Chapter 179: ?Small and false lies

"I have already extracted the chakra and sealed it here."

Although Kai Uchiha's words were irritating, Aya Hyuga didn't care too much.

Handing a scroll to Kai Uchiha, Aya Hyuga said calmly, "But I don't know if it will work or not, but I've done it."

Whether chakra can be sealed into the scroll, Uchiha Keiza doesn't know.

It wasn't clear whether Hyuga Aya knew about him, but this woman did everything he said.

Taking the scroll, Uchiha Qi frowned. Chakra without a carrier is equivalent to duckweed without roots.

Even the chakra of the tailed beast, Uchiha Kai couldn't be sure of that much.

But there is a new attempt, what if these chakras are preserved?

Although Kei Uchiha has the idea of ​​using these chakras for experiments, he has not yet figured out how to do it.

Get these chakras into your body?

No matter how you hear this idea, it doesn't seem like a good idea.

Even if it is a complete tailed beast, Uchiha Kai has to think about it.

Kei Uchiha doesn't make jokes about his body, especially after the tailed beast leaves the body, it will cause the death of Zhuli, which is very taboo for Kei Uchiha.

"By the way, I also discovered something." Hyuga Aya said suddenly.

"When repairing Nohara Rin's body, I found that the chakra of the tailed beast brought her great activity, which was beyond my expectations."

"You mean, want to keep these chakras in her body?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked strangely.

"I didn't mean it, I just told you a fact." Hyuga Aya said calmly.

"This woman has nothing to do with me at all, I just follow your orders."

"Then let's do this first, how is her body repair work?" Uchiha Kai thought, and finally decided to divert the topic.

I asked Aya Hyuga to take out the chakra, why don't you just return it without doing anything?

Then what's the point of pulling out these chakras by yourself?

And Uchiha Kai is still thinking about using Nohara Rin in the future to take advantage of the soil, or to take advantage of Uchiha Madara.

Then Nohara Rin really doesn't need such a Chakra. Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply put away this scroll, and will make further plans in the future.

"By the way, there is one more thing I need to explain to you."

Seeing Uchiha Kai put away the scroll, Hyuga Aya didn't care either. She continued, "When I was repairing Nohara Rin's body, I found that there seemed to be some problems with her heart."

"Problem?" Uchiha Ki seemed to realize what she was talking about, but he couldn't show it.

"What's the problem? Did the damage caused by Kakashi's knife make you completely powerless?"

"That's not the problem." Hyuga Aya shook her head, her face became a lot more serious.

"I seem to have found something not quite right on her heart, something similar to a curse mark.

I remember you said in your report that she was once captured by the mist ninja? "

"Well, so it is." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"It seems that she can't commit suicide by herself, and because of this curse mark, she can only head towards Konoha.

So she chose to die under Kakashi's hands, but she didn't explain these circumstances, can't she tell? "

Of course Kei Uchiha knew about it, but now he can only think of a way to get rid of it.

Some things he didn't say a long time ago, and saying it now may lead to a lot of messy speculation, Uchiha Kai will definitely not cause trouble for himself.

And... Uchiha Kei stated in his report that he burned all the bodies including Nohara Rin.

But now that something has been found on the corpse, the nature is relatively bad.

Aya Hyuga glanced at Kei Uchiha suspiciously, she always felt that Kei Uchiha was hiding something.

But after thinking about it for a while, she didn't bother to worry about these things.

So what if you hide it, anyway, it doesn't care about her affairs with Aya Hyuga.

In other words, she wasn't interested in the messy things Uchiha Kai did.

The only thing she is interested in is how Uchiha Kai will solve her troubles.

She knew that Uchiha Kei was a smart person, and if she lied to her, everyone would not have a better time.

She wouldn't be stupid and come here without any preparation.

"So, is there any problem with the repair work?" Uchiha Ki didn't know what she was thinking, so he asked directly, "How long is the estimated time?"

"I need to clean up those spells, I'm afraid it will take a certain amount of time." Hyuga Aya said after thinking for a while.

"And I also have to supplement and learn. After all, my level is only average, so I can't worry about it.

You also need to find some materials to ensure that the corpse will not decay, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it. "

"Understood." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I will find a way for my materials, and the rest is up to you."

"Yes." Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai calmly: "But there is one thing, shouldn't it be time for Kai-kun to tell me too?"

Kei Uchiha thought about it and immediately understood what Hyuga Aya meant. She probably wanted to know some things and plans about herself.

This matter is not unexpected to Uchiha. Before he came, he had already guessed that Hyuga Aya Bacheng would ask about related things, and if he was Hyuga Aya, he would also ask.

But fortunately, it is precisely because Uchiha Qi has thought of such a possibility, so Uchiha has a solution.

"I know what you mean, and it just so happens that I also want to tell you something more interesting." Uchiha Kai chuckled: "Come with me, I just happen to show you something."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Kai walked towards the other room with Hyuga Aya.

After years of precipitation and revision, Uchiha Kai's original small basement has now grown into a relatively large area.

And because the location Uchiha Kai chose at the beginning was really close to Uchiha's clan, and it was still a vast forest.

Compared with other places, it is also safer here.

However, because the basement has become larger, but there are too few people working here, it seems empty and very infiltrating.

Soon, Uchiha Kai took Hyuga Aya to the next room, and this room was filled with various instruments.

In the center of these instruments is a huge life-sustaining device, which is Uchiha's latest life-sustaining device.

Yuchi Uchiha floated quietly in the nutrient solution in the survival capsule, looking like a dead man.

Aya Hyuga was not surprised when she saw this guy. She had seen Kei Uchiha treat him ruthlessly with her own eyes.

Although she was reluctant to look at it later, she still remembered this person.

"Why did you bring me here?" Hyuga Aya frowned, "Could it be that Qi-jun is going to tell you the purpose of your experiment?"

"It's almost, but it's far from it."

Uchiha Qi slowly walked to the life support device next to Uchiha Yu, and then made a seal with one hand: "Do you know why, in fact, whether Uchiha or Hinata, the eyes are not the limit at all."

"Isn't it the limit?" Hyuga Aya was stunned after hearing Uchiha Kai's words, and then sighed helplessly.

"Qi-Jun, when did you start believing in unrealistic things? Only the things you can see and touch are the most worthy of belief. I don't think Qi-Jun will be so ignorant?"

"Of course not. Before I show you something practical, I want to ask you a question." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"Do you think that if Uchiha and Hinata only have such strength, why do they have such a great reputation? Just because of their reconnaissance ability?

During the Warring States period, it was only reconnaissance ability, but it could not be based on that chaotic era. "

Aya Hyuga didn't speak. She looked at Uchiha Kei silently, but her mind was indeed hooked by Uchiha Kei.

She doesn't know exactly what happened during the Warring States Period, because as a branch family, she would not have the opportunity to read these documents, but Uchiha Kai is different.

The former Uchiha Kai was so similar to her, but now this guy has become an eagle in the sky, and this eagle can also come into contact with too many things that she can't remove.

Taking a deep breath, Aya Hyuga no longer smirked. She looked at Kei Uchiha calmly and indifferently: "Since Kei-kun knows something, let's talk about it."

"Of course." Uchiha Kai smiled, and then he continued.

"I have read the documents of the ancestors, and the relationship between the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan was not harmonious.

At that time, the effect of their white eyes and their Taijutsu was extremely terrifying. At that time, the strongest Taijutsu they used was called... Shenkong Strike. "

Uchiha Kei is just talking nonsense now, but Uchiha Kei is not worried at all, but he strangled Hyuga Aya, which is the reason for the separation.

What's more, Uchiha Kei is not too fake. The martial art of Shenkong Strike belongs to Kaguya, but Kaguya is the true ancestor of the Hyuga clan.

Whether it was Uchiha or Senju, they had basically left the orthodox Otsutsugi family starting from Yui Otsutsuki, a six-path immortal.

Whether it is mutation or evolution, the difference between them is getting bigger and bigger Hyuga Aya listened quietly, the information Uchiha Kai told her made her feel a little incredible , but it seems that she also has no good reason to refute.

Shenkongji, the name seems to fit very well with the Hyuga clan's definition of the name of soft fist.

It's just that Aya Hyuga has never heard of this move, so she can't comment on the specifics.

"Okay, I think you know what I mean when I say this."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "In short, the eyes of our two families have not been brought to the limit. As for how to make the most of it, it requires a certain amount of exploration."

"How to explore?" Hyuga Aya raised her head and looked at Uchiha Kei: "Also, Kei-kun has made a specific discovery, right?"

Uchiha Kai nodded, his hand holding the seal instantly produced a strange chakra, at the same time Uchiha Yu, who was in the survival capsule, slowly opened his eyes.

That pair of scarlet, strangely triangular-shaped writing wheels immediately made Aya Hyuga feel extremely dangerous!

Hyuga Aya has never seen such a writing wheel eye before, and such a writing wheel eye makes Aya feel heart palpitations.

That weird pattern is like the fusion of three hooks. …


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