Chapter 168: ?Those who understand Sharinyan

"Ki Uchiha?"

Imai Kenta looked at the people walking silently on the training ground, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Why are you here? Who told you about this place?"

Imai Kenta felt that he was a bit crow's mouth, just thought of this kid Uchiha Kai, turned his head and this kid came to the door.

And Imai Kenta was really confused, he never said where he lived.

As for the training place, Kenta Imai seems to have said it, but how many people can find it in such a remote place?

Is it rare that this guy found this place through the security department?

"It's Tomohisa Hanghei." Uchiha Kei didn't hide Kenta Imai's intentions either.

"As for this place, as a member of the security department, you naturally need to know the village, so it's not unusual for me to find it, isn't it?"

"Captain Tomohisa, I understand." Kenta Imai nodded, and then he immediately showed his signature smile: "So what does Captain Qi have to do with me?"

"Actually, you know it well."

Uchiha Kei ignored Imai Kenta's smile. He turned to look at the broken tree and suddenly showed a smile.

"Is it a good water escape? It's good to have such power in a place without a river.

It seems that I really misunderstood. A civilian ninja has such abilities. It seems that Kenta-kun is hiding too many things. "

Imai Kenta didn't speak, but the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

He has been hiding the fact that he knows ninjutsu for a long time, but now it has been dug out, or by this guy Uchiha Kai.

This made Kenta Imai feel a sense of danger, and this guy in front of him was someone who would never let go of any opportunity.

It can only be said that Imai Kenta's luck was too bad. He just finished training Uchiha Kai and this guy appeared, and he couldn't clean up the scene at all.

"It's boring to train alone." Suddenly, Kai Uchiha turned to look at Kenta Imai: "Let's practice together."

"Pair training?" Imai Kenta's smile disappeared completely, he frowned: "I'm afraid the captain's purpose is not so simple, right?"

"There's no need to think too dark about me, I'm very sunny."

Uchiha Kai showed a smile that he thought was very sunny: "Just to test the specific abilities of my future vice-captain, you have to be more serious, Ken Tai-kun."

After saying this, Kei Uchiha didn't give Imai Kenta a chance to talk nonsense at all, and the ninja sword around his waist was instantly unsheathed.

The azure chakra bloomed on Uchiha Kai's ninja sword, but Uchiha Kai was already close to Imai Kenta in the blink of an eye.

And his ninja sword mercilessly slashed at Imai Kenta's throat!

He was showing no mercy at all, and his attack was absolutely ruthless. The state that Uchiha Kai showed was not about training or sparring at all, it was about killing people!

Aya Hyuga was angry just now, but now it has been confirmed that Ken Imai is too complicated, and he can't hold back his anger at all.

Imai Kenta seems to have expected it long ago, and the Imai Kenta Ninja sword was also unsheathed at the moment Uchiha Qi made his hand.


The sound of metal interlaced ripples in this abandoned training ground for a while.

Moreover, the chakra agitated by the two of them fighting caused some cracks on the ground, and it was obvious that neither of them kept their hands.

Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and the ninja knife turned slightly in his hand. The next moment, the ninja knife stabbed Imai Kenta's neck again at a strange angle.

Imai Kenta is not a simple character either. After blocking the sword from Uchiha Kai, he suddenly became faster.

With a light sideways movement, he avoided Uchiha Kai's knife, and then the speed of his burst made Uchiha Kaito look sideways!

Uchiha Kai captured the trajectory of his movement, but Uchiha Kai found that the speed displayed by this guy was even more exaggerated than the usual battle!

"Ding! Ding! Ding..."

With the constant collision of ninja swords, the battle between Uchiha Ki and Imai Kenta continues to escalate.

Imai Kenta is as fast and dangerous as a phantom, while Uchiha Kei is as elegant as a butterfly wearing a flower but full of lethality.

And the battle between the two has begun not limited to the confrontation of taijutsu.

When there is no way to break through the opponent's defense through physical techniques, then the best way is to use other combat techniques, such as 'jutsu'.

"Fire Escape, Fire Dragon Bullet Technique!"

After Uchiha Ki dodged Imai Kenta's extremely dangerous knife, he instantly took out a kunai from his ninja bag and shot it at Imai Kenta. Then he quickly formed a seal and launched a ninjutsu.

"Shi Dun · Earth Flow Wall Technique!" Imai Kenta squatted down dexterously, and at the same time he immediately formed a seal.

Earth escape?

Uchiha Kai frowned, this kid can not only escape in water but also in soil?

This time, Uchiha Kei didn't believe that Imai Kenta was an ordinary "civilian ninja".

Civilian ninjas without any resource inclination will basically not get any escaping techniques, and the three-body technique is basically the limit.

Kei Uchiha is a little confused about the actual situation of this guy, but one thing is certain, this kid definitely has ninjas or ninja resources at home. Yes

The heir of a certain small family? still.....

An orphan of a dead family?

Thinking like this, Uchiha Kai's movements are not slow, and a terrible arc has appeared in his left hand.

The teleportation technique was activated directly, and Uchiha Kai jumped behind the earth wall.

Although there is no sprint distance, he doesn't care about the lack of power.

It's just that when Kai Uchiha came behind the wall, he immediately discovered that the person crouching in the thick wall was actually a shadow clone, and Imai Kenta didn't know where to hide for a long time!

"Hidden?" Uchiha Kai's scarlet Sangouyu glanced around: "Is it still underground?"

Soon, Uchiha Kai had the answer, because he could clearly see the chakra fluctuations from the ground in his writing wheel eyes.

The speed of this chakra eruption was extremely fast, and Uchiha was not slow to start his actions, and his left hand stabbed fiercely at the place where the chakra erupted.

It's just that when Kai Uchiha's left hand pierced the ground, his expression changed suddenly.

Because he felt obvious chakra fluctuations, it burst out from the other side!

Sharinyan is not a white eye, he can see the fluctuations of chakra but has no ability to see through!

"Insidious guy!"

Uchiha Qi secretly scolded, the ninja sword in his hand bloomed with blue chakra, and with his writing wheel eye, he slashed at the oncoming water dragon.

Immediately, the water dragon was cut into two pieces by Uchiha Kei, and Uchiha Kei also pulled out his left hand that was inserted into the ground at this moment, ready to launch a strong attack on Imai Kenta.

But at this moment, the water escape at Uchiha Kai's feet suddenly spread up, directly wrapping Uchiha Kai.

"Water escape, the technique of water prison."

Imai Kenta slowly walked from Uchiha Kai not far away with one hand: "Captain, you are being careless. Or you underestimate me..."

Imai Kenta suddenly changed his face in the middle of speaking, because he clearly saw Uchiha Kibu in the water prison, and knew when a cloud of smoke had dispersed!

He immediately made a seal here, felt a little bit, and the water dragon suddenly turned into a water dragon again.

The gigantic water dragon charged towards the direction where Kai Uchiha was now!

Yuya Uchiha looked at the oncoming water dragon, and suddenly dark chakras appeared on his body. These chakras instantly turned into bones and an arm appeared.

Skeleton's arm clenched his fist, and punched the water dragon fiercely, and the water dragon was torn apart for a while!

Imai Kenta was stunned for a moment when he saw the pitch-black skeleton, and the next moment there was a little confusion and confusion in his eyes.

But in the end, he buried everything in his mind, as if nothing happened.

Kei Uchiha stood quietly and looked at Kenta Imai, who was not far away. He found that this kid seemed to have a good understanding of Sharinyan and how to deal with it.

Use Tu Dun to first block the line of sight while entering the ground, and then separate the shadow clone to feign the main body and hide.

At the moment when Uchiha Kai found the wrong target, he launched an attack, and finally used the water source left by those water dragons to create a water prison to trap Uchiha Kai.

It can be said that every step of his was calculated, and he made full use of some of the insufficiencies of Sharinyan to launch a surprise attack.

If it weren't for the fact that Uchiha Kai's actual combat experience was too rich, and he would leave one hand to deal with everything, I'm afraid he would have been recruited!

Just this was enough to make Kei Uchiha think deeply. Who is this kid?

Why is he so familiar with Sharinyan?

Or, does anyone in his family have complete information about Sharotan?

No matter what kind it is, this makes Uchiha Kaixin's killing intent more and more prominent. This guy's problem seems to be a little too serious.

"Kenta-kun, who are you?" Uchiha Kai looked at Imai Kenta with a cold voice.

"You seem to be more familiar with Sharinyan than I imagined, and you can also use water and soil escapes, and the skills you use are definitely not novice. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

"As expected of Kei-kun, his insight and use of techniques are astounding." Imai Kenta sighed.

"Indeed, I have a relatively good understanding of Sharinyan, which is due to the records accumulated by my ancestors.

However, who am I, I'm afraid I can't say, Qijun, who doesn't have a secret now? "

Uchiha Kei stared at Imai Kenta, he didn't speak, because Uchiha's last sentence was very approved by Imai Kenta.

As a ninja, who doesn't have a little secret in UU reading ?

And Uchiha Qi seems to have guessed some clues about Imai Kenta's identity.

With Earth Dun and Water Dun, the speed is extremely fast, and he also understands the writing wheel very well. This is simply a template for the second generation of Hokage with more Earth Dun!

And Uchiha Kei remembers that in the description of the second Hokage, he also has the earth escape, so can it be said that Imai Kenta is actually a replica of the second Hokage!

Or maybe...he belongs to the Thousand-handed Clan?

"Indeed, who doesn't have a secret as a ninja?" Uchiha Kai is more interested in this guy now: "I shouldn't be aggressive, sorry."

"Uh... it's okay, Captain."

Imai Kenta looked at Kai Uchiha's attitude, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

This **** is about to strip himself completely. Now, is it really appropriate to say such a sentence hypocritically?

Moreover, he is not sure about Uchiha Kai's attitude now, is he continuing to fight?


"So, Ken Tai-kun, has you figured it out, now?"

"You still want to recruit me? You guy..."


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