Chapter 170: ?Contest

Imai Kenta is a smart person.

Even if he is extremely unwilling to cooperate with people from a group like Uchiha, he doesn't want to be entangled with a guy like Kai Uchiha.

But when there is no way to withdraw from the front-line battle sequence, all he can do is compromise.

Especially after he went home and read through the materials left by his ancestors, he was almost certain that the sinister Uchiha Kai definitely had forbidden powers!

"It's so insidious to your level that you don't need it until the last moment. Do you want to kill us all?"

Obviously, Kenta Imai had some misunderstandings about Kai Uchiha, and there was no way to resolve such misunderstandings.

However, I am also grateful for this misunderstanding. Imai Kenta did not act stupid even after he was 100% sure about his current situation. He honestly went to the security department to report the next day.

Uchiha Kei didn't break his promise either.

According to the previous agreement, Uchiha Qi directly gave Imai Kenta the vice-captain of his unit, and also emphasized the relationship between him and Imai Kenta.

"We are a cooperative relationship." Uchiha Qi said bluntly.

"I don't know your specific thoughts, but I can guess that you seem to be dissatisfied with the current senior management. I think, is it caused by the education of the elders in your family?"

"There's no need to inquire about information about my home in different ways, it's useless." Kenta Imai shook his head.

"You can't ask anything, and I won't say anything. Of course, if you use illusion."

"I was useless yesterday, and I won't be able to today." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"In that case, bury it in your heart. When you want to say it, say it.

I have prepared some people for you, real civilian ninjas, some who have been on the battlefield and some who have not. You are responsible for leading them.

There are also some ninjas from the Uchiha clan. All of them have been on the battlefield. If I don't have time, you can help me too. "

"Okay." Imai Kenta nodded directly, and since he agreed, he would do it well.

"You want to change the notoriety of the Uchiha clan in the village and make Uchiha more integrated into the village? It seems that this is not enough. I heard that the three generations of Hokage do not like you."

Uchiha Kai tilted his head, and what Imai Kenta said, whether intentionally or unintentionally, made him feel satisfied.

Since it is cooperation, even if it is forced. Kenta Imai will actually benefit a bit.

It is reasonable for him to give a little hint to show his value.

I'm afraid that this kid will only do as Uchiha Kei said, then Uchiha will definitely let this kid be a tool man for life.

"There are some things I can tell you, but I don't want to leave so quickly to reveal the wind." Uchiha Qi looked at Imai Kenta calmly.

"Don't worry, I said that our goals are very consistent, and it's less when facing some people."

"I understand, Captain." Kenta Imai nodded slightly: "I'll wait for the good news, then I'll go out first."

Uchiha Kei nodded. There were some things he couldn't explain so much, even if Imai Kenta cooperated with him now, he wouldn't dare.

Only when everything is about to stabilize, Uchiha Kai will selectively say something.

And if Kentai Jing is really a descendant of the Senju clan, then Uchiha Kai has more room for maneuvering.

"I'm Uchiha, and Imai Kenta is a thousand hands." Uchiha Kai crossed his hands and supported his head.

"And Aya Hyuga belongs to Hyuga. If you handle it well, you can integrate the power of the three families..."

But thinking of this, Uchiha Kai laughed again, and he felt like he was thinking too much.

The political interest circle formed by the big family is indeed the target of countless people, but at the same time, it is also the target of the attack by the superior.

Uchiha Qi didn't want to spend so much effort to come up with such a thing, and as a result, he got out of the third generation to support the fourth generation, and turned his head and was backstabbed by the fourth generation.

In that case, the gains outweighed the losses. Kai Uchiha is not stupid, nor are those families.

"It is imperative for small families and commoners to win over and integrate. They need to unite and have the right to speak against the big families."

Uchiha Qixin thought silently: "And Hokage also needs a 'one-vote veto', but this matter needs to be brought forward."

Thinking of this, Kei Uchiha felt that he had thought enough. The road ahead is very long, and Kei Uchiha can't guarantee what will happen.

Especially the fourth Hokage that he planned to die next year, but he has to continue to fulfill Hokage's obligations and live.

Kai Uchiha is not a person who is willing to be subordinate to others, otherwise he would not have come up with so many cooperations.

Although he needs to seek asylum when he is not strong enough, what is Kai Uchiha doing?

He took an inevitable event directly as a bargaining chip and made people believe that it would only happen if they cooperated!

What's more, Kai Uchiha has a bigger mind now. He wants the Uchiha family, an obedient Uchiha family!

Although the current situation is not bad, and Uchiha Kai is still in a strong position to some extent.

But this is because the three generations of Hokage are still in place. As an individual, Uchiha Kai is definitely much safer than Uchiha Fugaku with a family.

However, Uchiha Kai will not allow the three generations of Hokage to continue to control the power. He will definitely find a way to remove all the power of the three generations of Hokage. If there is a chance, he will make a ruthless attack.

It's just that once such a thing is completed, then the status of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku will change, and he will not let such a thing happen to him.

But fortunately, if the plan goes well and they all have time, Uchiha Kai can slowly realize his ideas. He is very cautious in his conduct and actions.

"The so-called prudence doesn't mean worrying about things, or being cowardly." A smile appeared on Kai Uchiha's face.

"In my opinion, the real prudence is to think about the pros and cons before doing something.

There are enough interests to enter, and the interests are equal and need to wait and see, and the gains will never be worth the loss.

Although it will be difficult to sit up on things that have enough interests, but in the face of these interests, what is this difficulty? "

Standing up, Uchiha Kei didn't plan to stay here any longer, and now the people in the security department saw him as if they saw a disaster star.

No one dared to speak to Kai Uchiha, and almost everyone would choose to detour and leave after seeing him.

He doesn't care about these things. The only thing that makes him interesting is that Ryoko Uchiha doesn't seem to be affected. Instead, the working environment and treatment seem to be better.


"Is your body okay?"

In the room of the chief elder of the Uchiha clan, the chief elder looked at Tsubasa Uchiha and Tomoya Uchiha with a calm expression, and the two captains of the security department were extremely respectful in front of the chief elder.

"Yes, Great Elder." Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya lowered their heads at the same time and answered in unison.

Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya have been recuperating for several days since they were admitted to the hospital by Uchiha Qi, and the first stop they came out was the Great Elder Uchiha Shin.

In the security department, the hardliners still occupy an overwhelming position, and the three sub-commanders are all hardliners.

However, as a compromise, the vice-captains of both of them are doves.

Only this guy Uchiha Yu got rid of all those who disagreed with him, but unfortunately this guy is missing now, and his team has been completely disbanded by Uchiha.

"Very good." The first elder took a sip of tea and nodded in satisfaction.

"Pay more attention to your body, you are an important member of the family, the owner of the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, what will happen in the future... Your safety is the first thing, you know?"

"Yes, Great Elder."

Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya immediately replied that this was a talisman for both of them.

It is conceivable that when they return to the security department, there will be no less conflicts between them and the kid Uchiha Kai.

Especially when they were in the hospital, they heard that this kid actually started recruiting those 'marginal people' in the Uchiha clan.

They can bear this. After all, they are all from the Uchiha family, and Uchiha Kai came out of that environment.

However, Uchiha Kai actually wants to recruit civilian ninjas to join, which has greatly violated their bottom line!

Although they lost to Kai Uchiha, they did not feel that they were not the opponents of Kai Uchiha.

This kid is too insidious. Although he used his own conditions and their carelessness reasonably, he still despised them.

However, this also reminded them that this kid Uchiha Kai's ability to resist illusions is really strong.

The two of them took turns to cast illusions, but they didn't let the kid get caught, but were used, which led to the two of them being attacked.

"I came to you today for one thing I want to confirm." Just when the two were still indignant at losing to Uchiha Ki, the elder said again.

"What is the level of that kid Uchiha Kai? Even both of you were defeated by him. Uchiha Fuyue really found a good helper Great elder!" Uchiha Yi lowered his head again. A little bit: "Last time was an accident, we didn't think about killing people, so..."

"He is also a person who came down from the battlefield." The elder interrupted Tsubasa Uchiha indifferently: "Don't take chances and give me an objective evaluation."

"Very strong, Great Elder." Tomoya Uchiha's voice was a little low.

"His speed is very fast, his technique is neat and neat, and he solves all the problems very easily in the face of the subordinates of the brave unit.

It can be seen that his vision is very powerful, and his resistance to illusion is also very strong. Other information is temporarily unknown. above. "

Tomoya Uchiha's words made the elder nodded with satisfaction. Why didn't he know about Kai Uchiha?

But he wanted the two of them to speak out, recognize their own shortcomings and admit it in person. Such people will have a better future.

As for Uchiha Kai?

Uchiha Fuyue's chess piece is just a piece, a chess piece that disturbed the interior of the security department and turned it into muddy water. Although he has strength, it cannot change his boy's fate.

In the eyes of the great elders, this is a power contest between him and the elders who are standing with him, and Uchiha Fuyake, the patriarch...


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