Chapter 181: ?letter

At dusk, in a small room in the Uchiha clan, all the elites of the Uchiha clan are gathered here.

Uchiha Kai sat in a very front position, he closed his eyes and didn't say a word.

This position was arranged by Uchiha Fugaku, and the Uchiha clan really didn't mean much to him.

Unless some guy's words affect his plan, or if necessary, he needs to protect the patriarch of Uchiha Fuyue, otherwise he will never open his mouth easily.

The elite ninjas participating in the clan also seem to be aware of this, so they will never provoke Kei Uchiha easily, not to mention that they also know Kei Uchiha's position.

This kid, Uchiha Kai, is completely in the camp of the patriarch.

His attitudes, practices and expressions are completely dependent on Uchiha Fugaku.

They actually don't like Uchiha Kai very much, because Uchiha Fugaku's position can be swayed from side to side!

This also represents the position of Uchiha Kai, which can produce huge changes following the changes of Uchiha Fugaku.

It's just that I don't like Gui or I don't like it. No one can say that this kid's choice was wrong.

Because the benefits that Uchiha Kai received during this period of time really made countless people jealous.

Almost everything Uchiha Fuyue won became his, and he relied on his own strength and Uchiha Fuyue's support to quickly turn a detachment of the security department into a place that completely listened to his own words!

The influence of this kid within the family is also increasing day by day. It can be said that this kid is completely incomparable compared to the one who just came down from the battlefield half a year ago.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for luck that I opened the writing wheel, and I opened my eyes, it would be Sangouyu..."

There are quite a few such emotions in the clan, especially in this room, but Uchiha Kai didn't take these emotions into his eyes at all.

He sat there quietly, thinking about other things in his mind.

One is Aya Hyuga, and the other is Osamu Uchiha.

Kai Uchiha deliberately showed Yuchi Uchiha's kaleidoscope, and sure enough, Aya Hyuga also had the idea of ​​'Uchiha can, why can't Hyuga'.

Two families that have been entangled with each other since the Warring States Period, if there is really no future path to take.

So why did it survive from the huge meat grinder in the Warring States Period to this day?

And Uchiha Kai also gave Hyuga Aya a huge shock!

Aya Hyuga finally understands why Yuchi Uchiha has become what he is now, and why Uchiha Kai has such eyes and is not greedy.

Because Kai Uchiha himself has such eyes, and how can other people's eyes have their own eyes?

Although Uchiha Kai's eyes are not like Uchiha Yu's, his breath is surging like a beast that has always been dangerous.

But that suffocating feeling made Aya Hyuga understand one thing.

That is, if Kai Uchiha wants to, then she doesn't even know how she died!

Kei Uchiha is very satisfied with Aya Hyuga's attitude. What he wants is such an effect, and he just wants Aya Hyuga to realize this.

Let her understand that the cooperation between them can be equal, but only if she is honest enough, otherwise Kai Uchiha has enough ability to overturn all this!

Kei Uchiha had basically achieved her goal, and Aya Hyuga was also very sensible. She didn't ask too many questions about these eyes.

And Uchiha Kei can also see that, I am afraid that this woman also believes in Uchiha Kei's words even more, that is, 'Hinata also has similar eyes'!

However, it takes time to investigate, and it also needs to learn from the experience of Uchiha Kai.

And the premise of all this is that Aya Hyuga will not have any problems and will continue to show the value that she should have.

Aya Hyuga's problem is over here for the time being, and the follow-up development is up to Kei Uchiha to decide.

The trip to the moon can be mentioned in the future. If a passage is found, it is not a problem to go once—provided that the large bamboo on the moon is basically dead.

If this woman can get rid of the caged bird through the journey to the moon, then Uchiha has fulfilled his promise. If not, then there is no way to blame Uchiha.

As for Tenseisen, Kai Uchiha never thought of letting this woman get it!

Those eyes are of the same level as the Samsara Eye. Kai Uchiha is still having a headache for the Eternal Eye. He can't even think about the Samsara Eye for the time being.

In the high-end eyes, it seems that Tenseisen is slightly more difficult to get.

Because as long as there is the right way and the right time, the giant eyeball on the moon is the best material!

The low-end looks at the eyes, and the mid-to-high end is all about the world of Sharonyan, but when it comes to the top, the two pairs of eyes are the same.

"Baiyan suffers because it doesn't work much in the mid-to-high-end time period, and the writing wheel eye is powerful and practical along the way, in addition to upgrading."

Kai Uchiha thought of this question more than once: "And at the top, the promotion method of Samsara Eye is too harsh, and Tenseikan... just depends on luck."

It's not good to dwell on these issues too much. The road has to be taken step by step, and things have to come step by step.

The most important thing for Uchiha Kai right now is to get Uchiha Xiu done.

This is his most important task at the moment, and Uchiha Kai has already decided the time to start.

The situation of the Uchiha Sect guy was exactly as Uchiha Kai had expected.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't do anything to him, after all, he was his most loyal confidant, and Uchiha Kai also gave him a step up.

Therefore, later that day, Uchiha Kei also saw this guy, and this guy's behavior and attitude became very good, exactly what Uchiha Kei expected.

A tool man has to look like a tool man, Uchiha doesn't need to win him over, so he doesn't need to have ideas, he just needs to obey orders.

And the first order he completed after he completely changed his attitude was also very efficient, and Yuchi Uchiha's manuscript also fell into the hands of Uchiha Kai that night.

With this manuscript, Uchiha Kai can completely forge a note from Uchiha Yu.

However, it will take some time to forge the notes. After all, some of Uchiha's tone and some wording techniques need to be carefully looked at.

This was something that was used to deceive Osamu Uchiha, and he didn't want to be seen through casually.

As for the Uchiha Sect guy, Uchiha Ki also gave him a second order. After all, there are many things that Uchiha can't do.

"I need some special materials, or drugs." Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Sect coldly.

"Things that can keep the corpse alive and prevent it from corrupting, the sooner the better. Also, go ask the patriarch if the last medicine is still available."

"Yes, Lord Qi, I will solve the problem within two days."

Uchiha's current attitude is very playful, and he is simply a template for playful subordinates.

It can be seen that Uchiha Tomiya really told him a lot of things, and his attitude made Uchiha Kei also more and more satisfied.

The materials that Hyuga Aya needs, Uchiha Kei can't get, because Uchiha Kei doesn't know anyone in this area.

Uchihazong is the kind of person who walks in the dark all the year round, and he knows more of the "rat in the gutter".

After dealing with all these messes, Kai Uchiha also spent some time studying Yuji Uchiha's manuscript.

After careful reference to his words and expressions of tone, Uchiha Kai also used a writing wheel to imitate a letter.

And this letter is now on Uchiha Kai's body. When the clan meeting is over, Uchiha Kai will let this forged letter appear in Uchiha Osamu's hand.

This time the clan meeting was similar to usual, it was announced at about ten o'clock in the evening, and this clan meeting was essentially a confrontation between Uchiha Fuyue and the Great Elder.

However, it is difficult for such a clan to have some substantive content, and most of them are disputes and compromises between the two sides for some interests.

From time to time, those pacifists will also stand up and join in, and more often these pacifists remain silent.

Because this matter is also beneficial to them. In their opinion, the struggle between Uchiha Fuyue and the Great Elder is actually more of a struggle for the rights of both parties.

This is a battle that has nothing to do with factions, it's purely a battle for power, so they, the peace faction, are very simply a matter of fact.

In the case of irrelevant positions, they will also find ways to expand their influence and rights.

Although this approach may arouse dissatisfaction from the other two parties, they believe that as long as they don't go too far, it's fine.

It has to be said that a big family is actually a shrinking furnace.

The wonderful things here are only what you can't think of, and there's nothing they can't do.

Leaving the venue, Uchiha Ki gave Uchiha Fuyue a look, Uchiha Fuyue was stunned, and then seemed to understand what he meant.

Nodding, Uchiha Fuyue made a gesture to Uchiha Kai and then got up and left.

And Uchiha Kai immediately caught up with Uchiha Osamu, who had already left.

Tonight is a good time to do it. As the date of the Fourth Hokage election gets closer and closer, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to do it in the future.

The three generations of Hokage will not give up power, and it will be a difficult time for the fourth generation to come to power.

At that time, maybe the third generation and other high-level executives will once again strengthen the supervision of Uchiha.

And if you want real comfort, you need to continue to invest in the fourth generation.

Ideally, the four generations of Hokage can be used as a medium to open the channel for the future promotion of the Uchiha family.

This is in line with Uchiha Fugaku's idea, and also in line with Uchiha Kai's ideas, so they have to make some "difficult decisions".

"Uchiha Osamu." Uchiha Kai kept up with Uchiha Osamu, his face was still calm and indifferent.

"Ki-kun?" Uchiha Osamu still maintained his good quality. He smiled slightly: "I don't know if Qi-kun has anything to ask me for?"

"I feel it is necessary to let you know about some things." Uchiha Qi handed the letter to Uchiha Osamu: "I have read Lei Rong, I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't know if this letter is true or not. of."

"Letter?" Uchiha Osamu frowned, he took the letter and read it.

Just very soon, the expression on his face became a little grim...


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