Chapter 180: ?An uneasy day

"What kind of eyes are these?" Hyuga Aya calmed down and asked slowly.

Looking at Yuchi Uchiha, who was in the survival capsule with a dull expression.

Although this person's eyes were dull, the aura of a giant beast in the wild made Aya Hyuga's heart palpitate.

Almost subconsciously, Aya Hyuga opened her eyes.

In her eyes, Yuchi Uchiha has completely vanished, leaving only various veins and chakras.

And the huge number of chakras of this guy also startled Aya Hyuga.

She is even thinking now, how could this guy be so terrifying!

"Kaleidoscope Sharingan." Uchiha Kai put down his hand, and at the same time Uchiha Yu's eyes slowly closed.

In order to make this woman more honest and obedient, Uchiha Kei didn't mind showing her something interesting.

And in order to make this woman mentally prepared to cooperate with her future work, and at the same time to make her believe her words more, it is necessary to show her something.

I am afraid that the current Hyuga clan, especially the Hyuga clan at the same time as Uchiha Kai, will not know about Kaleidoscope Sharinyan. Uchiha Kai can also play more freely.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye..." Hyuga Aya murmured, "It's really scary, these eyes..."

"Of course, this is a higher form of Sharinyan." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"And the price to pay to get these eyes is very high. Once you get these eyes, even a **** can have the ability to kill Hokage. Of course, it means sneak attack."

"What do you mean, Baiyan also has a higher form?" Since everyone has already seen the kaleidoscope, how could Aya Hyuga couldn't think of what Kai Uchiha meant.

"And the higher form of white eyes is the key to getting rid of the caged bird?"

"Of course, I believe it very much." Uchiha Ki nodded solemnly.

"Otherwise, with your current eyes, how could you be ranked alongside Uchiha and Senju during the Warring States Period?

As for the saying that the family was separated during the Warring States Period, that is probably because the clan did not allow such eyes to appear in the family separation, but now..."

But now, the clan family doesn't necessarily have such eyes, so why should they cut off the idea of ​​splitting up the family!

Even if Kei Uchiha didn't continue talking, Aya Hyuga also realized what Kei Uchiha meant, and I have to say that Aya Hyuga was moved at this moment.

Aki Uchiha not only gave her a relatively credible reason, but also used his harvest to show it to himself. This step deepened some of Hyuga Aya's thoughts.

Since the Uchiha family can, why can't Hyuga, who is basically on a par with Uchiha?


"Didn't you say that even a **** can have the ability to kill Hokage, why are you okay?" Hyuga Aya suddenly thought of something: "Besides, with these eyes, aren't you excited?"

Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't answer the question, he slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment when he opened his eyes, the three hook jades had already formed one piece, and a pair of strange triangle-shaped diamonds slowly rotated in his eyes...


"Itachi, I heard that you went to find Qijun?"

In Uchiha Fugaku's room, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi sat opposite each other.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at his son sitting across from him calmly, but his heart was not peaceful.

Earlier, he received news that his son actually went to the security department to find Kai Uchiha, the boy who made him feel a little palpitated.

This information made Uchiha Fugaku very uncomfortable. The most important thing is that Uchiha Kai actually took Itachi into the forest for more than five minutes.

Obviously they said something, and even Uchiha Fuyue was extremely worried whether Uchiha Kai would take advantage of this time to do something to his son.

Five minutes is enough for a Uchiha with a kaleidoscope to make a change!

Uchiha Fuyue will not forget that Uchiha Kai cracked his illusion back then.

Even if he was really careless, Kei Uchiha really did it.

"Yes, father." Uchiha Itachi was very honest. Although he was a little scared, he remained calm.

"Mr. Qi is the teacher that my father arranged for me. Because I have a lot of doubts in my heart, I went to the teacher to answer them today."


Uchiha Fuyue sighed. He really regretted why he would say such a thing in front of his son in the first place. He knew his son's stubbornness.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Fuyue simply cheered up, he needs to know what Uchiha Kai said...

Or did he do something!

"What did he say to you?" Uchiha Fuyue calmed down: "Has he ever opened a writing wheel?"

"Writing round eye? No, why do you ask that?"

Itachi Uchiha didn't know what his father meant, but he continued: "I asked Mr. Kai, 'How does he view war as a war hero'."

How do you view war as a war hero?

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his son to ask such a question.

Seriously, Uchiha Fuyake can answer this question, but deep down in his heart he knows it.

This question has completely surpassed the understanding of Uchiha Itachi.

Ask some ordinary clansmen, even some masters who can participate in clan meetings, I am afraid they may not be able to answer such questions.

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Fuyue was already a little curious, and he asked with a little doubt: "So, how did Qi-jun answer."

"Mr. Qi said..." Uchiha Itachi hesitated for a moment, and finally said with the mentality of seeking proof: "Mr. Qi said that war is not independent, because war is another continuation of politics."

Uchiha Itachi didn't hide anything at all, he told everything he saw and heard after meeting with Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Fuyue listened quietly, but at this moment his heart was like a stormy sea!

Uchiha Kai, this kid, he actually saw through the essence of war?

He was able to break through his own position through hatred, through all kinds of entanglements and entanglements, and see clearly the true face of the so-called war!

Is this really a child born from a 'marginal family'?

Is this really just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child?

Suddenly, Uchiha Fuyue thought of what Uchiha Kai said to his son.

'Your position and vision are doomed that you can only see what you can see. ’

Indeed, his son is not qualified yet, but how many people in Konoha can break through such a pattern?

Could it be that this kid has positioned himself in a higher position from the beginning?

"Ambitious brat...." Uchiha Fugaku sighed, then he looked at Itachi: "So what do you think?"

"I don't know, Father." Itachi Uchiha lowered his head: "I have a hard time understanding Teacher Qi's words, and... Teacher Qi said that he doesn't recognize me now."

"You're too young, it's normal for him to deny you."

Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "Remember Qi-jun's words, but don't tell anyone else, including the child Shishui, you know?"

"I..." Uchiha Itachi opened his mouth, and finally he nodded: "I remember, my father."

Uchiha Fuyue knew that his child was very close to the child named Shisui, who seemed to be the descendant of Uchiha Kyou.

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, he knew that the child's talent was very good, but that child was carefully cultivated by the third elder.

The third elder is the one who advocates the peaceful treatment of Konoha by the head of the family. It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Fugaku did not prevent Itachi and Shisui from contacting the child, but Uchiha Fugaku can also guess what they think.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Just as Uchiha Fuyue was thinking, there was a knock on the door, and the sound made Uchiha Fuyue come back to his senses.

He smiled helplessly. As the patriarch and the head of the security department, he really didn't have much time, and he needed to be involved and responsible for all kinds of things.

Taking a look at his son, Uchiha Fuyue felt that today's events were enough.

Although he was a little uncomfortable, Uchiha Kai told Uchiha Itachi about these things so early.

But from another point of view, it seems to be okay to get in touch with these dark things earlier.

The only price is to bring some shadows to this sensitive child's childhood.

"Go on, remember what I said to you, and..."

Uchiha Fuyue paused for a while: "It is impossible for you to get Qi-kun's approval now, so don't go to him now.

Work hard, I hope you will grow up as soon as possible and get the approval of Qi Jun as soon as possible. "

"Yes, sir." Uchiha Itachi bowed deeply: "I will work hard to get Teacher Qi's approval as soon as possible."

After saying this, Uchiha Itachi got up and walked towards the door. When he opened the door, he found a ninja in black who didn't know him standing outside.

After this ninja in black bowed to Uchiha Itachi, he silently walked inside.

Uchiha Itachi looked at him quietly, he always felt the breath of this seemed a little cold.

Shaking his head, Itachi Uchiha felt like he was thinking too much He closed the door and turned around and walked towards his room. He needed to go back and think about what he heard today.

"Why are you here?" Uchiha Fuyue was a little surprised: "Shouldn't you be guarding the laboratory?"

Uchiha Fuyue was really surprised, because the person who came was the Uchiha Sect!

Uchiha Sect is his most loyal confidant, a ninja who was arranged as his subordinate when he was a boy and was carefully trained.

There are sixteen people like him, and they are all the people Uchiha Fuyue trusts most, and he is also the shadow of Uchiha Fuyue.

And now they're all on a mission, a very important mission, and they shouldn't be here.

"Master Patriarch."

Uchiha Zong calmly walked in front of Uchiha Fuyue, and suddenly he knelt on the ground with double lacquer, and at the same time took out a hand and pressed it against his abdomen.

"Lord Patriarch, this subordinate has made a huge mistake. My subordinate hopes that the patriarch will give me death so that the plan of the patriarch will not be affected."

"Wrong?" Uchiha Fuyue frowned, he suddenly felt that today was really not a peaceful day...



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