Chapter 165: chance encounter (on)

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai got up.

Since he came to this world, Kei Uchiha basically no longer has the habit of sleeping in.

After a simple shower, he, Ryoko Uchiha and Keisuke Uchiha said hello and went out.

Ryoko and Keisuke felt helpless about not going home all day after Uchiha Kei came back.

But the two of them also know that Uchiha Kai's current status and identity in the Security Department.

In particular, they also knew that Uchiha Kai had done some exaggerated things.

While they were proud, they were also very worried about Kai Uchiha's situation.

So now they are more hopeful that they will not cause trouble to Uchiha.

As Uchiha Kei expected, when he invited Ryoko to work in his unit, Ryoko declined his invitation.

Kai Uchiha had already anticipated the outcome of this incident, but he didn't have too many different feelings.

The big deal is that by taking advantage of the vice-minister's status, I can find a way to make Ryoko feel more comfortable.

Silently walking towards Konoha Street, Uchiha Kai suddenly thought of a question, that is, where does this **** Kenta Imai live?

"It's a failure!"

Uchiha Kei stood awkwardly on Konoha Street.

The boy Kenta Imai has always been mysterious. The most important thing is that this boy is not so easy to find with his civilian status.

If it was a woman like Aya Hyuga, the result would be different.

Just go to the clan of the Hinata clan to stand, or stop a person from the Hinata clan, and the woman will be found naturally.

This result made Kei Uchiha feel depressed. He found that Imai Kenta, who seemed to be a civilian, was the best in their team.

Aya Hyuga and herself both belong to a big family, and because of this status, the two of them don't deal with each other so well in certain positions.

Aya Hyuga's attitude in front of Kai Uchiha's not turning on the writing wheel is basically the best proof.

Of course, people from big families are also relatively realistic.

After Uchiha Kai opened the writing wheel, Hyuga Aya's attitude has also undergone a huge change.

Kai Uchiha didn't take such a change too seriously, he only knew that this woman was dangerous to him.

Imai Kenta is also very dangerous to him, but Imai Kenta is better than Hinata Aya because he is not bound by the family.

The rules of the Hinata clan's clans and divisions can be traced back to an unknown number of years ago.

The origin is still the group of guys on the moon, who are basically dying.

The family division is the bird in the cage, the slave of the clan.

This is the same even if you interpret it in a different way. It can be said that the saddest person is none other than them.

"Looks like it's better to ask someone."

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, it's not a good thing to be on the street all the time.

Coping with some ninjas who came to say hello with a smile on his face, Uchiha Kai walked slowly towards Fujiu Hanghei's house.

Kei Uchiha hasn't seen this guy since he came back from the last mission.

Thinking about it, this guy's attitude towards him should be better, especially after he recruited his younger brother into the security department.

But halfway through, Kai Uchiha suddenly saw a woman appear in front of him.

The most interesting thing is that this woman made a tactical gesture to Uchiha Kai.

"Hyuga Aya?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "It's really unfortunate, I met this woman just thinking about it, and what happened to her?"

The tactical gesture just now actually meant 'follow me'. Kei Uchiha was somewhat clear about what this woman was looking for him for.

After thinking for a moment, Uchiha Kei simply followed. He wanted to see what tricks this woman was trying to play.

If this woman is really playful, then Uchiha Kai's harvest last night will have training material.

Unfortunately, Kei Uchiha was a little disappointed, because this woman was very careful, she brought Kei Uchiha to a meatball shop.

"Qi-Jun, please take a seat."

With a perfect smile on her face, Aya Hyuga made a gesture towards Kai Uchiha: "We haven't seen each other since we came back last time. I invite you today."

"Then thank you, Aya-kun, for your invitation."

Although Kei Uchiha couldn't figure out what this woman meant, it didn't prevent him from having fun with this woman.

Sitting properly opposite Aya Hyuga, Kei Uchiha still kept a smile on his face.

However, he didn't say a word, but quietly looked at Aya Hinata.

The woman, Aya Hyuga, didn't speak either. After she silently helped Uchiha Ki make a cup of tea, she politely poured the tea into Uchiha Ki's cup.

Afterwards, she poured herself a cup, and after all this was done, she sat down silently with a smile on her face.

"Don't you want to drink a cup of tea?" Hyuga Aya said with a smile, "This is some tea that I specially got from the clan, and the source is my fiancé."


Kei Uchiha glanced at the woman somewhat unexpectedly, and then he showed a mocking smile.

"Then congratulations, Aya-kun. Although you are younger, after the engagement, you don't need to come out to do tasks."

Is Aya Hyuga getting married?

To be honest, Kei Uchiha is still not satisfied with the news, because this is the result of Kei Uchiha, and I am afraid there will be no chance to do it in the future.

This woman is really straightforward. After publicly confessing her sincerity, she actually thought of such a method to save her own life.

It has to be said that if she no longer performs tasks, then Uchiha Keiza will have no chance.

But after she got married, I'm afraid she wouldn't dare to 'talk nonsense' something.

Now it is not clear whether this woman is married to a member of a clan, or a member of an equally tragic branch.

"Thank you." Hyuga Aya's smile was still bright.

"His name is Hyuga Teru, and he is a member of a clan. It is said that he has a good personality. Although he has never been on the battlefield and is a little naive, he is generally a good person."

"Yeah, if you control it well, Aya-kun will have some status in the family from now on." Uchiha Qi looked at Hyuga Aya calmly.

This woman's means and mind, trying to control a relatively naive person, will definitely not be a problem.

In disguise, through the fiance of this clan, it is a matter of course that the woman Hyuga Aya has risen in the Hyuga clan.

Looking at this woman's expression, Uchiha Kai shook his head, is this showing off to himself?

Indeed, this is a capital worth showing off, and at the same time, it is also a signal of reconciliation, but this signal makes Kai Uchiha very unhappy.

"Thank you Kai-kun for your blessing." The smile on Hyuga Aya's face slowly changed, becoming a bit mocking.

"At least now I seem to have some value and I don't dare to talk nonsense, right?"

"Aya-kun, please be careful." Uchiha Kei lowered his voice a little.

"Say this kind of thing in such a place, especially to me. Although I know what you mean, it's very embarrassing for you to do this."

"It seems that Qi-kun still cherishes his feathers very much." Although Hyuga Aya was still 'nonsense'.

But her voice has really been suppressed: "I understand, I won't go on talking."

"Are you looking for me just to show off to me?" Uchiha Kai frowned.

"Then congratulations, your goal has been achieved. What a pity, I didn't expect you to choose to 'exit' in such a way.

But that's fine, maybe you can perform better on the family stage of the Hinata clan. "

Aki Uchiha didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Aya Hyuga, this woman has always given him a bad sense.

Even if she looks really beautiful, Kei Uchiha, who has been fighting on the battlefield for six or seven years, has long since lost any sense of the word "beautiful".

He didn't know how many such beautiful female ninjas he killed with his own hands.

Terumi Mei almost had his throat cut by him, and the nameless female Kirito who was almost tortured to death by him was not bad.

Taking a look at the tea on the table, Uchiha Kai finally didn't drink it, he decided to stand up and leave.

Since this woman is about to 'retire', they are likely to be strangers according to this woman's actions.

That being the case, Uchiha Kei will pretend that nothing happened today, unless something more interesting happens.

For example, if this woman leaves the village, then Uchiha Kei will definitely let her 'die in an accident'.

"Is Qi-kun going?" Hyuga Aya seemed to see what Uchiha Kei was thinking, but her voice was still very low: "Okay, since that's the case, I'll give Qi-kun a gift."

"Gift?" Uchiha Kai frowned and looked at the woman in front of him.

Suddenly, Kei Uchiha noticed that there was a sharp kunai hidden in this woman's long sleeves.

"Kunai, do you think you can kill me?" Uchiha Qi snorted coldly He suddenly wondered if there was something wrong with this woman's mind.

"Of course not, Qi-jun's strength is so strong, how could I have such an unrealistic idea?" Hyuga Aya's smile still remained on her face: "So what is it?"

Saying that, the Kunai in Hyuga Aya's hands appeared at the bottom of the table.

She was still holding the Kunai, and the spikes of the Kunai were aimed at herself!

Her action made Kai Uchiha's pupils involuntarily dilate in an instant. This woman actually threatened him with her own life?

No wonder he chose such a location, even if it is only early in the morning, there are already a lot of people who come to eat here!

Is it just that this woman is crazy?

How could a woman who cherishes her life so much use her own life to do such a thing?

"Your family made you do this?" Uchiha Kai's face became a little gloomy: "Interesting, or did they already know about you?"

"Neither." Hyuga Aya's smile turned bright again: "This is my personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with anyone."


"I want to... cooperate with Qi-jun."


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