Chapter 164: ? Susanoo!

"It seems to be a success."

Looking at the faint black chakra body covered on his body, Uchiha Kai was very happy in his heart.

Although this black Chakra body did not even appear in a complete form at this time.

But this has already proved that Kai Uchiha can open Susanoo through Madara Uchiha's theory.

If it is possible, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo can completely let Uchiha Kai, in the state of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, open the complete Susanoo!

And this way of opening will not blind Uchiha Kai's eyes.

It can be said that this is the state that Uchiha Qi dreams of!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha opened and closed his eyes.

In the space of his consciousness, he began to connect with his Susanoo through a kaleidoscope.

Kai Uchiha doesn't know how Madara Uchiha does it, but Kai Uchiha can try to do it in his own way.

As his consciousness sank, he soon saw the black giant hidden in his consciousness space again!

It was still so dark and cold, and those scarlet eyes were so ghostly and terrifying.

Only this time, Uchiha Kai didn't feel as uncomfortable as the first time.

Even more without the fear of the first time, he felt that he seemed to have a closer connection with this black giant.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai's azure blue chakra is matched with the special shadow in his pupils, and this is actually intertwined with each other.

With the spread of Uchiha Kai Chakra, he felt the power of this giant!

Mighty, terrifying, as if it could destroy everything.

While this kind of terrifying power made Uchiha Kai extremely shocked and delighted, he was also a little depressed to find that he could not control too much of this power at all.

Susanoo is almost in stages, Uchiha Kei is very clear that the stage he can control is very low now.

After taking a deep breath and feeling that his body and Chakra had reached a limit, Kai Uchiha opened his eyes.


Chakra set off a huge torrent, and the chakra of the body and the frequency of yin in the eyes blended with each other.

Through the vibration of this frequency, it resonates with the giant in Uchiha Kai's consciousness space.

The dark chakra body on Uchiha Kai's body finally produced an incredible change!

The dark Chakra body slowly turned into a skeleton, and the skeleton continued to expand and spread, and a huge black skull slowly emerged.

The chakra continues to strengthen, and Uchiha Kai's chakra has completely turned black, and this black chakra completely covers Uchiha Kai.

Except for some gaps under his feet, Kai Uchiha's upper body has been protected by this kind of chakra.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel is slowly rotating, and this resonance is getting stronger and stronger, but Uchiha Kai still controls this resonance to prevent it from breaking out completely.


Finally, Uchiha's Susanoo was completely unfolded, and Uchiha's basement was destroyed once again!

The huge, skeleton-like Susanoo stood on Uchiha Kai with scarlet eyes, and the terrible chakra torrent swept around here.

Uchiha Kai was immersed in this stalwart power, and such a powerful feeling made him very addicted.

It's just that Kei Uchiha also knows that he can't be overly indulged in such power. Once he releases the restriction on this kind of resonance, his eyes will be miserable!

"Now that the continuation of this resonance is controlled, the yin in the eyes and the chakra in the body have reached the limit. If it continues, I am afraid that it will consume the pupil power on a large scale."

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself that although he opened the first stage of Susanoo at this time, his pupil power consumption can be said to be minimal!

Madara Uchiha really deserves to be a person who has used the Shaker to the extreme. Even just a few words of his experience can give Uchiha a great inspiration and help.

But even so, everything has a limit of its own.

In the case of Uchiha Kai's use of a small amount of pupil power, Susanoo's opening to the first stage has almost exceeded his expectations.

Continuing on, Uchiha Kei feels that he may be able to open the second stage of Susanoo.

But the price of this is that his pupil power will definitely begin to flow away like a flood.

If Kei Uchiha didn't care about his eyes, he would have gone to study Susanoo long ago. After all, it is every Uchiha's dream to open a "Gundam".

Although Kai Uchiha can't be regarded as a Gundam opener now, he already has a relatively good foundation.

As long as his strength continues to improve, he will continue to accumulate that special yin escape through the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

So sooner or later, he can be like Madara Uchiha, even if he doesn't have a wheel eye, he can control the fourth form of Susanoo, or even the complete Susanoo!

But it takes time, and time is what Uchiha Qi lacks the most right now, and in about a year, the Nine Tails will come.

"The kaleidoscope writing wheel controls and records such vibration frequencies. If I return the kaleidoscope writing wheel to Sangou jade, can Susanoo continue to maintain it?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai thought of a question.

That is his current first form, Susanoo, who is maintained by his kaleidoscope state.

And Uchiha Kai is not willing to expose his eyes, so he can't show Susanoo through a kaleidoscope.

The three-goose jade writing wheel eye is the only state Uchiha Qi is willing to show now.

Then, if Susanoh can't be displayed through the three-gou jade, its use value will definitely be greatly reduced.

Frowning his brows, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha's eyes began to slowly flow back.

In the blink of an eye, the scarlet writing wheel eyes in his eyes had turned into a state of three-goose jade.

With the return of Uchiha Kai Kaleidoscope, his Susanoo seems to have also been affected.

That kind of frequency vibration that could have been strongly felt, immediately disappeared without a trace.

Uchiha Kai maintained the flow of chakra, and he remembered the frequency before.

However, there is no way to clearly perceive that maintaining such a state is really not difficult at all.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't care too much. He could also perceive some 'more active' frequencies in the three-gou jade state, which was enough for him.

With the control of Kai Uchiha, although Susanoo had begun to collapse, it still remained at a certain stage in the end.

At this time, Susanoo only changed to one arm and rib, and his body size was also reduced a lot. Most of the coverage area of ​​the body also lost the protection of the dark chakra, leaving a large gap.

"Is this the initial form?" Uchiha Kei barely maintained this state and felt it carefully.

"Although the coverage area is reduced, it does not affect my mobility, and the defense is enough to resist most attacks."

The initial state of Susanoo made Kei Uchiha a little surprised. In the original work, Kei Uchiha did not leave much influence on Susanoo in the initial stage, but now it is the most suitable state for him.

The most important thing is that when Uchiha Kai uses Susanoo in this state in the state of Sangouyu, his pupil power will not be consumed at all!

In the first stage of the kaleidoscope state, although the consumption of pupil power is negligible, it is indeed passing.

At this moment, Uchiha Kai didn't have any pupil power at all, and the three-goose jade writing wheel eye didn't have any burden, but it was slightly higher for Uchiha Kai's mental power consumption.

After all, you have to devote some of your energy to maintaining the frequency of Chakra and Yin Dun, and the consumption of Chakra is not too low, but it is still no problem to maintain a battle.

Especially these chakras seem to be available to Uchiha Kai to use at critical moments, which Uchiha Kai is very satisfied with.

"Master Qi."

Just as Uchiha Kai felt the initial stage of Susanoo on his body, a few Uchiha ninjas in black ran in, and immediately half-knelt on the ground when they saw Uchiha Kai.

"Ah, it's fine here, this is my new ninjutsu test." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Maybe I'm going to trouble you again. Let's redo this place. Also, pay attention to whether the damage caused this time will attract other people's attention. If it doesn't work, let's move the place."

"Yes, Mr. Kai." These ninjas did not ask Uchiha Kai's new ninjutsu at all, nor did they have any objection to Uchiha Kai's words.

This kind of person makes Uchiha Qi extremely satisfied, but he also knows that these people are just listening to him. This is because of Uchiha Fuyue's orders.

Since this is the case, Uchiha Kai will not have a good attitude towards them. It is impossible to win over them. Rather than wasting time on them, it is better to find someone who is truly valuable After giving the order , Uchiha Kai directly scattered the skeleton body on his body.

With this experience, all that Uchiha Kai has to do is to be proficient at it and get to the point where he can use it at will.

After taking a last look at Yu Uchiha's survival capsule, which was not affected because Uchiha Kai deliberately avoided it, Uchiha Kai turned and left the basement.

The rest of the work is left to these Uchiha ninjas. It doesn't take much experience to have these people in Uchiha Kai.

The only pity is that these people are not worthy of Uchiha Kai to win over, because they are all heartfelt and Uchiha Fuyue people.

Rather than wasting time on them, Kai Uchiha might as well find some truly valuable people.

"Today's moonlight is good." After walking out of the basement, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a smile when he looked at the moon in the sky.

"It seems that some problems have been solved, and my mood is much better. However, this is just the beginning..."

This is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go.

For example, Uchiha Kai decided that he would like to ‘visit’ this guy Imai Kenta tomorrow...


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