he simply doesn't want to do it.

People are contradictory, no matter who they are, Uchiha Kai has his own moral standards.

Facing the enemy, he no longer cares about right or wrong, he only cares about the result now.

One knife after another, the woman had wounds all over her body, and her blood splattered all over Yuchiha Uchiha.

Yu Uchiha didn't know all of this. He had hallucinations under the action of Uchiha's medicine, and it was even more difficult for him to distinguish the current state of his "sweet man".

I just heard her screaming and screaming, and her body that was constantly convulsing due to the great pain.

The screams gradually became hoarse and powerless, and Yuchiha Yu's resistance became more serious.

He screamed, howled, and screamed mournfully, and even the meridians burst out from his bloodshot eyes.

It's just that he couldn't control his hand after all, and the knife in his hand stabbed out again.

This time, Uchiha Kai didn't control the angle, but stabbed the ninja knife directly into the woman's left chest.

The screams came to an abrupt end, and Uchiha Kei couldn't take it anymore. He suddenly admired this guy, Ibizi Mori.

In such a disgusting environment, he can persevere and his mind has not been twisted. Such a guy is really frightening.

Taking a deep breath, Kai Uchiha let go of Yuu Uchiha's control. This guy's voice stopped after Kai Uchiha stabbed the woman to death.

Kai Uchiha was a little worried that this guy's heart would go out like a lamp, so many things would become troublesome.

In addition, Uchiha Kai couldn't stand it himself, so he decided to change to a 'prop'.

Looking at Yuchi Uchiha who was lying on the ground, Kai Uchiha frowned, he squatted down and took the ninja sword away, then grabbed his chin with his hand and raised his head.

"I can't stand this?" Uchiha Kei still maintained that calm and cold tone.

"Don't be numb, this is just the beginning. If you're only at this level, then you really let me down."

"How did you open your eyes back then?" At this moment, Yuchi Uchiha suddenly spoke up.

He closed his eyes tightly, and his gloomy and hoarse voice was terrifying: "Your parents are alive, you have no brothers, and you have no lover. What gave you such power?"

"Guess what?"

Uchiha Kai stared at this guy, and he suddenly felt a strange chakra flowing through this guy.

"Is it a teammate?" Uchiha Yu has no emotional element, he is as cold as Zhen Bing.

"Your teammates have died one after another, but you have survived until now. Did your teammates die to protect you? It's so sad that they actually created a monster like you."

Yu Uchiha's voice was so cold that Kai Uchiha felt uncomfortable, and the strange chakra was getting stronger and stronger.

The uneasy feeling made Uchiha Qi frown, but also made him feel happy.

This is a good signal This may indicate that Uchiha Kai succeeded!

However, while he is happy, Uchiha Kei also has to be careful to guard against it. The ghost knows what this guy is thinking.

Different ideas bring different desires, and the ability to produce them in the end is also different.

Soon, the strange chakra on Uchiha Yu's body stopped, and he slowly opened his eyes.

In Uchiha Yu's eye sockets, the three gouyu are spinning rapidly, and are slowly connected together.

In just one second, a pair of triangle-shaped patterns appeared in his eye sockets, slowly turning!

He finally opened his eyes. Under the control of intense stimulation, extreme hatred and drugs, he finally reached this point!

It's just that Kai Uchiha hasn't been happy for a long time, a terrifying chakra rippling through this guy's eyes, and a line of blood and tears overflowed from the corner of Uchiha's eyes!

Uchiha Kai's complexion changed suddenly, the body-snap technique was launched almost instantly, and at this moment Uchiha Yu's body was covered with a layer of yellow chakra.

And this layer of chakra materialized into a fist, and smashed it into the position where Kai Uchiha was before!

"Go to hell! Uchiha Kai!"


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