Chapter 167: ?The increasingly mysterious person


After walking out of the meatball shop, Uchiha Ki randomly found a corner and spit out the tea he had just drank.

It's not that Kai Uchiha wanted to change his mind and refused to cooperate, but Kai Uchiha suddenly remembered that this cup of tea was poured by Aya Hyuga the day before their cooperation.

In other words, Uchiha Kei was not at all sure whether there was any added ingredients in this cup of tea.

After spitting out all the tea, Uchiha Kai walked towards a convenience store, where he was going to buy some water for further cleaning.

"I'm crazy too. How could I drink the tea this woman poured?"

Uchiha Ki took the mineral water and poured it into his mouth, and after washing it well, he felt at ease.

"It's just that this ending was a bit unexpected. Although it was a team, my original target was Kenta Imai, not a woman like Aya Hyuga."

This result is that Uchiha Kai also feels a little unspeakable. It can be said that the development of things has completely moved towards the other extreme.

But it has to be said that the conditions given by Aya Hyuga made Kei Uchiha a little moved.

Uchiha's situation really needs someone who can thoroughly observe his body changes.

In such extreme cases, the writing wheel eye is not necessarily better than the white eye.

Although Aya Hyuga is separated, her white eyes are enough to support Kai Uchiha's needs.

"Forget it, if she can really bring Hinata Teru over and learn medical ninjutsu."

After Uchiha Ki cleaned his mouth, he turned his head and walked towards Fujiu Hangping's house.

"Then, her value will be greatly improved. As for the caged bird..."

Uchiha Kei really can only say his best about the caged bird, because he really doesn't know how to solve the caged bird of Hyuga Aya.

It would be good for Kai Uchiha to get rid of Aya Hyuga's caged bird.

At least this woman won't pose too much threat to Uchiha Kai according to her character without the family's coercion.

Just how to operate the caged bird, Uchiha Kai is really distressed, and there is no information at all in the original book.

"Could it be... Are you really going to find those guys on the moon?" Uchiha Kai frowned and walked forward step by step.

"But in terms of age, it is a question whether Toto Otsutsuki was born now, and it is also doubtful how many people were on the moon before he was born."

Toshito Otsutsuki's combat experience is indeed retarded, but his combat ability is truly terrifying.

And Tenseisen's fighting potential is on the same level as Samsara Eye.

Although Kai Uchiha didn't think that those people on the moon had Tenseigans at this time, the problem was that the huge white eyes made Kai Uchiha feel chills.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi no longer thought about these issues. Even if Uchiha Qi had another idea, his strength would not support him to do so.

Steady and steady play is the main tone that Uchiha Qi should have now.

No longer thinking about these messy things, Uchiha Kai soon came to Fujiu Hanghei's house.

The person who received him was a woman who looked to be in her forties. If there was no accident, this woman should be Fujiu Hangping's mother.

Uchiha Kei was very polite. Under the leadership of this woman, he quickly came to Fujiu Hanghei's room, and Fujiha Hanghei was stunned when he saw Uchiha Kei.

"Qi? Why are you here?" Fujiu Hangping said to Uchiha Qi with a smile: "Sit down, I didn't expect you to come to see me when you are so busy."

"I heard that the captain was discharged from the hospital, so it's natural to come and see."

Uchiha Kei kept a polite smile. In fact, he didn't even know that Fujiu Hangping left the hospital only yesterday.

At this time, Fu Jiuhangping still had a sand belt wrapped around his chest, one can imagine how much damage he received at that time.

After all, the loess is not a simple guy. I think when Uchiha Kai was in a very bad state, even if there was a kaleidoscope, he almost fell.

With that terrifying power and extremely strong defense, Uchiha Kei at that time did not have Chidori or Arashiki, so there was nothing to do with him at all.

However, after that, Uchiha Kei also took revenge. Although he was forced to compromise because of some political interests, Uchiha Kei also broke his hand.

"Qijun, thank you for giving Hangtai a chance to show himself."

Tomijiu Hanghei didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, but the smile on his face became a little weird just talking about this.

"But Qijun, please forgive Hangtai. I heard him say something you did in the security department. Although it is very relieved and can help you stabilize your position in a short time, in the long run..."

"Don't worry, Captain." Uchiha Kai smiled, not caring so much.

"Actually, I have already made certain preparations and arrangements. Since I want to change the security department and attract civilian ninjas, I naturally have to be stronger and more active.

As for what Hang Tai told you, I think many people in the village already know about it. "

"Is that so..." Fu Jiuhangping hesitated, and finally he showed a smile.

"Indeed, Qi's performance has always been reassuring. I believe that Qi will have a good result, so please take care of the flight."

"I believe Air Tai-Jun will perform well."

Uchiha Kai didn't answer this question, such a silent gift is much better than promises to take care of others.

And even if Fujiu Hanghei didn't say anything, Uchiha Qi would take care of this kid, after all, this kid is an important pawn. he

's brother is his former captain, and he is also Konoha Jōnin. His circle of friends covers almost the vast majority of Konoha's civilian ninjas.

If such a person uses it well, it is definitely an important tool for Uchiha Kai to reduce the reputation of the Uchiha family in Konoha.

After chatting with Fujiu Hangping for a while, Uchiha Kei began to cut into the theme: "Captain, do you know where Ken Tai-kun's home is?"

"Kenta?" Fu Jiuhang was stunned for a moment, then seemed to have come to his senses.

"Is Qi-kun planning to recruit Kenta? It's a really good idea, but I don't know the exact location of Kenta's house. I only know where Kenta usually trains."

"Don't you know?" Uchiha Ki rubbed his chin. It seemed that the mystery of this Imai Kenta was a bit beyond imagination.

Even Tomohisa Kopei, the guide, doesn't know where this guy lives, so Uchiha Kei is even more interested in Imai Kenta.

Such a mystery, although the solicitation of Kai Uchiha is not a good thing.

But it aroused Uchiha Kai's desire to figure out the real situation of this guy.

Through Tomohisa Hanghei's narration, Uchiha Qi knew the location of Imai Kenta.

It just so happens that Uchiha Kai can go over there and take a look. If the situation is not very good, Uchiha Kai can also solve some problems.

The training venue he chose was really too remote.

Moving towards the location that Fujiu Hangping told him, Uchiha Kai was no longer delaying time this time, and he quickly ran towards the forest.

At that location, Uchiha Kei had some impressions, in which forest there was an abandoned training ground.

When Uchiha Kai decided to attack Uchiha Yu, he took a good look at the Konoha map.

Therefore, Uchiha Kei is aware of many bright places in Konoha, and he even knows that some places are not allowed to inspect.

And where, it is likely that Konoha or Orochimaru's experimental base.


"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"

In an abandoned training ground in a remote forest in Konoha, Imai Kenta is exercising his water escape.

Using a water escape in a place without water, and its power is considerable, it has already shown that his strength is very terrifying.

It's just that Imai Kenta sighed, he felt that it wasn't enough, all this was far from enough.

Although now his level has surpassed most of the people who went to the battlefield together, he knows that he is far from enough.

"This kind of power... It seems that it needs to continue." Imai Kenta glanced at the tree that was broken by the water dragon bullet. He was not particularly satisfied with the power of his ninjutsu.

Even though he has done a good job, for Imai Kenta, it is still a little bit worse. The fundamental reason why he works so hard is to protect himself.

Eight years and nearly nine years in the battlefield made him clearly realize that people without strength and brains may have long since passed away.

It's just that his purpose of improving his strength is very simple, but some of his family members don't see it that way.

His family members made him carry too many things that he didn't want but had to.

The current form of Konoha has been finalized, and although Kenta Imai has been immersed in it, he is also worried about the current form.

But unlike the elders of his family, he didn't feel any grief and anger, but Kenta Imai also had no right to refuse.

With a sigh, Imai Kenta's original performance on the battlefield was just to hope that he would survive.

But with Uchiha Kina's sassy operation and Namikaze Minato's strong enough, he actually mixed into Konoha Hero.

While such a result made Kenta Imai dumbfounded, he was also given greater expectations, and at the same time he was given more resources.

These resources can allow Imai Kenta to continue to grow, but after obtaining these resources, some of the things he will do in the future may not be so easy.

"However, it seems that no matter how you look at it, I'm safer than that kid Uchiha Kai."

Imai Kenta shook his head. In the absence of a good comparison, the first reaction in his mind was indeed the "teammate" Uchiha Kai.

The woman Hyuga Aya has nothing to compare with. The Hyuga split did give this woman too many limitations.

And Kenta Imai also saved that woman. Although he was saving himself to a large extent, he did do something similar anyway.

"But Kei Uchiha actually invited me to join the security department, and he's been very active recently." Kenta Imai touched his nose.

"How to respond to this matter? What does this kid want to do? Could it be that he found something?"

Imai Kenta thought silently, suddenly he frowned, and then his eyes turned to the forest...


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