Chapter 175: ?The so-called war

Uchiha Itachi stood quietly in front of the gate of the security department, watching the members of the security department coming and going, he never chose to go in.

As a student visiting his teacher, Itachi Uchiha knew what he should do.

Even if this is not the teacher's residence at all, and his father doesn't seem to want him to have contact with Uchiha Keita.

But Uchiha Itachi has too many doubts in his mind, and he has too many things that he hopes to be answered by his teacher, a war hero.

Therefore, after Uchiha Itachi knew in advance that his father would not come to the security department today, he chose to come over to meet his teacher, who had never paid attention to his teacher.

Just as Uchiha Itachi waited honestly, the gate of the security department was opened, and Uchiha Kai walked out slowly with a Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Itachi immediately lowered his head, although he did not look at his young teacher's face.

But the slightly icy aura on this young teacher has already explained everything.

Although Uchiha Itachi is very strange, why this teacher doesn't like him, but he has been wisely burying these questions in the bottom of his heart.

"Why are you here?" Uchiha Kai looked at the respectful little guy in front of him, he couldn't help frowning: "Does the patriarch know you're here?"

"My father didn't know that I came here, teacher." Itachi Uchiha still lowered his head, his voice seemed a little nervous: "I came here by myself, please forgive me if I disturb you."

Listening to his words, Uchiha Kai's brows furrowed even tighter.

This kid's attitude is impeccable, but his words made Kei Uchiha a little unhappy.

This kid's words are basically equivalent to telling everyone about the relationship between them, especially his remarks in public make him helpless.

Maybe this kid did it on purpose?

Uchiha Kai sighed, this kid has already done this, Uchiha Kai can't pretend to know anything.

"If you have any questions, just ask." Uchiha Kai crossed his arms and crossed his chest: "I will answer you as best I can."

"Mr. Qi, I've been thinking about one thing, but I can't figure it out."

Uchiha Itachi raised his head only now: "Why is there a war? Can the hatred between people really not be resolved? And... Teacher Kai and my father..."

"Stop." Uchiha Kai interrupted Uchiha Itachi.

"Chuan, you arrange the task first, I have something to come to you later. Itachi, come with me."

"Yes, Master Qi (Mr. Qi)."

Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Chuan replied at the same time, and then they both acted according to Uchiha Kai's instructions.

Uchiha Kei silently walked in front, and Uchiha Itachi followed behind him, and they walked all the way towards the forest next to the security department.

This forest Uchiha Kai still has a relatively deep impression, because Uchiha Kai ambushed Uchiha Yu here.

And now Uchiha Kai has also got some data about the changes in Uchiha Yong's Kaleidoscope.

It can be said that this forest is a blessed place for Uchiha, and in this forest, Uchiha began to be unable to suppress his inner killing intent.

"Just here." Uchiha Kai stopped, looking at the little devil Uchiha Kai behind him and asked in a cold voice.

"What do you want to know, say it now."

"Yes, Mr. Kai." Uchiha Itachi obviously felt that Uchiha Kai's tone was not right, but he still insisted.

"Although I haven't found a suitable opportunity to visit you since my father asked you to teach me.

But I do have too many questions that I hope to get answers from Teacher Qi. Teacher Qi, as a war hero, how do you view war? "

"War?" Uchiha Kai glanced at Uchiha Itachi, and finally shook his head involuntarily.

Does this kid know what a real war is?

Thinking is a good thing, but 'independent thinking' is even more important.

Kei Uchiha remembered that when this kid was seven years old, he was keenly aware of the stalemate in the relationship between the Uchiha family and the village.

What's even more interesting is that he began to think outside the family's perspective.

This is also the so-called 'thought since childhood was not bound by the boundaries of the Uchiha family and the village', the so-called 'Hokage thinking'.

It's just his so-called 'Hokage thinking', I'm afraid it's not something he thought out on his own.

Is it because you didn't figure out one thing and were influenced by some influences?

As for the influence, there is no need to say more, the three generations of Hokage's kind appearance is very tempting.

And what is not clear is the war!

Uchiha Itachi has always believed that the so-called war is just the product of 'hatred' and 'everyone cannot understand each other', right?

"Yes, Teacher Kai." Uchiha Itachi seemed to sense Uchiha Kai's disdain, and his voice was unusually firm.

"I've also been on the battlefield, Teacher Qi. Why do you want to go to war? Can't the hatred between people be eliminated at all? Why do you have to fight to the death..."

"Because war has never been dominated by hatred, do you know that, kid??"

Uchiha Kai coldly interrupted what Uchiha Itachi wanted to say: "Where did you hear that?"

"No....No?" Uchiha Itachi was stunned, Uchiha Kai's words really subverted his thoughts.

He has always been taught and heard about hatred for other countries and ninjas.

Such an argument has a huge market in the entire Konoha Village. Can

But now Uchiha Kai has directly denied such a concept, which has a great impact on Uchiha Itachi.

And he had seen the hatred of the ninjas in other villages towards Konoha with his own eyes, so he didn't know how to understand Uchiha Kei's words.

"Of course not, you're just a kid, and it's useless to tell you this." Uchiha Ki shook his head.

"Go back, where you are and where you are, you are destined to see only what you can see.

And hidden behind this is something that you can't imagine, and it is extremely dark. Your father probably doesn't want you to contact me because of this. "

After saying this, Uchiha started to leave without looking back.

The reason Uchiha Fuyue didn't want this kid to contact him was because he was worried that Uchiha Kei would take this kid as a hostage, or instill some bad thoughts?

But Uchiha Kai didn't bother to worry about what Uchiha Fuyue was thinking. At least this reason is enough to send Uchiha Itachi off. Speaking of which, he has to thank Uchiha Fuyue.


If it wasn't for Uchiha Itachi, who is too young now, and the guy who was brainwashed by the third generation and Shisui, Uchiha Kei really wanted to kill him!

Although Uchiha Kai is ruthless and shady enough, he also has a certain bottom line.

And, rather than solving the problem from the performance, it is better to solve the problem at the source.

"Teacher Kai..." Uchiha Itachi suddenly rushed in front of Uchiha Kai, and he bowed deeply to Uchiha Kai once.

"I hope you can enlighten me, teacher."

"Let me enlighten you? I told you, what can you understand, kid?" Uchiha Ki shook his head in disdain.

"Go back, you have caused me enough trouble today. Also, although your father said that I was your teacher, he doesn't seem to approve of it so much now.

Also, you didn't get my approval. "

"Please, teacher, enlighten me."

Uchiha Itachi still stood there and didn't move. His voice was firm and his eyes were firm. It was obvious that this kid was a very stubborn person.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, this kind of character is probably the main reason for his weird character in the future.

This kid has a forbearance and perseverance, but he is especially prone to go into extreme emotions.

And this kind of emotion also indirectly brought about the downfall of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Kei really doesn't want to talk too much with this guy, but this kid doesn't seem to give up, and...

Isn't Uchiha Fuyue worried that he will transmit some bad thoughts to Uchiha Itachi?

Aki Uchiha suddenly stopped, a mocking smile appeared on his face: "Really want to know?"

"Yes, teacher!" Uchiha Itachi bowed lower.

"Don't call me teacher, I said I didn't recognize you." Uchiha Ki shook his head: "I'll tell you what a real war is."

Speaking of which, Kai Uchiha lowered his voice a lot.

And his voice became even colder: "Remember one sentence, war is nothing but the continuation of politics through another means."

"Politics...continue..." Uchiha Itachi was stunned, he didn't particularly understand the meaning of these words.

Uchiha Kei didn't let him think for too long, and he continued: "Yes, wars will arise under certain political situations, and they will be caused by certain political motives.

To put it simply, war is only a part of political communication, and it is by no means an independent thing. "

"Then... what is politics?" Itachi Uchiha was a little stunned, he seemed to feel that his true consistent thinking had been subverted.

"Politics." Uchiha turned his head and looked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

“Politics is the specific behavior of various power subjects to safeguard their own interests in the superstructure field, and the specific relationship formed therefrom.

The "superstructure" of the village is Hokage and its interest groups. In other countries and villages, there are different shadows. In fact, they maintain their own interests and gain benefits in the same way. "

Kei Uchiha must thank his teacher in his previous life. As a liberal arts student, he studied politics.

Even if you don't study in depth, you can still see a lot of things in this world.

And Uchiha Itachi has never learned these things. According to Uchiha Kai, he is really too naive!

His vision and his position blocked the channel he wanted to go out to see He couldn't see a lot of things clearly.

"Then... the war is the village, launched for the sake of profit..."

However, I have to say that Uchiha Itachi is quite clever, and he seems to understand what Uchiha Kai means.

"Ah, almost." Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"Hatred, this is just a means of starting a war.

Propaganda of hatred brought the period of combat troops to a peak, propaganda of hatred made the villagers feel the same hatred of the enemy.

But the essence is actually for profit, and this has never changed since ancient times. "

"So.... what about the war?"

"That's a counterattack to safeguard the interests of the village. Of course, if your mind is a little darker, you can also understand that it is to safeguard your own interests and maintain your own rule."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Qi sighed: "Little devil, you are too naive, go back."

After speaking, Uchiha Kai never looked at Uchiha Itachi again, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

Saying what shouldn't be said, planting a seed in this kid's mind, what kind of buds will emerge in the future...


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