Chapter 167: ?experiment

He left a relatively deep 'seed' to Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care about him.

As Kei Uchiha said, any war is never simple.

Sandyin Village launched a war against Konoha, and its purpose was actually to pass on the conflicts within the village.

Because their three generations of Fengying disappeared, this would cause panic in the village.

And the country of the wind is full of sand, making it impossible to engage in farming.

A war might be able to seize the fertile land of the country of fire, and by the way, it can also solve the excessive labor force in the village.

For example, let them produce the equipment needed for the war, so that the economy can develop, or...

Consume part of the excess labor force through war.

As for other countries, there are more or less similar ideas.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as the Four Great Nations besieging Konoha.

If it wasn't for Yanyin Village and Yun Nin Village who had other ideas and wanted to expand their war interests, maybe they would be the biggest winners.

Of course, even if they seem to lose, the actual situation is not necessarily worse than that of Konoha.

After all, Konoha has played several 'top combat power' in the past, and now there are only three who have cards.

If you count the three Hokage and Shimura Danzo, maybe you can barely make up five.

But are the talents in other villages inferior?

Obviously impossible, I am afraid that it is a little bit worse to be forced to choose the 'elite route' after the Sand Hidden War.

But in fact, with their living environment, maybe this is better.

Kei Uchiha shook his head. As the 'pawn' in the village, he also had no choice. He was not a 'general' and he could only accept it passively. The only difference was probably that he 'sees clearly'.

Walking towards the security department, Uchiha Kai really found that many people here were whispering about Uchiha Itachi looking for him just now.

This made Uchiha Kai frown. Uchiha Itachi is really stupid, or naive.

Whether he is young now, or is covered by the ceiling where he is in the future, his childishness will only be awake after he has died once.

Probably because Uchiha Kei was somewhat 'notorious' in the security department, plus Uchiha Itachi's behavior just now, when he returned here, everyone subconsciously shut up.

They looked at Uchiha Kai silently, especially when they noticed Uchiha's unhappy expression, they didn't dare to take a breath, as if they had been caught in an immobilization technique.

It wasn't until Kai Uchiha walked into the gate of the security department that these Uchiha ninjas dared to move.

Some of them are members of the Uchiha Kai team, but most of them are from other teams, but they are all afraid of Uchiha Kai.

"Lord Kai." Uchihagawa was waiting for Uchiha Kai in the honest security department. When he saw Uchiha Kai coming in, he immediately ran over: "You're back."

"Ah, I'm back." Uchiha Ki nodded, then he glanced left and right: "Where's your father?"

"Father?" Uchiha Chuan was stunned for a moment, but he immediately lowered his head and said, "Sorry, Master Qi, it was my dereliction of duty that I didn't notify my father to come here."

Uchiha Qi scratched his face, thinking about it now, he didn't ask Uchihagawa to find his father at all, did he?

But this kind of subordinate really makes him comfortable. Is it a good subordinate who can stop the responsibility by himself?

Uchiha Kai smiled: "You can get your father, there is something I need to say to you two."

"Yes, Lord Kai!" Uchiha Chuan nodded immediately, then turned around and went out.

This time, Uchiha Kai planned to do an experiment, an experiment he had wanted to do for a long time.

And after getting along for nearly half a year, Kai Uchiha feels that Uchihagawa is a good person.

But if you want a person to become more loyal, then you have to invest more. Uchiha Qi will not believe in unprovoked loyalty.

Although Uchihagawa is doing very well now, that is the condition that Uchiha has given him. In order to maintain a balance, Uchiha is going to give him something.

It didn't take long for Uchiha Chuan to bring his father Uchiha Asahi to Kai's office.

Uchiha Asahi is currently the secretary of Uchiha Kai.

When Uchiha was lazy, he and Imai Kenta were basically in charge of the security department. It can be said that he is one of Uchiha's current right-hand men.

He and Uchiha Chuan are in a father-son relationship, so giving Uchiha Chuan benefits is equivalent to giving a lot of benefits, so Uchiha Kei will not miss the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course, doing so also has risks, and Uchiha Qi wants to give them a chance to choose.

"Master Kai." Uchiha Asahi and his son bowed to Uchiha Kai.

"Since I'm here, I'll just say it straight." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Chuan, I know you've always been troubled by the fact that you don't have a Sharinyan, I now have a method that can help you open a Sharinyan directly.

It's just that that method is not perfect, and there is a certain danger. "

"Open the writing wheel directly!"

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Asahi were stunned at the same time, but after seeing Uchiha's serious face, they immediately realized that Uchiha was not joking.

Immediately shocked expressions appeared on their faces, and they directly opened the writing wheel?

how can that be?

So many clansmen are working hard to write the wheel eye, but Uchiha Kai actually has a way to open it directly?

But they didn't speak either, and they wouldn't open their mouths to question Kai Uchiha's words.

And Uchiha Kai also said that his method is dangerous, so it is very likely that this is his experiment.

It's just that Uchiha Kai, as the owner of the three-hooked jade writing wheel eye, can't help the father and son with the method he proposed.

"Well, it's to open the writing wheel directly." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"Combined with some of my experience when I opened my eyes, it is an interesting technique created.

Of course, you don't need to take risks. Even if you don't use this method, I will slowly help you open your eyes. After all, you are my trusted subordinate. "

"Lord Kai." Uchiha Chuan knelt directly on the ground.

"Okay, you can choose between these two methods. The advantage of the first method is that it works quickly, but it is very dangerous."

Uchiha Kai smiled slightly: "The second one is better because of the safety factor, but...I respect your choice."

"I choose the first one, Mr. Kai." Uchiha Chuan raised his head slightly, his eyes looked very determined.

Uchiha Asahi wanted to persuade him, but he knew his son very well.

I'm afraid that his son's loyalty to Uchiha Kai will surpass that of the Uchiha family, right?

And Uchiha Kai is now making this suggestion, so that Uchiha Chuan, who has not been thinking about this side for a while, may have once again ignited his desire for Sharinyan.

Uchiha Asahi sighed, he can only hope that Uchiha Kai is not joking, and at the same time hope that the danger is not too high.

"Don't think about it anymore?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "This is dangerous, but it will kill you."

"Master Kai..." Uchiha Asahi immediately hesitated when he heard these words, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"No need to think about it, Mr. Kai." Uchiha Chuan took a deep breath: "I'm willing to take this risk, I'm willing to fight, I'm willing to... bet my life!"

"I understand, Chuan." Uchiha Ki nodded.

The Uchiha family has a very strong desire for Sharinyan.

Just like Kai Uchiha back then, his desire for a kaleidoscope has reached an extreme.

And in this strict family, there is no Sharinyan who is always inferior.

Even within the Uchiha clan, most of the members did not open their eyes at all.

If you want to climb up, you must have a writing wheel. Not everyone is Kai Uchiha. Knowing that when there is no guarantee in the future, he would rather hang on than expose himself.

He took a deep breath, and the next moment Uchiha Kai's eyes turned scarlet on one side, and the three gouyu moved slightly in his eyes.

Uchiha Qi stared at Uchiha Chuan and warned him for the last time: "Kuan, it's time to start. I'll say it again for the last time, you are the first to try this method of forcibly opening the writing wheel.

I can't help you. You will definitely succeed, and you are likely to die because of it. Do you still want to persevere? "

"Yes, Mr. Kai, I will continue to insist on my choice. No matter what the outcome is, I will not regret it!" Uchihagawa's voice was calm, and it could be seen that he had indeed become enlightened.

"Very good." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Illusion·Sharing Eye!"

Uchiha Qi directly used the Sharinyan to start the illusion, which is another achievement of his in the past few months.

At the beginning, he used illusions on himself and used similar illusions when forcing himself to open the wheel.

But this illusion is more dangerous.

Because Kei Uchiha doesn't know the weaknesses of others' hearts, let alone what other people are thinking.

Therefore, the illusion that he developed has only one effect, and that is the inner endurance of the person being cast.

This illusion considers whether there is something in the heart of the caster that cannot be given up or given up.

Thus destroying and destroying all these inseparable things.

However, this illusion is not for everyone, and this illusion requires some time to prepare, so it does not have too high practical value.

At the time, Uchiha Kai also used a similar illusion to treat himself, but it was a pity that Uchiha was already a three-god jade at that time, and his illusion resistance was already very strong.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai can only use similar illusions to force himself to the limit, that is, to touch the 'wall'.

But Uchiha Chuan is different He didn't write round eyes, and...

This illusion Uchiha Qi has no way to control it, he can only take a step by step.

He wouldn't use the illusion that he used for others to use.

"Master Kai..." Uchiha Asahi was a little uneasy, Uchiha Chuan had completely fallen into a coma.

"Wait." Uchiha Kai went straight to the table, calmly watching Uchihagawa's current changes.

Uchihagawa was sitting there motionless like a dead man. If he hadn't had a heartbeat, he could have made such a judgment.

Uchiha Asahi looked at his son very worriedly, but at this time he couldn't do anything at all.

Actually, Kei Uchiha is also quite worried now, because he has no bottom for this experiment.

Finally, after more than two hours, Uchihagawa's eyes suddenly stared, and his eyes were immediately covered with a layer of blood, and each eyeball had a gouyu slowly turning.

"Chuan! Great, you're fine!"

Uchiha Asahi shouted, but the next moment Uchiha Chuan actually took out his kunai and stabbed him...


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