Chapter 166: ? Encounter (below)


Kai Uchiha looked at the woman in front of him strangely. He was not unfamiliar with the word cooperation.

Especially now that he is not only collaborating with Uchiha Fugaku, but also working with this guy with Namikaze Minato.

Almost all the people who cooperate with Uchiha Kai are powerful and have sufficient political value, but what does Hyuga Aya have?

Aya Hyuga has nothing, except that she has some "handles" from Uchiha, Uchiha doesn't see any specific value in her.

"Yes, cooperation." Hyuga Aya nodded, her voice very low.

She still seemed to be smiling, but there was no smile in her voice: "I can see that Qijun doesn't seem to be optimistic about my cooperation, but I also understand, because my identity is not a good partner for cooperation. ."

"Aya-kun is serious. I believe that Aya-kun can use his own abilities to let himself fly in the sky again."

Uchiha Kai said plainly to Hyuga Aya: "Also, Aya-kun's suicide may be a good thing for me.

So don't make jokes like this. Although I care about other people's language, it doesn't mean that I will be afraid. "

"Don't worry Kai-kun, I still have some interesting things I want to share with Kai-kun." Hyuga Aya didn't seem to understand the meaning of Uchiha's words, she still said with a smile.

"Interesting thing?" Uchiha Kai was already a little impatient, and his voice became colder.

This woman seems to be fully aware of her own identity and status, right?

What can a Hyuga branch do?

In the original novel, Uchiha Kei has never seen it, and the members of Hyuga who escaped from the caged bird - those white-eyed monsters on the moon are not counted.

That being the case, a woman with no future, why did Kai Uchiha cooperate with her?

With their friendship that can be broken at will?

This kind of thing is changed to them, more should be 'thank you teammates for not killing', right?

"Tell me, something interesting."

A sneer appeared on Kai Uchiha's face. He looked at Aya Hyuga quietly, wanting to see what tricks this woman could come up with.

And Uchiha Kai seems to have noticed it too, his smile seems to be getting colder now, but he doesn't care too much.

In the future, the Uchiha clan will also have a "Four Laughing Heroes", and it is no big deal to have one more "Crimson Laugher".

"Qi-Jun's smile is still cold enough, yes, after all, Qi-Jun is forced to stay here."

Hyuga Aya didn't care about Uchiha's attitude, she looked at Uchiha's face full of mystery.

"I wonder if Qi-kun still remembers what happened in a certain basement in the forest not far behind the Uchiha clan the night before yesterday?"

Aki Uchiha's smile froze, and then his face became extremely gloomy, and his gaze towards Hyuga Aya also became a little dangerous.

This woman is actually investigating him?

The distance between the Hinata clan and the Uchiha clan is really not short. If she wants to investigate her situation at home, it is absolutely impossible.

Then there is only one explanation, and that is that this woman has approached the Uchiha clan.

And locked him in a certain position before seeing something she shouldn't have seen!

"Hyuga Aya, do you know what you're talking about?" Uchiha Kai's tone was somewhat solemn.

"Some things can't be said nonsense, and some things can't be read indiscriminately, because it will kill you, even if you have the protection of your family, it will not help."

"Of course I know, Kai-kun." Hyuga Aya was still the same, she took a deep breath and looked Uchiha Kai's eyes directly.

"But I didn't mean to use it to threaten Qijun, I just wanted to tell Qijun about it.

Actually, it was just an accident to discover this, because that night I had already decided to come to Qijun, but I didn't expect to see such a scene. "

"So what?" Uchiha Kai frowned.

"Presumably Qi-Jun also knows that if I really want to threaten Qi-Jun with this, I'm afraid it's enough to report this matter to the family."

Aya Hyuga's voice was very soft, only she and Kai Uchiha could hear it: "But I didn't do it, this is my sincerity.

Presumably, the impact of this incident on Qi Jun is no worse than those on the battlefield, and even more deadly, isn't it? "

It is indeed more deadly. He attacked and killed a Konoha ninja in the village. Even if the ninja was a Uchiha, the consequences would be unbelievable.

First of all, the village will not miss this perfect opportunity to attack the Uchiha clan, and secondly, the clan will not let Uchiha Kai's actions go unnoticed.

At that time, the cooperation between Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue can be said to be broken directly.

Uchiha Fuyue will not admit this kind of thing, and the relative cooperation with Namifeng Minato may also become Uchiha Fuyue unilateral, or even stop directly!

It can be said that at that time, Uchiha Kai completely made a wedding dress for Uchiha Fuyue, and Uchiha Kai's fate can be imagined.

Of course, Hyuga Aya doesn't necessarily think of these things, what she can think of is from the personal perspective of Uchiha Kai.

That is to lose his reputation, and he has to face the cruel trial of Konoha.

Uchiha Qi stared at Hyuga Aya, he was really tempted to kill now, but he knew even more that he really couldn't do it here.

What's the difference between doing this and Hyuga Aya taking the initiative to report that he personally tortured Yuchiha Uchiha?

"What do you want?" Uchiha Qi stared at Aya Hyuga: "Cooperation? Do you think it's possible for me to cooperate with you?"

"Why is it impossible?" Hyuga Aya chuckled lightly.

"Imai Kenta can do it, why can't I?

Imai's advantage is that he is a 'free man', while mine is knowing some specific secrets.

And I can promise I won't say it, and I can offer you some help with certain things. "

"Guarantee is useless, you are just a 'Hyuga branch'." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Tell me about the content of your cooperation."

"It seems that Kai-kun has made up his mind." Hyuga Aya's smile seemed to become brighter.

Uchiha Kai shook his head, Hyuga Aya overestimated him a little, and he didn't have any mental decision at this time.

What he can do now is to make some choices that are more beneficial to him as much as possible.

It's just that the first choice is still to find a way to get rid of this woman!

This woman is too dangerous, and what she has in her hands makes Kei Uchiha worry too much.

But if the cooperation proposed by this woman makes Uchiha start his heart, then he can make a certain degree of bias.

Hyuga Aya took a deep breath, she looked at Uchiha Kai with some dangerous eyes: "What is Kai-kun's purpose and what he plans to do, I don't ask.

But if I cooperate with Qijun, then I will try my best to help Qijun achieve his goal.

I know that Qi-Jun is worried about me revealing secrets, and my identity does make Qi-Jun worry, so I can do one thing to make Qi-Jun feel at ease. "

"What's the matter?" Uchiha Kei asked curiously.

"Hyxiang Hui, this family arranged my fiancé, and I can deal with him myself."

Saying this name, even if Hyuga Aya kept a smile, her tone became incomparably calm.

The family arrangement, I am afraid, has already fed up with the woman Hyuga Aya.

And a Hyuga branch, actually said in front of the Uchiha clan that he wanted to kill a clan, such courage is not too big.

Kai Uchiha could see that Aya Hyuga was determined to say such things to Kai Uchiha.

It's just that Aya Hyuga's conditions made him feel useless except for killing a clan to prove himself.

"How do you know what my purpose is, Aya-kun?" Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"I don't even know if I can succeed in what I'm going to do, and what I'm going to do is destined to be terrible.

Uchiha is just the beginning, and others will follow in the footsteps. Since you have seen it, you should know..."

"Of course I know, Kai-kun." Hyuga Aya interrupted Uchiha's words.

"I said that no matter what purpose Qijun has, I will help you achieve it and do my best to help you. This is the basis of our cooperation."

"Then what can you do for me?" Uchiha Qi sighed.

"Murder? Your strength is not as good as mine. Information on the Hinata clan? Sorry, I have no interest in your Hinata clan.

If you can do medical ninjutsu, maybe I will consider it, but I don't think you can do this. "

"Medical Ninjutsu?" Hyuga Aya frowned.

"It seems that Qi-kun is going to do an experiment. But medical ninjutsu, do you think the inherent advantage of the Hinata clan is this. If I master some medical ninjutsu, I am afraid that I will be much stronger than the medical ninja recruited by Qi-jun?

Not to mention the medical ninja that Qi-Jun wants to recruit, I'm afraid Qi-Jun doesn't worry about many things? I also believe in my talent to learn medical ninjutsu well! "

Uchiha Qi was silent, the woman Hyuga Aya really responded quickly enough.

Kai Uchiha really needs a medical ninja who can know some 'dirty secrets'.

Not to mention Yu Uchiha's problem, in the future, Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Kaihi's own problems will all need the help of these medical ninjas.

Even if you don't mention the people of the Uchiha clan, Nohara Rin's body has been sealed in the scroll. He needs to find a medical ninja who can shut up to repair the body!


Is this woman Hyuga Aya really reliable?

Uchiha Kai is a little bit nervous, but I have to say that Uchiha Kai is really excited at this moment As a Hyuga clan, she is born with white eyes. Based on the basic conditions, she has completely opened the normal medical ninja. know how much.

Their white eyes can accurately find the location of the injury, the center of Chakra mutation.

As long as you learn medical ninjutsu, Aya Hyuga's role will be infinitely larger!

After thinking for a moment, Uchiha Kai seemed to have made a decision: "Hinata Teru, take him to the place where I dealt with Uchiha Yu.

Second, show your potential to learn medical ninjutsu. If you meet these two requirements, we will have a foundation for cooperation. "

"No problem." At this moment, Aya Hyuga's smile looked much more sincere: "Then, Qi-kun is not going to ask, is it my request?"

"No need." Uchiha Kai shook his head directly and took the cup of tea on the table at the same time.

"You are a caged bird looking for freedom. I will find a way to achieve the freedom you expect... No, I will do my best to help you realize it. This is also the basis of cooperation, isn't it?"

"Qijun really understands me, so you can cooperate happily?"

"It's a pleasure to work with."

After the words fell, Uchiha Qi took a sip of the tea in his hand...


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