Chapter 162: ?Thank you


It's actually Susanoo!

Kai Uchiha didn't expect that Yuchi Uchiha actually used Susanoo when he opened his eyes!

Looking at the chakra that was still spreading, Uchiha Kai was thinking, could this guy be able to use this ability directly with his eyes open?

Kaleidoscope has various abilities, and Uchiha Kai is not sure what abilities this guy has acquired.

And if it wasn't for the relative data, Uchiha Kai couldn't have left him until now.

It's just that this guy can use Susanoo with his eyes open, which makes Kei Uchiha a little weird.

This guy actually contacted his patron saint right away?

Or, his ability is to strengthen and use Susanoh?

Just be careful no matter which Uchiha Kai it is.

In Uchiha Kai's idea, that is to find out the ability of this guy's eyes, and then don't get rid of his will and observe the changes in his body.

In the end, it is decided whether he or his brother will be the hotbed of the eternal eye, so as to cultivate a new pair of eternal eyes.

Looking calmly at Yuu Uchiha, who was covering his body with Susanoo getting bigger and bigger because of the continuous improvement of chakra, Kei Uchiha couldn't help frowning.

You can't let him continue like this, otherwise this underground laboratory will definitely be propped up by him, and it will be troublesome if someone from the perception class finds out.

"Very good power." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "If this is the case, then you have no need to survive. But..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai revealed some sneers: "It's really an unexpected gain. Originally, I was still wondering if the props I prepared would not be enough, but now it seems that a woman is enough, Yongjun really gave me a big surprise. Woolen cloth."

Isamu Uchiha, whose whole body was shrouded in chakra, slightly rotated the triangle-shaped figure in his eyes.

His eyes were cold and full of hatred, Susa's fist was like a cannonball, and he swung it at Uchiha Kai again!

"Go to hell! Uchiha Kai!"

Susanoo, who was formed by the condensed yellow chakra, punched, and for a while, Kai Uchiha's laboratory seemed to be 'widened'.

Falling rocks and debris kept falling from the top of the basement, and it could be seen that if this guy continued, it was only a matter of time before the basement collapsed.

It's just how powerful his punch is, he is still slightly inferior to Uchiha Kai's speed, especially since he has just opened his eyes.

Even if he doesn't want to die, even if his Chakra is better than Uchiha Kai, he can't bear the power of his unfamiliar eyes and is seriously injured.

Another instant body technique, Uchiha Kai came to Uchiha Yu.

His ninja sword was drawn directly with the blue chakra, and stabbed Susanoo in the chest.

The kaleidoscope in his eyes rotated slightly, and then he showed a disdainful smile.

"I overestimated you, Yuchi Uchiha. Susanoo is indeed very strong, but you only have this level, so the opportunity was given to you, but unfortunately you didn't take it, good night."

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Kai suddenly saw one of his eyes spinning slightly, and a suffocating heat erupted in Uchiha Kai's chest.

Feeling this change, no matter how stupid Uchiha Kai is, he knows what this guy's other pupil technique is - Amaterasu!

Almost instantly, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes also erupted with terrifying chakra fluctuations. Uchiha Kai dared to face Uchiha Yu like this because he had something to rely on.

"Time stands still!"

Without any hesitation, Uchiha Kai directly used his hidden deepest pupil technique.

With the satisfaction of a strange force, Yuchi Uchiha in front of Kai Uchiha completely stagnated.

His face was still ferocious, his expression was still terrifying, and the blood and tears running down his left eye were also stopped halfway through.

The most interesting thing is that Uchiha Kai also found that within a range, the falling stones also stopped, and they all floated in the air as if they were frozen.

It was the first time for Uchiha Kai to discover that the pupil technique "Stay of Time" on his eyes did not act on a single individual, but a small range?

However, Uchiha Kei didn't have time to think about it any more. Although he has grown, the consumption of this pupil technique is really no joke!

Taking a step forward, Kei Uchiha stretched his hand in directly from the area that Susanoo didn't cover.

Immediately afterward, Uchiha Qi directly took out both of his eyes!

After doing all of this, Uchiha Qi directly retreated to a certain range with the Shunjutsu, and stopped the pupillage during the retreat.

In just a few seconds, Uchiha Kei felt a little dizzy. He had a feeling that he was not as good as the "Man Santo" guy.

But no matter what, Uchiha Kai has completely blocked Uchiha's counterattack, and he has almost figured out Uchiha's pupil skills.


When the stagnant time flowed again, Yuchi Uchiha let out a scream almost immediately.

His sunken eyes were telling him a cruel truth-his eyes were taken away by Uchiha Kai!

What's more tragic is that Uchiha was releasing the pupil technique in his eyes before, but at this moment his eyes have disappeared.

The violent chakra made Yuchiha Yu's already broken body even more unbearable, and the severe pain accompanied by the continuous collapse of Susanoo almost made him faint.

"Is it to enhance the power of Susanoo, induce it in advance and make it easier for Susanoo to release it?"

Although Uchiha Kai consumed a lot of pupil power and chakra, he still maintained a calm voice.

While putting these eyes into the bottle, he said slowly, "The other ability is flame, the flame of Amaterasu, right?"

"Ah! Kei Uchiha, you despicable villain, if you have the guts, just fight me in an upright fight!"

Uchiha Yu roared with a twisted face, he still hasn't figured out what happened, his eyes have been taken away by Uchiha Kai!

"The opportunity has been given to you." Uchiha Qi looked at the man in front of him indifferently.

"It's a pity that you didn't grasp it. Although a person has more than one chance in his life, you are in my hands now, and you have only one chance like this."


Uchiha Yu roared again, the voice was like the last cry of a wounded and dying beast in the wilderness!

Uchiha Kei ignored this guy. He picked up the bottle in his hand and carefully looked at the brand new kaleidoscope inside.

Probably because Uchiha Kai's technique is not good, there are still a lot of blood stains around these eyes.

However, no matter what the method is, Uchiha Kei has already succeeded.

The next step is to find a way to get rid of this guy's consciousness and make him a spy like that mist ninja.

Finally, put the pair of kaleidoscopes back to observe his body changes.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai put the bottle containing the brand new kaleidoscope back into his ninja bag.

Looking at Yuchi Uchiha who was lying on the ground and his desolation, Kai Uchiha shook his head.

He planned to give Yuchiha some drugs that would make this guy pass out.

Uchiha Yu can't really die now, even if he has been tossed into this state by Uchiha Kai, the value of his life is much higher than that of death.

But just when Uchiha was about to start, Uchiha Yu suddenly raised his head and 'looked' at Uchiha.

The sunken eye sockets and the two long **** tears looked very infiltrating, but his tone was extremely pitiful at this moment.

"Let them go..." Uchiha Yu said in a hoarse voice, and there seemed to be some vibrato in his voice: "Let them go, you have already got what you want. The worst...don't let them feel To the pain, don't let them suffer as much as I do..."


Uchiha Qi sighed, thought for a while, he still took out a bottle of medicine and said slowly.

"I'll give you something to drink, and then you'll have a good night's sleep. But before you drink these things, I can tell you a secret."

Uchiha Yu did not speak, but opened his mouth directly.

He used his actions to tell Uchiha that he would do the same, and he only hoped that Uchiha would let go of the others.

After pouring the bottle of medicine into Uchiha Yu's mouth, Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Yu who had swallowed all the medicine and nodded silently.

"Actually, your girlfriend isn't dead." Probably because the scene just now made Uchiha Kai feel a little uncomfortable, Uchiha Kai said directly.

"That's just a prop. Your girlfriend is still praying for your return every day, and I even heard that she almost went to find Orochimaru."

"As for the woman you just killed." Uchiha Kei stood up and quietly looked at Yuchi Uchiha, who seemed to be getting a little excited again, and continued.

"Just a spy from Mist Ninja Village I did a little bit of fiddling to make that woman look like your girlfriend. You know, as a ninja I have a lot of ways to do this. "

"It's not just that woman, all the props in my mouth are actually just death row inmates in the prison."

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath: "So you don't need to worry about them at all, they're fine. They're much better than you now."

"Although I'm ruthless, I'm not an indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Although I really want to do it, it's a pity..."

It's a pity that Uchiha Fuyake doesn't allow it, and now Uchiha Kai wants to thank Uchiha Fuyake.

Because Uchiha Kai found that he was really not suitable for such a thing.

He couldn't guarantee that if he continued, his heart would become more distorted.

Kei Uchiha wants to become stronger, wants to live to the end, and even dreamed of mastering everything, but there is a premise here.

This premise is that he is still a 'human'.

"Thank you..." At this moment, Yuchi Uchiha suddenly said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for telling me this..."

"Thank you, although I hope you accompany me to Huangquan together..."


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