Chapter 169: ?progress

Kei Uchiha does plan to recruit Kenta Imai. Whether his surname is 'Imai' or 'Senju', this has no effect on Kei Uchiha.

What he wants is Kenta Imai's identity as a 'common ninja' and his attitude towards the current Konoha executives!

Imai Kenta is not someone who is 'loyal' to Konoha and is willing to dedicate himself to Konoha.

From his performance on the battlefield, Uchiha Kai can see it completely.

Of course, Uchiha Kai can also be extended to understand that this is dissatisfaction with the top management of Konoha.

If he is Qianshou, no one can say clearly what happened to the Qianshou clan in the original book.

But the family that once could compete with the Uchiha family seems to be even more miserable than the Uchiha family in the original book.

It seems that the characters they appear are only Tsunade, the others...

Probably there are some scenes during the Warring States Period, and then there are the thousand-hand tree ropes that were killed by bombing.

The Uchiha clan still has at least four giggling heroes to support them in the later stage. In terms of numbers alone, they look a lot better than their thousand-hand clan.

Uchiha Kei, who was full of conspiracies, couldn't help but guess whether Sarutobi Hizan and Shimura Danzo joined forces to concoct a thousand-handed clan version of 'Night of the Genocide'?

Then I gained experience from it, and in the future, I will also have a hand with the Uchiha family?

Of course, Uchiha Qi thinks that the biggest possibility is because of the second-generation policy.

It was he who formulated to improve the status of civilian ninjas, and let a large number of members of the Senju clan be with civilian ninjas.

After he died, the third generation came to power and further expanded the policy of the second generation, so that the Qianshou family was completely buried among the common people.

In this way, the Qianshou clan has almost no way to ascend.

Even if there are outstanding characters, they are not necessarily reused, or even die in the mission.

Over time, a famous family in history fell like this.

On the contrary, those families that did not allow extra-clan intermarriage were preserved, while some small and medium-sized families had a lot to eat.

One can imagine the Sarutobi clan during the Fourth World War.

Strictly speaking, the second Hokage policy is not wrong.

In order to maintain the overall interests of Konoha and attack some big families-especially Uchiha, he did the right thing.

But the problem is that he died too early, and one of the talented people of the Qianshou family became a disciple of three generations, and the other died early.

Once the policy of intermarriage with foreigners is eliminated, the final result is that the surname Qianshou is probably a bit difficult to find now.

This guy Kenta Imai may be his father or his...

One of the mothers was a member of the Qianshou clan, or his ancestors were members of the Qianshou clan.

And when he came to this kid, he showed a relatively good talent, so he was heavily cultivated by those elders.

However, there seems to be something wrong with this kid's character, whether it's his birth or the deviation that occurred under the education of the elders in his family.

Uchiha Kei can feel it, he seems to have a general sense of belonging to Konoha, or to say that he has a general sense of belonging to Konoha.

As long as he has such a character and thoughts, Uchiha won't care which race he is, because his ideas are basically the same as Uchiha.

"What do you think?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "I don't care who you are, but I know one thing, that you are the same as me."

"What happened to me and you?" Imai Kenta shrugged.

"I'm just a civilian ninja, and you are a member of a big family, and now you are the deputy minister of the security department. It can be said that you are now in a high position, and the gap between us is not ordinary."

"It seems a little too much for you to continue to say 'civilian ninja' in front of me, Kenta-kun."

Uchiha Qi walked slowly in front of him, and the dark Chakra skeleton had disappeared without a trace.

"As for me saying that we are a kind of people, it's not just the performance on the battlefield, I don't care which family you belong to, I'm afraid you are not satisfied with some people in Konoha.... High-level people, otherwise... "

"You are too sensitive, Qi-Jun."

Imai Kenta blinked, he didn't seem to be planning to answer Uchiha Kai's words.

But Imai Kenta sighed inwardly, he knew that the damned guy Uchiha Kei would definitely notice something.

Without a suitable background, the practice is personal.

On a personal level, Imai Kenta is a coward who is afraid of death.

But Kenta Imai's identity is not ordinary, so there are too many things produced and represented, even if some excessive interpretations are within a reasonable range.

And Uchiha Kei is really right, he does have a similar idea, and he really doesn't really care about the current Konoha executives.

"Okay, today's exchange with Kentai-kun is impressive."

Uchiha Kai smiled, turned and walked towards the periphery of the training ground: "Oh, by the way, besides you, there is another person looking for me today, and he is also our 'good teammate'."

"Good teammate?" Imai Ken was too stunned, although his expression changed: "Hyuga Aya? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, she has what I need, and the price she has to pay is very high." Uchiha Kai didn't stop or look back.

"One of them is her clan fiance. For a moment, I thought she was crazy, but thinking about it, her pursuit is purer than ours."

"What form did you use to establish such a relationship?" Imai Kentai asked with a sullen face.

"Cooperation, so do you. Take a good rest. I'll be waiting for you at the security department tomorrow morning."


Imai Kenta watched Uchiha Ki leave, his expression still remained the same, and there was no sign of recovery.

Uchiha Kai is saying that he is forced to make a choice, and if the final answer of this choice is not ideal, then he will be really troubled.

As for that crazy woman, Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai now regrets why she saved her in the first place.

This **** woman actually backstabbed him for some unrealistic idea, how could it not make him angry?

Taking a deep breath, Imai Kenta secretly scolded Uchiha Kei and Hyuga Aya as lunatics, then turned around and walked towards his home.

He no longer has any idea of ​​training, and he knows that he has to make choices. If he doesn't do this multiple-choice question well, he will be in danger in the future.

Damn big family members, one is a lunatic with unrealistic ideas, and the other is a lunatic with cruel and cold methods.

"And the damned three generations, who actually arranged these two teammates for me!"

Imai Kenta kept scolding inwardly, as if this was the only way to vent the anger and unhappiness in his heart.


"Hui-kun, I want to help you with some things."

In the relatively prosperous core area of ​​Konoha, in the Hyuga clan's mansion, Aya Hyuga smiles in front of this young man who looks young, but looks very handsome.

This young man looked fifteen or sixteen years old, and his forehead was clean without any marks.

He is Hyuga Teru, Hyuga Aya's fiance.

In the family, it is normal for them to get engaged when they are young and get married at the right age, and this engagement period is also a time for them to cultivate their relationship.

"Aya, you don't need to be so polite." Hyuga Hui looked at Hyuga Aya with a smile: "Just say whatever you need, don't forget that I'm your fiancé."

Hin Xianghui really likes the girl in front of him, but he can't remember exactly when it started.

Maybe it was an unintentional look back, or maybe in the ninja school, she defeated herself as a split family?

In fact, none of this matters anymore. The important thing is that the family gave this girl to him, and the important thing is that this girl is now his fiancee.

"Thank you, Hui. I want some medical ninjutsu books, can you help me?"

Aya Hyuga maintained an almost perfect smile and looked at the person in front of her, her pure eyes did not look gloomy at all when she was with Kai Uchiha.

This woman is simply a natural actress. I'm afraid even Uchiha Kai here will have a hard time telling whether she is fake or sincere.

But the kind of content that Hyuga Aya asked in her mouth also revealed her true thoughts.

Medical ninjutsu, this is also one of the basic conditions for Uchiha Kai and her to cooperate!

The woman Hyuga Aya was in such a hurry that she had just separated from Uchiha Kai, and when she returned to the clan, she sought help as soon as possible, and the person she asked for help...

"Medical Ninjutsu?" Hyuga Teru was stunned, and then showed a smile.

"Could it be that Aya is planning to leave the front-line combat team and go to the Konoha Medical Team? This is good news!"

"Sorry, Teru." Hyuga Aya showed a hint of apology on her face.

"If I leave like this, I'm afraid everyone will look down on me.

And I can better protect myself by learning medical ninjutsu, so I don't need to take too many risks in battle, right? "

Leaving the combat team?

Hyuga Aya snorted coldly in her heart, she would rather stay in that team than face Hyuga Hui in the family all day long She knew that once she quit and chose to come back, then the next step would be to grind Let go of all other thoughts in her heart and be a housewife with peace of mind.

Although she is not opposed to this kind of life, she will never forget the 'cage' that imprisoned all her choices on her head, and the cage she will try her best to break free!

"Is that so?"

Hyuga Hui couldn't help sighing when he heard what Hyuga Aya said. He looked a little disappointed, but he still forced a smile.

"Well, it's actually Aya's idea, then I'll find a way. I heard that medical ninjutsu is actually not difficult to learn, but mastering it is difficult, but I believe that there must be no problem with Aya's talent and potential."

"Thank you, Teru." The smile on Hyuga Aya's face became even brighter: "Then I'll leave this to you."

"Of course, I'll go find my father right now." Hyuga Aya looked even more happy when she saw Hyuga Aya's smile, as if asking for credit, he smiled and said, "Aya just wait for my news!"

Saying that, Hyuga turned around and trotted away from here, and the smile on his face indicated the excitement and happiness in his heart.

Aya Hyuga, who was behind him, looked at the distant figure, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared, replaced by a dangerous look...


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