Chapter 178: ? laugh too fake

"This is....."

Hyuga Aya looked at the corpse that Uchiha took out from the scroll seal in surprise.

"Nohara Lin? Why is she?"

"Of course it's her." Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya as a matter of course.

"Otherwise? Do you think it's Uchiha Obito? Sorry, I don't have the time to dig him out. I'd rather burn him with a fire."

"As expected of Kai-kun's style." Hyuga Aya took a serious look at Uchiha Kai, and then nodded.

"I probably understand what Qi-Jun means, but you actually found such good experimental materials. Is this kind of chakra from a tailed beast?"

"Of course, in addition to repairing her body, I also want to make good use of this chakra." Uchiha Kai said as a matter of course.

That's right, Uchiha Kei asked Aya Hyuga to help her repair Rin Nohara's body, which was pierced by Kakashi in her heart.

Nohara Rin has been lying in Uchiha Kai's scroll for a long time, this girl is very peaceful and looks like she is asleep.

Except for a fatal stab wound on her left chest.

And because of the effect of the scroll seal, she still retains a lot of the three-tailed chakra in her body. These chakras can be used to do a lot of interesting things.

"Then I'll leave it to you here. Extract the chakra first. Can you do it?"

Aki Uchiha saw Aya Hinata began to unbutton Nohara Rin's clothes, and turned around and said behind her back.

"I don't know. I can only say that I try to seal this kind of chakra into the scroll. I don't know if it is feasible. But Qijun doesn't plan to take a look, right?"

A playful look appeared on Aya Hyuga's face.

"I'm not a pervert, and I'm not Uchiha Obito." Uchiha Kai didn't even bother to look at Aya Hyuga, he walked out.

"And I have other things to do, I don't have that much free time."

Uchiha Kai is really not that busy, and he really doesn't have any interest in a dead person.

He is now going to solve some, some necessary problems.

Slowly walking to the door of the basement, Uchiha Kei stood there and waited.

It didn't take long for a ninja in a black combat uniform to quietly appear in front of him.

This guy is Uchiha Sect. After seeing him once, Uchiha Kai naturally remembers him.

"Master Kai, why did you bring a Hyuga's caged bird here?" Uchiha Sect was half-knelt on the ground, and there was no expression on his calm face.

"Even if she uses the life of a sect as her name, it's not enough."

"Are you questioning me?" Uchiha Kai crossed his arms and looked at the guy in front of him.

"So, can you tell me, who of you can do medical ninjutsu? Besides, I don't need your nonsense to make a decision."

"Master Kai, I'm here for the safety of you and the patriarch." Uchiha Sect still looked up at Uchiha Kai.

"Master Qi, your subordinates can handle this matter on your behalf. For the important affairs of the patriarch, Lord Qi, please don't have too many unreasonable thoughts. If the patriarch is dissatisfied with this..."

"Do you really know, my relationship with Uchiha Fuyue?" Uchiha Qi interrupted Uchiha Sect's words.

When Hyuga Aya brought Hyuga Teru over, the Uchiha ninja who was guarding here almost started.

And that time Kai Uchiha didn't think about it clearly, so he didn't stop it.

Those people might have some scruples, and Aya Hyuga didn't open her eyes and didn't enter the basement.

And she also killed Hyuga Teru, which made those Uchiha ninjas let her go.

But this time was different, Uchiha Kai took this woman directly into the basement, so they naturally wouldn't be happy.

"Please be careful, Master Kai." Uchiha Sect frowned, it was rare to see a different expression on this guy's face.

"You are a genius of the Uchiha clan, and a person valued by the patriarch. For the sake of the patriarch's career, please take the overall situation as the top priority."

Uchihazong's words are already very serious. It is true that Uchiha Kai's status in the family is booming. No matter how you look at it, Uchiha Fuyue is carefully nurtured.

This is also true in the eyes of Uchiha Sect. In his opinion, Uchiha Kai is just a rising star.

No matter how powerful he is, he is only a rising star. If the patriarch does not value this kid, he is nothing.

And now this young man's actions have violated the interests of Uchiha Fuyue, so as a trustworthy ninja of Uchiha Fuyue, he must do something.

"Looks like you know everything." Uchiha Ki nodded, as if he just knew about it.

"Then I'm not surprised. After all, there are some things that people like you can't know. The orders Uchiha Fuyue gave you are obedient. Is that how you are obedient?"

"Master Qi, I hope you will respect the patriarch."

Although Uchiha Sect was already half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes had turned scarlet, and two gouyu were slowly spinning in his eyes.

"Master Qi, although my eyes are not as good as yours, in order to maintain the dignity of the patriarch, I..."

"Do it to me?" A strange smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face. He didn't move at all, but his eyes were slightly closed.

The next moment, Uchiha Kai's eyes opened, and three gouyu appeared in his eyes.

However, all this did not end, the three hooks slowly rotated, and the three hooks began to connect together!

This bizarre scene made Uchiha Zong stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed as if he had thought of something terrible.

When Uchiha opened his eyes, the three hooks were completely connected and turned into a weird triangle-shaped rhombus, and he instantly seemed to have fallen into the freezer!

"This is..." Uchiha Sect murmured to himself, his face was full of horror: "This is..."

"Ah, it looks like you know something." The smile on Uchiha Kai's face slowly faded, and then he grabbed Uchiha Sect's neck.

"You know, the person who saw these eyes, except Uchiha Fuyue, died, that's because he and I have the same eyes. Do you really think that my cooperation with Uchiha Fuyue is a relationship between superiors and subordinates? "

Kai Uchiha is not willing to show his kaleidoscope, but these people are from Uchiha Fugaku, and they are also the people they plan to use to support Kakashi in Anbu in the future.

Therefore, such a person can't be killed by Uchiha, but Uchiha won't let himself suffer.

Just taking this opportunity, he could test these Uchiha Fugaku confidants.

Let's see if they know that Uchiha Fugaku also has eyes like a kaleidoscope.

"You actually have the same eyes as the patriarch..." Uchihazong looked a little dull: "No wonder, I heard about you, you lost so many teammates but survived, and the patriarch...... I see."

Uchiha raised his brows. It seems that these people are the real confidants of Uchiha Fuyue. Obviously, they know that Uchiha Fuyue has a kaleidoscope.

The result is that Uchiha Qi can't kill them anymore. In addition to their usefulness, the current relationship between Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue is also a bit stiff.

If Kei Uchiha really made a ruthless attack, then the death of this guy might make his relationship with Uchiha Fugaku even more rigid.

"Oh, it seems that you really know a lot of things." Although he thought so in his heart, Uchiha Keigai would never be soft on threats against him.

He slowly leaned down and put a hand on his shoulder: "So, are you ready? I'll be quicker, it won't make you feel the pain."

"I understand." Uchihazong turned off his Sharinyan, and his face became calm for a while.

And his eyes became firmer: "My actions have destroyed the cooperation between Lord Qi and the patriarch, and I am willing to apologize.

And, in order not to further disrupt the cooperation between Kai-sama and the patriarch, I will make my own decision. "

"I suddenly found out that I like your character a little bit." Uchiha Kai's voice seemed a little soft.

"Go away, I'm afraid my relationship with the patriarch will become rigid when you die. Tell the truth about today's affairs to the patriarch and let him make the decision.

But there is one thing you should remember well, as a subordinate, you cannot question your boss's decision, otherwise you will not be far from death. "

"Yes, Lord Kai!" Uchihazong's mood didn't seem to fluctuate, and he didn't seem to be happy that he was pulled back from the brink of death.

However, Uchiha Kai also did not have any emotional changes. A person like Uchiha Zong is probably just a dead servant, a dead servant who is only loyal to one person.

For such a person, even if Uchiha Qi is kind to him, there will be nothing in return.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to cause irreparable consequences, Uchiha Kei really wanted to send him on the road directly.

Looking at the Uchiha Sect who became more respectful and silently turned to leave, Uchiha Kai shook his head boringly.

However, he quickly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Immediately called Uchiha Sect back, and then ordered him to look for some Uchiha Yu's manuscripts, which made him leave.

Uchihazong didn't ask the reason at all. He nodded calmly and went to do as he did. Such an attitude made Kai Uchiha feel very comfortable.

Anyway, it's not his own person, so he doesn't need to give him any favor, it's enough to use it as a tool.

"Ki-kun, it seems that what you have to do has been done." When Uchiha Qi walked in again, Hyuga Aya showed a smile.

"Aren't disobedient subordinates annoying?"

"You peeked?" Uchiha Kai glanced at her.

"It's not a good habit, it will cost you your life. And when did you become so laughing?"

"Of course I know, especially since this is Qijun's territory."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "But do you need to peek at such a big movement? As for Ai Laugh? Does Qi-kun prefer to see me with a cold face?"

"At least it makes me feel more real." Uchiha Kei put his head closer: "Your fake smile is too far from that kid Kenta Imai."

The smile on Aya Hyuga's face froze, and slowly disappeared with the words of Kai Uchiha.

It's true that she doesn't like to laugh, especially when she realizes her cruel facts, her smile becomes more and more fake...


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