Chapter 177: ? guess what

"Calm down, Chuan."

Just when Uchiha Chuan's Kunai was about to stab Uchiha Asahi, Uchiha Kei's hand had already grabbed his wrist tightly, and the scarlet Sangou jade slowly spun in his eyes.

He could see that Uchihagawa seemed to be greatly stimulated.

His body was dripping with cold sweat, and he was breathing heavily, looking very tired.

Especially his scarlet eyes, a hook jade is slowly rotating, but it reveals a sluggishness, obviously this guy's current situation is not very good.

"Is the excitement transitioning?" Uchiha Kai frowned.

In order not to expose too many things, Uchiha Kai directly used the illusion that he used to stimulate the kaleidoscope as a blueprint to transform.

And the excitement and horror of this illusion is not so scary to Uchiha Kai of Sangouyu, of course, there are also factors of his self-psychological suggestion.

But in any case, even if Uchiha Kei is controlled by this illusion for a day, it won't necessarily cause an accident.

Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Uchiha Chuan's eyes suddenly turned white, and then he fell to the ground and passed out.

Although Uchiha Asahi was a little frightened, he couldn't care less, this is his son.

He immediately went up to check it out, but he didn't know how to use medical ninjutsu, and he didn't write the wheel eye either.

He couldn't see Uchihagawa, who had been in the illusion, what was the specific situation now.

"Lord Kai, is he okay?" Uchiha Asahi looked at Uchiha Kai uncertainly.

"It should be fine, he's just asleep now." Uchiha Kai was actually not sure, but he could only say the same thing.

"Wait until he wakes up. It seems that my illusions are too stimulating for the members who don't have a wheel eye."

Uchiha Asahi didn't speak. He quietly looked at his son who fell to the ground, but the worry in his eyes was obvious.

While writing wheel eyes is precious, there is a more important premise before this, that is, people must be fine.

And for a father, apart from some people who are extremely cold-blooded and ruthless, their children are the most precious thing in their hearts.

Waiting silently, this time Uchiha Chuan didn't make them wait too long, the kid woke up after about half an hour.

"Are you awake?" Uchiha Qi jumped off the table and stopped Uchiha Asahi who was just about to come forward.

"I...Master Kai?" Uchiha Chuan seemed to have not recovered. He raised his head and looked at Uchiha Kai with a complicated look.

Everything he just experienced made him extremely profound. That illusion, that illusion that he couldn't forget now, gave him great stimulation!

Although he finally got rid of illusion, he did some things that he couldn't let go of himself.

The blueprint for this technique, after all, was conceived by Uchiha Kai to turn on the kaleidoscope, but it's really not something that someone like him who doesn't even have a drawing wheel can resist.

Even if he comes out, I'm afraid it will take a long time for him to recover.

"That's all illusion. Chakra guides his eyes." Uchiha Ki could probably guess what he meant, but Uchiha Ki didn't care too much.

He wants to determine one thing now, and that is whether Uchihagawa will be in the same situation as Sasuke Uchiha under such stimulation.

Kei Uchiha still remembers that Sasuke Uchiha was subjected to an illusion by Itachi Uchiha, and when he was seven or eight years old, he had already opened the writing wheel.

But these eyes were hidden after that, and they were not shown again until he faced Zabuzhan and Bai.

Although such a situation is rare, after all, Uchiha Kei doesn't think that Sasuke's kid can't detect it, but he has to take precautions.

"Yes, Lord Qi."

Uchiha Chuan took a deep breath, and soon his chakra was introduced into his eyes, he closed his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened it again, his eyes were already scarlet!

"Very good." Uchiha Kai laughed and took a mirror from the table and handed it to him.

"See for yourself, you were lucky enough to survive, got what you wanted."

Uchiha Chuan was a little stunned, and he took the mirror blankly.

Looking at the man in the mirror who was going crazy, but with a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes in his eyes, he became even more sluggish for a while.

After a long time, he suddenly had tears in his eyes, and his father Uchiha Asahi also came to him at this time.

The two father and son hugged each other. Perhaps it was the emotional infection that made them both cry. This situation made Kito Uchiha a little helpless.

"The two of you go to hand over the work, and then go back." Uchiha Kai said directly, ignoring the catharsis of their feelings.

"Go back and have a good rest for a day, and work in a better state tomorrow."

"I...I don't need it, Master Kai." Uchiha Chuan seemed to calm down at this moment, he immediately knelt on the ground halfway, and he was very low.

"Master Qi sympathizes with his subordinates, but his subordinates also need to share their worries for Master Qi, I have no problem..."

"Shut up, I can judge your state." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile.

"Speaking of which, you are not the first person I judged to be unable to really work, the first is Kakashi.

Go back and hand over the work. Before that, though, there is one thing I want you both to keep in mind. "

"We will never reveal any information, and we will never betray Lord Qi!"

There was no need for Uchiha Kai to say that. This time Uchiha Asahi was also half-knelt on the ground, and the two spoke directly in unison.

Uchiha Kai nodded with satisfaction, then waved to signal them to disband, and then left the office by himself.

If there is no important situation, Uchiha Kai usually rarely stays in the security department.

I'm afraid everyone in the entire security department knows this.

It's just that today is probably a bit special, because not only Uchiha Kai is not here, but Uchiha Asahi is also afraid to leave.

So today, the person in charge of the Uchiha Kai unit will be Kenta Imai, a ninja born from a commoner.

"I want to see what your other two teams think."

Uchiha Kei thought sadly as he walked: "And Imai Kenta, I don't know if he will be mad?"

With the disgusting first-hand guard of the other two squads, plus the pit first-hand Kenta Imai, Uchiha Kai has no pressure in his heart.

Anyway, he does have important things to do now, and he has made an appointment with the woman Hyuga Aya.

Since everyone has to cooperate, Uchiha Kei will not let this woman have nothing to do now.

Of course, Uchiha Kei also thought about how to "paint" this woman. Isn't her purpose to get rid of the caged bird?

Very simple, the people on the moon have a way.

In addition to this matter, Uchiha Kai needs to do some preparations.

He was about to start a fight with Shun Uchiha, so naturally there must be something that could lure Shuichi Uchiha.

This thing can be a part of Yuchiha Yu's body, or it can be his manuscript.

However, Kei Uchiha himself prefers to use manuscripts, such as imitating this guy's notes and writing a letter to Osamu Uchiha. Anyway, it is not difficult to have a writing wheel.

Silently walking all the way to the forest near his training ground, Uchiha Kai soon found the figure of Hyuga Aya.

This woman did not go to the depths, but chose to wait on a route that Uchiha Kai must go through. It can be seen that this woman may have done a lot of preparation.

"Sorry, I'm late." Uchiha Kai walked away, although he was apologizing, but in fact he didn't have the slightest apology.

"It's okay, I'm here too." Hyuga Aya smiled indifferently.

"I don't know why Qi-Jun asked me to come here today. You need to know some things in this forest, but it makes me dare not approach at all."

"How is your medical ninjutsu study?" Uchiha Kei ignored Aya Hinata's words, and asked a key question directly.

"Reluctantly, after all, I'm not a genius like Qi Jun. Opening my eyes is such an existence as Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eyes."

Hyuga Aya said with a smile: "But it is still possible to heal the body reluctantly and observe the changes of the body with the eyes."

Aya Hyuga has also put in a lot of hard work during this period. It took nearly half a year to create medical ninjutsu from scratch, which is a big miracle.

Of course, this is also the basis for her. Hyuga's soft boxing needs to be familiar with the body structure.

Although everyone needs to be familiar with the body structure as a ninja, it is not right to be as 'exquisite' as the Hinata clan.

Kei Uchiha is also familiar with physical consequences, but he only knows what can be fatal, and what can make people lose their combat effectiveness or mobility.

"Okay, can you repair your heart?" Uchiha Ki looked at her calmly.

"Don't worry, people are dead, but I have other uses. What I want you to do is to repair the corpse, so that the corpse can be kept as intact as a normal person."

"Repair the corpse?" Hyuga Aya frowned.

"This is a bit difficult, you know, because once a person dies, his chakra and cells in his body will lose activity.

Without these active chakras and cells at I cannot divide cells to repair the body unless the person dies soon. "

"Then, when a person died, he was sealed with a scroll by me?" Uchiha Kai frowned. He really didn't know that repairing the body was such a troublesome thing.

"It seems that Qi-kun has been prepared for a long time. If so, you can try it." Hyuga Aya thought for a while, and then a trace of curiosity appeared on her face.

"Whose body is it? Uchiha Obito?"

This woman really dared to think that Uchiha Obito didn't die, and Uchiha Kai wouldn't waste his energy trying to get him out when he died.

The Xueji family has the habit of recycling corpses, especially those who have opened Xueji will not let the corpses fall outside.

But for Kai Uchiha, he doesn't care about these issues.

Rather than wasting time collecting them, it's better to burn them with a fire!

He doesn't need too many fancy things, he has enough shackles for him.

But in order to keep Aya Hyuga's curiosity, Uchiha Kai also showed a smile: "Guess what?"

"I guess." Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai: "I'm afraid it's really Uchiha Obito."



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