Chapter 171: ?Autumn to winter

From autumn to winter, time has passed without realizing it, the forty-seven years of Konoha have passed, and a brighter Konoha forty-eight years is about to come.

Uchiha Ki walked silently on the street, looking at the Konoha villagers with happy smiles on their faces, Uchiha Ki also felt a burst of relief in his heart.

A few months ago, Iwa Shinobu and Konoha's final decision on peace talks reached Konoha.

And this peace negotiation book basically signifies that Konoha's third ninja war has come to an end.

Although the war is over, there are still many problems to come. For example, some ninjas from other countries disguised as Iwanin and attacked Konoha's stronghold.

This happened in the original book, but it happened after the fourth Hokage came to power.

But obviously, this kind of thing cannot happen only once or twice.

The five major countries may not have the time to do such damage, but this ninja world is not only the five major countries, it also has a lot of small countries.

The game between these small countries is also very terrifying. The big countries left after fighting on the land of the small countries, but each small country was destroyed differently.

Therefore, they will find a way to maintain the balance between them. The best way is to let those big countries "tramplify" the smaller countries that have suffered less damage.

In order to maintain the interests of their respective countries, or to maintain the interests of some weapons merchants who are willing to give them money.

Every high-level ruler is thinking about all the possibilities, and at this time, the lives of other countries have become numbers and chips.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Uchiha Kai. Kakashi has already started training in Anbu. It is not clear when he will be able to perform the task.

Minato Namikaze's face and right to speak are much greater than he imagined. He just mentioned this matter to the three generations of Hokage and was approved.

I am afraid that the three generations of Hokage also know about Kakashi's situation, especially now that the Uchiha clan has a tough attitude towards the Orochimaru.

He was worried about what "accidents" would happen to Kakashi, so it was very suitable for him to enter Anbu.

He nodded with a smile to passers-by and ninjas, and after saying hello, Uchiha Ke continued to walk towards the tavern.

Today, Aya Hyuga invited him to have a dinner with Kenta Imai, and the reason is very reasonable - to maintain the unity of the team, Uchiha Qi naturally did not mean to refuse.

In the past few months, Kai Uchiha and the others have not performed too many tasks, because the war is relatively stable and many tasks do not require them to be dispatched, so these days, Kai Uchiha and the others are still relatively comfortable.

In the absence of any days, Uchiha Kai also organized his own unit of the security department, and now Uchiha's unit has become regular.

With the help of Imai Kenta and Tomohisa Kota, two true and one false "civilian ninjas", the number of civilian ninjas in Uchiha Kai's team has been equal to that of the Uchiha clan.

Counting the team leader and three members, the four members of a team are basically two Uchihas and two civilian ninjas.

Some of these civilian ninjas served as squad leaders, but of course this number is still lower than that of Uchiha members.

After all, it is his own family. Even if Kai Uchiha doesn't take it seriously, he can't mess with it, not to mention the strength of the members of the Uchiha clan are really not bad.

With such a foundation, Uchiha Kei is not worried that those civilian ninjas will make trouble. After all, the ninjas will still be on par with the powerful.

In addition to this, Uchiha Kai also severely set some deadly rules for these teams.

Mandatory norms, their code of conduct when performing their tasks.

These norms are not difficult for civilian ninjas, because they don't have that kind of messy pride, and they don't want to be misunderstood.

Although the members of the Uchiha clan felt that such a rule was superfluous, but it was a rule proposed by Uchiha Kai. Uchiha Kai is the person they admire and admire the most!

Therefore, although they were somewhat disapproving, they still honestly followed Uchiha's words.

Soon, they had an incredible experience from doing so.

Just like the villagers who usually have ordinary senses towards them, actually gave them some smiling faces.

And they found that they didn't seem to be in the same trouble as the other Guard members.

It's like not cooperating, whispering and scolding them secretly.

The most interesting thing is that when they implement Uchiha Kai's rules like this, the villagers seem to understand them more and more, and sometimes they even greet them.

This allowed them, the children from the family's 'marginal' family, to experience a different sense of identity.

A somewhat unfamiliar, but a sense of recognition that they love.

These Uchiha ninjas seem to have begun to understand the meaning of Uchiha Kai, and this unimaginable experience has also changed their mentality towards Uchiha Kai again.

If you only worshipped and admired Uchiha Kai before, you could open your eyes and take the position of the deputy head of the security department from the "marginal person" of the family.

Then they are now under the secret leadership of Uchihagawa, and they have begun to show more loyalty to Uchiha Kai.


Just as Uchiha Kai was slowly walking towards the tavern, several ninjas with the signs of the Security Department suddenly waved at Uchiha Kai.

"Chuan?" Uchiha came back to his senses, and he showed a smile: "It's too late to go back, are you still patrolling?"

"It's not too late, Minister." Uchihagawa said respectfully: "There are still a few areas that can be disbanded after patrolling once, and I will invite them to a meal in the evening. Do you want to join the Minister?"

"No need." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile: "I won't disturb you when my teammates meet. It's hard work, everyone, work hard."

After speaking, Uchiha Kai patted Uchiha Chuan on the shoulder and continued to walk forward.

And Uchihagawa and the others bowed respectfully to Uchiha Kai.

Uchihagawa and the others now have a heavy duty of patrolling, because many important areas have now become the responsibility of Uchiha Kai.

Moreover, these areas should not be the areas that the Uchiha Kai team is responsible for.

To put it simply, this is the manifestation of the spread of the conflict of interests between the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue and the great elder Uchiha Shin.

With so many important positions, the patrol control task came to Uchiha Kai, and it could be seen that Uchiha Fugaku had some advantages.

However, it is only an advantage. Uchiha Fuyue hopes that although he is cruel, he prefers to use relatively peaceful means.

Therefore, he adopted a relatively stable method to strike, instead of directly choosing to strike like Uchiha Kai.

Within the rules of the game, the Great Elder is not afraid of Uchiha Fuyake.

He let the two sub-commanders who listened to his words settle down, and at the same time shifted his focus to the investigation of Yuchiha Uchiha's disappearance.

In terms of prestige within the clan, the chief elder gained more support because he gave up part of the rights of the security department and asked his security department to investigate Orochimaru.

To put it simply, each has its own merits. Although it actually seems that Uchiha Fugaku has a little advantage, it is actually the elder who has more support.

It's just his next actions that made both Uchiha Ki and Uchiha Fuyake puzzled, and even wondered if he was with them?

Because the Great Elder Uchiha Shin actually started to mobilize public opinion to put pressure on the three generations of Hokage.

Although his high-profile approach can easily lead to backlash, his thoughts are the same as those of Uchiha and the others, and even his end puts more pressure on the three generations of Hokage!

"However, this act of killing also left a deep impression on the three generations of Hokage."

Uchiha Shin personally went off to mobilize public opinion, which would inevitably make the three generations of Hokage very upset.

But because of Uchiha Shin's age, he was placed there, and his military exploits were also good.

In addition, the three generations of Hokage may already have a certain degree of bias in their hearts, but he may also make an attitude of "listening to everyone's opinions, including Uchiha".

At that time, it will take advantage of the opportunity of 'pressure from the big family' to sell well, and at the same time to gain the recognition of other big families.

It can also make the villagers remember how arrogant the Uchiha clan is.

Although this kind of thing gave Uchiha Kai some headaches, it was Uchiha Fugaku who was even more troubled than him.

Kai Uchiha wanted to see how this guy would deal with it.

And the battle between the two also gave Uchiha Kai a lot of room to play. Uchiha Kai can be said to be the one who benefits the most from this intra-clan battle.

Coupled with some propaganda of Uchiha Fuyue within the family, Uchiha Kai, who was originally a "marginal figure" in the family, has become a person with a certain right to speak.

"Deputy head of the security department, the sub-commander of one of the three divisions, the leader of the 'marginal people'. Ha..."

The leader of the family's "Edge Ninja" is really not self-proclaimed.

Now almost all the ninja families living at the bottom of the Uchiha clan hope to send their children to Uchiha Kai.

There are even some older ninjas who want to come to Kai Uchiha.

Naturally, Uchiha Kai didn't agree to everything, and his team couldn't expand completely.

Unless the other two teams enter the hands of Uchiha Kai, now it is basically the limit of his expansion in the security department When I came to the door of the tavern, the waiter obviously recognized Uchiha Kai, Very polite and happy to open the door for Uchiha Kai to let him in.

Kei Uchiha nodded to the waiter with a smile on his face, then followed him all the way in.

Aya Hyuga booked a relatively quiet corner. Following the waiter, Kei Uchiha quickly came to this table, and there were already two people waiting here.

Obviously they were Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, and Kei Uchiha was late again.

"Captain, there seems to be something wrong with your concept of time."

Imai Kenta immediately showed his signature smile when he saw Uchiha Kai coming in: "It's too late again."

"It's okay, you two are used to it anyway."

Uchiha Kei shrugged indifferently, walked to his seat and sat down. While the waiter was pouring tea for him, Uchiha Kei suddenly looked at Hinata Aya.

"I really didn't expect that you would invite us after you lift the ban. Speaking of which, you are quite unlucky. You are a widow before you get married, tsk tsk."

Kai Uchiha's words made the tea waiter's hand tremble. He suddenly realized that the relationship between this heroic team seemed a little fuzzy...


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