Chapter 163: ? Chakra Body

"I really didn't expect you to succeed."

Sitting by the pond of Uchiha Fuyake's house, Uchiha Kei and Uchiha Fuyake sat quietly facing each other.

Looking at the kaleidoscope writing wheel that was soaked in a special liquid on the table, Uchiha Fuyue couldn't help but sigh.

It's almost unbelievable that Uchiha Kai actually did it.

And Uchiha Kai's methods were so cruel that Uchiha Fuyue frowned.

Although Uchiha Kai's method helped Uchiha Yu open the kaleidoscope, this method is not worth reference at all.

Because once a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes is opened, if there is not enough strength and certainty, it is very likely that the people who help open the eyes will die!

Unless the person being opened is already a cripple, but even if he is a cripple, the effect he can exert is terrifying and unbelievable.

Uchiha Fuyue has already heard Uchiha Sect talk about the current state of the basement. The tragic scene can fully appreciate the power of the kaleidoscope. You must know that Uchiha is already a waste.

"It's a success, mainly because the effect of the potion is very good." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"But unfortunately, this method doesn't apply to anyone. You know, Uchiha is almost driven mad by me, and if he is intact, I'm afraid..."

"I know, it's just a pity." Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

He had thought of this long ago, and it seemed that Kei Uchiha coincided with him.

"Then what's next? How are you going to study?"

"Let the Uchiha Sect wipe out Yuchi Uchiha's consciousness." Uchiha Kai said calmly.

"Put your eyes back and carefully observe his physical condition, and I will find time to arrest Osamu Uchiha. But there is one thing I need to make clear with you, that is, I need to rest for a while..."

"I understand." Uchiha Fuyue nodded before Uchiha Kai finished speaking.

"That kind of hell-like torture is not only uncomfortable for the tormented person, but also the person who started it, I am afraid it is also uncomfortable, because you are still a person."

Uchiha Qi nodded silently. Indeed, this time, he did feel very uncomfortable.

Just like what Uchiha Fugaku said, he is still alone.

The experience this time was really comparable to the first time Uchiha Kai faced death with his own eyes after the war. This feeling made him feel a little sick from the bottom of his heart.

There are many people who died in his hands, and he really does not have any inexplicable sympathy.

But the people who died at his hands were at least clean, rather than tortured.

Picking up the bottle with the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Kai said goodbye to Uchiha Fugaku.

He had already said what he had to say, so there was no need for him to stay here.

His plan is progressing quite well now. Uchiha Fuyue has already started a rectification operation against the clan, especially the actions against the elders.

It's just that although he moves fast, he can't stand the number of people who follow the Great Elder, so Uchiha Fuyue still needs some thought.

In the police department, because Uchiha Kai directly forcibly disbanded his team, all the members were thrown into prison and are still out.

Therefore, the personnel of the security department were suddenly tight, but even so, the two captains, Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, did not dare to do anything.

Instead, they wanted to take this opportunity to expand their power and recruit more personnel into their detachment.

It's just that Uchiha Kai's one time really left them an unforgettable memory.

"Uchiha Asahi and Uchiha Chuan are still a little slow, but they choose people very carefully, so just wait."

On the way to the basement, Kai Uchiha thought silently as he walked: "There is also Fujiu Hangtai, his movements are quite fast, but the people he recruited are a little strong... Forget it, take your time. ."

It does take a little time for Uchiha Kai's team to recruit people, but Uchiha Asahi and his son are very hardworking.

It's just that they went to find someone according to Uchiha's request, which is really embarrassing, because character is really hard to see.

They can only judge by the task records of recruiting targets and the comments of the guides.

Up to now, their list has not been made and handed over to Kai Uchiha.

And Fujiu Hangtai's approach is simple. He seems to have started to work hard after receiving the support of his brother Fujiu Hangping.

After he directly took out the slogans of Kai Uchiha's "change the daily style of the security department" and "let everyone know more about the security department", there are really many people who want to join the security department.

But the people who want to join are a little depressed by Uchiha Kai. Almost all of them are stubborn, and some of them have never even been on the battlefield.

But Kei Uchiha didn't bother to care so much, so he let the one who went to the battlefield before he went to the battlefield.

Anyway, all he needs is the identity of these people's "common ninja", and the other Uchiha Kai doesn't care.

However, there was one person who made Uchiha Kei a little depressed, and that was the boy Kenta Imai, who hasn't given Uchiha Kei an answer yet.

At the beginning, he could see that this kid was perfunctory to him, but Uchiha was not in a hurry at that time, but now Uchiha can't help but think more.

"When you have time, go to 'visit' this kid."

Kei Uchiha still hasn't forgotten about this kid, a guy with the status of a 'common ninja' with great strength.

Regardless of whether this guy's identity as a civilian ninja is true or false, at least on the surface and in Konoha Ninja records, he is a qualified civilian ninja.

With such a brainy and powerful guy, Kei Uchiha actually doesn't want to contact him at all.

That's right, Kei Uchiha's original intention was to be completely unwilling to contact such a person.

But they are part of a team, and this kid also has some 'little secrets' of his own.

"There are two results. One is to win over completely. The other is to let his body be found in the stinky ditch one day."

After greeting the ninjas who were on guard nearby, Kei Uchiha slowly walked into the training basement.

This place has been completely repaired by Uchiha Sect and others.

It's really hard to imagine that this basement was about to collapse yesterday after being beaten by Yuchi Uchiha's first-stage Susanoo.

But now this place seems to have been completely restored, and some equipment has been put in it - life support equipment.

Uchiha Kai glanced at Uchiha Yu, who had been locked in the life-saving equipment. Looking at his sluggish expression, he guessed that the former Uchiha clan's guard team leader had completely lost consciousness.

He took out the pair of kaleidoscopes that belonged to Uchiha Yu, opened the life-sustaining equipment Uchiha Kai and put them back directly.

I don't know if it was intentional by the ancestors of the Uchiha clan, or to avoid the difficulty of changing eyes after the kaleidoscope became blind.

There is a unique technique in the Uchiha clan, which is called Uchiha eye-changing technique.

"Probably because you can't see things after being blind, such a technique was born, so it's convenient to put someone else's eyes back."

After fitting Uchiha Yu's eyes, Uchiha Kai found a random place and sat down.

Once upon a time, this was his own little world, but now it has become a secret base shared by him and Uchiha Fugaku.

While this made Uchiha Qi depressed, he also knew that his small diary could not be hidden here, and now he was forced to carry this diary with him.

However, although this place has become the common base for him and Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Fuyue rarely comes here, so Uchiha Qi is still the best to practice here.

"The most important thing is that there are guards outside."

Although Kei Uchiha didn't think that the three generations of Hokage would be so boring, especially when he was making a big fuss in the security department not long ago, he found someone to disgust him.

But don't forget that this guy Danzo really acts without restraint. There are a group of people in this place to help guard the door, which is much better than knowing nothing.

Looking at Isamu Uchiha in the survival capsule, and at the traces left here that cannot be removed, Kei Uchiha felt that it was time for him to explore Susanoo.

This super forbidden technique, which combines offense and defense, gave Uchiha Kai a great shock.

The most important thing is that after he obtained Madara Uchiha's undamaged diary, he had already determined that Susanoo could indeed be used without relying on his eyes.

Taking a breath in silence, Uchiha opened and closed his eyes. The shackles produced by Sharinyan were actually an extreme emotion.

Such emotions can be positive or negative, but what happened to Kai Uchiha last night can be said to be an extremely negative emotion.

This kind of emotion made Uchiha Kai feel that the Shakers had improved, but it did make Uchiha Kai perceive that special chakra.

Especially yesterday, he specially used the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, and took a good look at Uchiha Yu's Susanoh He has almost determined the state of Susanoo.

Opening his eyes again, Uchiha Kai's eyes had turned scarlet, and three gouyu slowly rotated in his eyes.

Soon the chakra in Uchiha Kai's body also began to erupt. The extremely dark power in his eyes was still fused with the chakra in his body.

Just very quickly, Uchiha Kai frowned, because he found that this level of chakra blending was not enough to materialize his chakra.

Although they are intertwined, at the moment of solidification, the frequency of Yin and Chakra in his eyes does not seem to reach the same level at all.

After thinking for a moment, the three gouyu in Uchiha Kai's eyes began to slowly rotate, and soon the three gouyu were connected together.

At this moment, Uchiha Qi can feel that the special yin in his eyes has become even larger, and he can also perceive the frequency of Chakra and this kind of power blending more clearly!

As this frequency kept jumping, Chakra and the unique power in his eyes quickly converged, and Uchiha Kai soon felt the critical point!

"It's now!"

The next moment, with the outbreak of Uchiha Kai Chakra, a black layer of chakra-like body appeared on his body...


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